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published in(发表于) 2016/5/12 7:14:52 Edit(编辑)
NET exposure Zhang Xuyang Bank Executive to become Vice President of Baidu,

NET exposure Zhang Xuyang Bank Executive to become Vice President of Baidu,(网曝光大银行高管张旭阳将出任百度副总裁,)



NET exposure Zhang Xuyang Bank Executive to become Vice President of Baidu-Baidu finance, Internet financial-IT information

IT information news on May 12, according to a new network news, General Manager of the asset management Department of China Everbright Bank Zhang Xuyang has submitted his resignation, and will join the company, as the post of Vice President, responsible for Baidu finance-related business.

Select joined Baidu Baidu tough times, Zhang Xuyang is a challenge. Current main business of Baidu financial payments, consumer finance, corporate lending, credit, finance and banking, insurance, but overall flat, unlike Ali, its progress compared to a large gap in the financial arena.

Recent incident of Wei Zexi was at the forefront of public opinion by Baidu, forward deployment of the joint investigation team for Baidu Baidu puts the car, and in the case of medical advertisements have to continue, Baidu also needs more profound changes, financial area of Baidu is focused on layout.

Public information, Zhang Xuyang in China Everbright Bank for 19 years at a time. Since 2004 responsible for China Everbright bank financial products, derivatives and structured product development, designing, trading and management; General Manager of retail business, in August 2009, for China Everbright Bank personal banking, wealth management, private banking in May 2013, China Everbright Bank wealth management center upgrade for the asset management Department, Zhang Xuyang ren, General Manager of asset management, no longer serve as General Manager of the retail division.

网曝光大银行高管张旭阳将出任百度副总裁 - 百度金融,互联网金融 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 5月12日消息,据财新网消息,光大银行资产管理部总经理张旭阳已经提交辞呈,并且将加盟百度,出任副总裁一职,负责百度金融相关业务。




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