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published in(发表于) 2016/5/12 7:15:14 Edit(编辑)
Qihoo 360 sogou input method of unfair competition litigation: claims 10 million Yuan

Qihoo 360 sogou input method of unfair competition litigation: claims 10 million Yuan(奇虎360诉搜狗输入法不正当竞争:索赔1000万元,)



Qihoo 360 sogou input method of unfair competition litigation: claims 10 million Yuan-qihoo 360, sogou, 360-IT information

IT information news on May 12, this morning, informed the Court of Haidian District in Beijing qihoo 360 to prosecute dog found a case of unfair competition. Sogou input method was seen in the 360 search products, induced by users unknowingly click on the word, entering the sogou search results page, cause user confusion, constitute unfair competition, Beijing Powerline Technology Limited Beijing sogou information services limited to court, to stop acts of unfair competition, an apology and compensation for economic loss and reasonable costs, eliminating the effects of 10 million Yuan.

Beijing qihoo, Ltd claims, which is 360 search, 360 browser product for the right person, 360 search, as the plaintiff's key product, the user enjoys a good reputation and high visibility. Beijing sogou information services limited is the copyright owner of sogou input method, sogou search site's owners and operators, have a competitive relationship between the parties.

Plaintiff has discovered, 360 search, sogou input method used in the plaintiff's product when you enter keywords, sogou input method induces users to click on the word, confusion allows the user to enter sogou search results page.

Plaintiffs believe that the defendants ' actions caused users to search sources of confusion, hijacked a lot of traffic from the plaintiffs, improper competition, reduced by 360 search engine business opportunities, constitute unfair competition, so access to the courts.

At present, the case is under further investigation.

Review: 360 with search dogs and enmity

Last November, Beijing intellectual property Court the began in 2013 "sogou suing 360 unfair competition" Court of Final Appeal ruled that 360 due to malicious mislead the user, damage the goodwill sogou, a judgment against 360

In November 2013, qihoo 360 has publicly indicated that "search dog browser may lead to information disclosure" and 360 security guards official micro-blog and 360 safe means such as pop-up messages transmitted to the user. In this regard, the search dog access to the courts.

On February 5, 2015, the Court made a first-instance judgment, found the dog said 360 is not a problem and that 360 is maliciously misleading users, damage the goodwill sogou, judgment against 360.

Judgment of the second instance, the Court decision 360 behavior is unfair competition, contrary to recognized business ethics, and make compensation according to law.

奇虎360诉搜狗输入法不正当竞争:索赔1000万元 - 奇虎360,搜狗,360 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 5月12日消息,今天上午,北京海淀法院通报了奇虎360起诉搜狗不正当竞争一案。因认为搜狗输入法在360搜索产品中,诱导用户在不知情的情况下点击候选词进入搜狗搜索结果页面,造成用户混淆,构成不正当竞争,北京奇虎科技有限公司将北京搜狗信息服务有限公司诉至法院,要求其停止不正当竞争行为、赔礼道歉、消除影响并赔偿经济损失和合理费用1000万元。










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