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A few hours before the bankruptcy, musk and Tesla do? ,

A few hours before the bankruptcy, musk and Tesla do? ,(再过几个小时就要破产,马斯克和特斯拉怎么办?,)



A few hours before the bankruptcy, musk and Tesla do? -Thomas g, Tesla, SpaceX-IT information

IT information note: this selected works are since musk biography, iron man in Silicon Valley: ailong·masike adventure of life

In 2008, SpaceX launched successfully

SpaceX are not assigned any mission just completed an emission performance of fact does not reduce employees ' enthusiasm. When the rocket soaring, employees at the SpaceX headquarters erupted into enthusiastic cheers. Each milestone of the next-to leave the island, engine check feedback show everything is normal-are accompanied by an ecstatic whistles and cheers. After the level arrows from, two arrows start flying after 90 seconds later, staff completely lost in Ecstasy, whole Studio network they are shouting. "Too perfect. "A spokesman exclaimed, two-stage rocket engine" Kestrel "glowing red, started up to 6 minutes of burning. "When the burn is finished, my knees finally stopped shaking, I felt I could breathe again. "McClaughry said.

Cowling opened about 3 minutes after launch and fell back to the ground. Finally, in 9 minutes after the journey, "Falcon 1th" stopped working as planned, the world's first privately built rocket completed the feat, went into orbit. 500 people spent 6 more years than musk-originally planned for 4.5 years, succeeded in creating the modern miracle of science and business.

In order to distract yourself and relieve a lot of pressure on the launch day of musk and brother Guimbal went to Disney and the children. Then, to make the 4 o'clock in the afternoon launch, musk rushed company, entered until two minutes before the launch of SpaceX's control room. "After the successful launch, everyone shed tears of emotion," Kimbarl said, "it was the most exciting day of my life. "Musk walked out of the room, in the hallways of the factory was welcomed like a rock star.

"That feels so good," musk said, "there are many people who say that we will not succeed, and indeed is to many, many people, but even they say, ' sum fate does not oppose and fourth overall success, isn't it? Complete feat this handful of countries in the world, this project is usually done by the State, rather than a company ... ... My brain is a bit confusing, I can't say anything, but, Oh my! This is definitely the best day of my life! I think most people here think so. We told everyone that we did it! This is only first step in our plan to come ... ... I don't know how to celebrate tonight, but I'm going to have a big party ... ... "then Mali·beisi·bulang patted Mr MASKEY's shoulder, pulling him to another meeting.

After-party after the end of the passion and joy from the victory fading, volume of soil is SpaceX the financial crisis should not be underestimated. SpaceX's "Falcon 9th" has received more support, and another plan to transport supplies the international space station in the future, or even one day can put a man into space "Dragon" spacecraft also obtained production license. Based on past experience, that any of the project's cost at more than $ 1 billion, but SpaceX had to find ways to use fraction of less than US $ 1 billion to complete two projects. While the company's salary increased, and moved to Headquarters in Hawthorne, California. SpaceX has signed a commercial contract for the Malaysia Government to launch a satellite, but launch and the payments are to complete by mid-2009. Prior to this, SpaceX are struggling in order to pay staff salaries.

Media is not clear how the economic situation of musk, but Tesla's clear precarious financial situation, and daily to make fun of entertainment delight in its precarious financial situation. "The vehicle of the truth" ( site was opened in May 2008 the "Countdown to Tesla's death" (Tesla Death Watch) column and published a series of articles. Bowen denied musk is the founder of the company, described him as a genius engineer aibohade stole Tesla's investors and the Chairman. When aibohade on the blog talking about the Tesla customers advantages and disadvantages when obtained strong support from this site.

United Kingdom car TV show top (Top Gear) to award Tesla to pieces, making it look as if you haven't hit the road has no electricity. "People like to see the same concern ' countdown to Tesla's death ', but that's actually very cruel," jinbaer·masike said, "one day, even at the same time there are 50 articles about how Tesla death article. ”

Shortly thereafter, in October 2008 (SpaceX launched successfully after a few weeks), "Silicon Valley gossip" reappearance. Thomas g replace Drori was it irony as Tesla CEO, on the grounds that it believes musk's success in the past just because of luck. Shortly thereafter it made a Tesla employee a message addressed to the general public. This article reports that Tesla has just experienced a round of job losses, closed its Office in Detroit and the funding of only $ 9 million in the Bank. "We have more than 1 200 orders, meaning that all we got from customers tens of millions of dollars in cash being frittered away," said Tesla employee wrote, "at the same time, we only produce less than 50 vehicles. In fact, once I convinced a friend to spend $ 60,000 to buy Tesla, I cannot in good conscience be a bystander, allowed my company to continue to deceive the masses and dear customer. Tesla to be surrounded by all because of these customers and the public that they should not be deceived. ”

Yes, most of the negative attention is the Tesla should have to bear. Musk felt, 2008 people's hostility towards bankers and the wealthy will he become a target. "I was in were pistols took turns strafing," musk said, "there are many people of Schadenfreude, which is very bad for me in every way. Justin through the media to torment me, always Tesla negative reports in the media, as well as reports of SpaceX launch failure for the third time, which for me is a lot of damage, I have serious doubts about their lives anymore, cars anymore he is going through divorce proceedings, and all of this. I felt nothing. I think we can't go. I think maybe it is all over. ”

When musk when browsing the SpaceX and Tesla's finances, found that only one company a chance to survive. "I can only select one of SpaceX and Tesla, or put money into two halves," musk said, "this is a difficult decision. If I separate the funds, both companies couldn't survive. If all funds to one of the companies, its probability of survival will be higher, but it also means that another company is sure to fail. I tossed and turned thinking for a long time. " Just when Thomas g puzzle, United States economic conditions deteriorated sharply, musk's financial situation to become more difficult. And when in 2008 when coming to an end, Mr MASKEY ran out of money.

L ' Oréal started musk's life as a Shakespearean tragedy. Sometimes g will open up to her, but sometimes he retreated to his own world. L ' Oréal will secretly see musk read e-mail when you receive bad news, he'll face sad. "You would see him in my mind and their dialogue," l ' Oréal says, "seeing someone you love suffering is painful. "Because working long hours and irregular meals, musk body weight goes up and down. Began to appear the following bags under his eyes, his face looks like it's been through a long marathon exhausted athletes.

"He looks like death," Nell Gwynne said, "I think this guy died of a heart attack, he looks like a hovering on the brink of death. "Mr MASKEY often screaming nightmares and woke up in the middle. "He is suffering physical suffering," Nell Gwynne said, "he will be sleeping cases, crawl into my body began to scream. "The couple must have to borrow money from friends score musk, l ' Oréal's parents are willing to mortgage their house again. Musk is no longer used his private jet to and from Los Angeles and the Silicon Valley, he began by Southwest Airlines. (United States budget airlines. )

Due to spend about $ 4 million each month, Tesla needs to complete a new round of financing to be able to survive in 2008. In order to give employees paid weekly salary, musk only while dealing and investors turn to friends. He asked every friend he thought possible squeezed out a little money issued a sincere request. Bier·Li invested $ 2 million in Tesla, Sergey Brin invested $ 500,000. "Many Tesla employees in order to help keep the company running out of money," Tesla's Vice President of business diermide·AO, Cornell (Diarmuid O'Connell) said, "they become investors, but at the time, which is there is no return of $ 25000, 50000 dollars. Like is going to die, and everything destroyed. ”

Guimbal lost most of their assets in the financial crisis, but he sold his remaining property to invest in Tesla. Kimbarl said, "I was about to go bankrupt. "To purchase Tesla Roadster customers received advances, Mr tusk needs the money to keep the company going, but soon run out of these funds. This financial strategy is worrying the Guimbal, "I believe Andy Herron will be able to make everything on track, but he did jail time risk misappropriation of another person's property. ”

In December 2008, Mr MASKEY also launched several initiatives to try to save his company. He heard a rumor that NASA is about to sign a supply contract for the international space station, and SpaceX as the fourth launch successfully, so you can win this allegedly more than US $ 1 billion contract. Musk used contacts in advance in Washington, found SpaceX may be the top candidate of this contract. So he at all trying to persuade us that the company has sufficient capacity to overcome difficulties, the capsule into the international space station.

Tesla and musk can once again to request the existing investors, hoping that they can on Christmas Eve to raise money to avoid collapse. In order to give investors a little more confidence, Thomas g whatever it takes will be left of their property and funds into the company. Get NASA's permission, he borrowed a sum of money from the SpaceX Tesla. He was trying to sell in the secondary market SolarCity solar energy installation company shares on their hands. He also Dell tried to buy one by his cousin was founded, their involvement in investment data center software company Everdream earned 15 million US dollars. "It sounds like the matrix," musk talks about his financial policy, said that "Everdream this deal saved my business. ”

Musk himself has raised nearly $ 20 million, and Tesla's investors-investment-because there are no new customers are willing to put up the same amount of money. Investors agreed to his request. On December 3, 2008, when they are in this round of funding instrument when final confirmation, musk has found a problem. VC VantagePoint Capital signed all the documents, but there is no sign on the most important page. Musk call co-founder and Manager of VantagePoint ailun·saerziman (Alan Salzmann) for information. Salzman answered some questions for this round of financing, because they reduce the valuation of the Tesla.

"So I said, I have a good idea. Fate I have bet on it, I'm really hard to raise money. Now only enough money in the Bank to pay next week's salary. So unless you have any other idea, can you please put what you think a reasonable amount of money, or try to pass this round of financing in order to avoid corporate bankruptcy? "Salzman hesitated, so he let musk at 7 in the morning to directly to the executives of the company next week. Wait a week, musk requests go to the next day, but Salzman refused his request, musk can continue to live on credit. "Salzman is the sole cause of the meeting in his Office, he wanted me to kneel down to beg him for money, and he can be cocky to me saying ' no '," musk said, "what a jerk. ”

VantagePoint declined to discuss the matter, but musk said, Salzman's trick is to collapse the Tesla, make it go bankrupt. Investment company wanted to expel Thomas g Tesla, restructuring assets, make yourself a Tesla's largest shareholder. Then they sold the company to Detroit's automakers or on sales of electronic power transmission system and battery pack, rather than what made electric cars. "VantagePoint forced a more expansive dreams of entrepreneurs to swallow, give up your dream," Draper Fisher Jurvetson (Draper Fisher Jurvetson) Tesla investors and partners of shidifu·youerweisong (Steve Jurvetson) said, "maybe they used used son force CEO to give, but Andy Herron did not eat it. ”

Instead, musk took a big risk. Tesla will be fundraising from shareholders ' equity to debt financing, because VantagePoint does not interfere with debt financing. But what is difficult is, such as Draper Fisher Jurvetson venture capital firm does not carry out debt financing transactions, for a company could collapse within days to convince investors and banks to change investment strategies is a very difficult task. Understands the rules of the game, musk decided to bluff. He told investors that he can borrow $ 40 million from the SpaceX again to finish this round of financing. His strategy worked. "If the opportunity becomes scarce, so naturally, people become greedy and are more interested in," youerweisong said, "it also make it easier for us to return to the company saying, ' now this is the case, vote or not to vote? "This round of financing finalized on Christmas Eve, and then several hours later Tesla may have to declare bankruptcy. When Mr MASKEY got hundreds of thousands of dollars, even unable to pay employees the next day. Finally, Mr MASKEY has contributed 12 million dollars for this round of financing, the rest of the parts provided by the investment company. Salzman, musk said, "he should be ashamed of regret. ”

Meanwhile, in SpaceX, musk and executives spent December in a panic. According to media reports, NASA contract number one contender SpaceX suddenly lost the space agency's favor. Had almost become SpaceX co-founder Michael Griffin became NASA's new boss, began to target the Thomas g. Griffin does not care about musk's aggressive business strategy, he believes musk walking behaviors incompatible with business ethics. Others guess Griffin is jealous of musk, SpaceX.

However, on December 23, 2008, SpaceX has received a great deal of good news. NASA workers continue to give Griffin and eventually helped SpaceX to be suppliers of the international space station. SpaceX has received payments of us $ 1.6 billion, as the cost of transport of 12 for the international space station. Musk is in Boulder, Colorado on vacation and Guimbal, heard that SpaceX and Tesla well and the musk cried excitedly. "Before I even have the opportunity to buy a Christmas present for da dew," musk said, "I ran to the streets of Boulder, just a store that sells assorted gadgets is still on, but it will soon close. Where can I find the best thing is the plastic monkeys and coconuts-those three monkeys (the three monkeys, a covered his eyes, just cover your ears, cover your mouth). ”

Gracias, 2008 allowing him to fully understand the character of musk. He saw an unarmed came to the United States to fight, losing a child, by a reporter and ex-wife in the media shame, the exhaustion of all men of the company is in bankruptcy.

"He is harder than anyone I know, and able to withstand more pressure," Gracias, "says he suffered in 2008 might have let the others collapse. He survived, and continued to focus on his work. "Still focus on the ability to work in a crisis to musk in other managers and apart. "Most of those who have experienced that kind of pressure back," Gracias, "said they will be making mistakes. But musk has become more rational, and still able to make clear and far-sighted decisions. More pressure, he did better. Anyone who has seen everything he experienced with respect to him. I have never met a man more determined than he. ”

再过几个小时就要破产,马斯克和特斯拉怎么办? - 马斯克,特斯拉,SpaceX - IT资讯








媒体不清楚马斯克的经济状况如何,但是他们对特斯拉岌岌可危的财政状况一清二楚,并以每日取笑消遣它不稳定的财务状况为乐。“汽车真相”(网站于2008年5月开设了一个名为“特斯拉死亡倒计时”(Tesla Death Watch)的栏目,并且发布了一系列文章。这些博文拒绝承认马斯克是公司的创始人,将他描述为从天才工程师艾伯哈德手中偷走了特斯拉的投资人兼董事长。当艾伯哈德在博客上谈论成为特斯拉顾客的利与弊时,得到了这个网站的大力支持。

英国著名汽车电视节目《最高档》(Top Gear)将特斯拉批得一无是处,使它看上去好像还没上路就已经没电了。“人们像是看笑话一样关注‘特斯拉死亡倒计时’,但那其实非常残酷,”金巴尔·马斯克说,“有一天甚至同时出现了50篇谈论特斯拉会如何灭亡的文章。”

紧接着,2008年10月(SpaceX发射成功后几周),“硅谷八卦”重出江湖。它首讽了马斯克代替德罗里正式出任特斯拉CEO,理由是它认为马斯克过去的成功仅仅是因为好运。紧接着它发表了特斯拉的一位员工写给广大民众的一封邮件。这篇报道称特斯拉刚经历一轮裁员风波,关闭了其在底特律的办公室,并且银行里只剩下900万美元的资金。“我们有超过1 200份订单,这意味我们从顾客手里拿到的几千万现金全都被挥霍一空,”这名特斯拉员工写道,“同时,我们只交出了不到50辆车。事实上,我曾经说服了一位好友花6万美元购买特斯拉,我无法昧着良心做一个旁观者,任由我的公司继续欺骗广大群众和亲爱的顾客。特斯拉能够被簇拥都是因为这些顾客和群众,他们不应该被欺骗。”





由于每个月要花费400万美元左右,特斯拉需要完成新一轮融资才能够在2008年存活下来。为了给员工们支付每周的薪水,马斯克只能在和投资人周旋的同时求助朋友。他向每一个他想到的可能挤出一点钱的朋友发出了真诚的请求。比尔·李给特斯拉投资了200万美元,谢尔盖·布林也投资了50万美元。“许多特斯拉员工都为了帮助维持公司运转出了钱,”特斯拉的业务副总裁迪尔米德·奥康奈尔(Diarmuid O’Connell)说,“他们最终都变成了投资人,但在当时,这些就是有去无回的25000美元或50000美元。当时就像是要完蛋了,一切都要被毁灭了。”




马斯克自己筹集了近2000万美元,并要求特斯拉现有的投资人—因为没有新客户愿意投资—也拿出同样多的资金。投资者们答应了他的要求。2008年12月3日,当他们在进行这轮融资的文书最终确认时,马斯克却发现了一个问题。创投机构VantagePoint Capital签署了所有的文件,但却没有在最重要的一页签字。马斯克立即致电VantagePoint的联合创始人及管理者艾伦·萨尔兹曼(Alan Salzmann)询问情况。萨尔兹曼回答公司对这轮融资有些疑问,因为他们降低了对特斯拉的估值。


VantagePoint拒绝谈论这件事,但据马斯克说,萨尔兹曼的计策是为了瓦解特斯拉,使之破产。投资公司想要将马斯克驱逐出特斯拉,重组资产,让自己成为特斯拉的最大股东。接着他们就可以将公司卖给底特律的汽车制造商或者专注销售电子动力传动系统和电池组,而不是造什么电动汽车。“VantagePoint在逼迫一个怀有更广阔梦想的创业者忍气吞声、放弃梦想,”德丰杰(Draper Fisher Jurvetson)的合伙人及特斯拉投资人史蒂夫·尤尔韦松(Steve Jurvetson)说,“也许他们习惯了用这招儿逼CEO屈服,但埃隆不吃这一套。”






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