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published in(发表于) 2016/5/11 7:26:36 Edit(编辑)
Wretched Otaku has a weak explosion: Japan Otaku life is against the natural,

Wretched Otaku has a weak explosion: Japan Otaku life is against the natural,(猥琐宅男已弱爆:日本宅女生活才叫逆天,)



Wretched Otaku has a weak explosion: Japan Otaku life is against the natural-nerd, rot women, home girls, the second element-IT information

We've all heard that Japan petty nerd, but Japan now has more and more girls are joining the animation field of painting. The female House lived the kind of life? Through the lens photographers to promote their interests and hobbies the complete record. Japan photographer "the history of weaving" and select the camera to them, he chose 50 Japan Otaku, and after permission to shoot their home, eventually forming a photo album of the fall flat, the.

At first glance, seem to be this album, but a closer look at covering the cartoon fans, video games fans, railway model fans, film buffs, doll fans and groupies and other areas of "Otaku" room. We can see from these photos, Japan Otaku room in "complex" level, but no less than men, even greatly surpassing the momentum!

Photographers said that most of these women's true identity is cartoonist, Idol, MODEL, designer, artist, and so on, they have in common is that "home"! After work to have a their own little world, which is a coveted thing.

猥琐宅男已弱爆:日本宅女生活才叫逆天 - 宅男,腐女,宅女,二次元 - IT资讯




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