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published in(发表于) 2016/5/11 7:26:15 Edit(编辑)
Supply chain risk: global Smartphone industry worse than imagining Apple not weak hard,

Supply chain risk: global Smartphone industry worse than imagining Apple not weak hard,(供应链危机:全球智能手机业比想象更糟,苹果不疲软也难,)



Supply chain risk: global Smartphone industry worse than imagining Apple not weak hard-Apple and Foxconn, millet-IT information

On May 11, according to foreign reports, Apple released a disappointing after the previous quarter earnings, investors have started to pay close attention to the changes in the Smartphone industry. Asian suppliers provide latest information shows that the smart phone industry will face worse than expected.

Smartphone OEM and accessory suppliers in Asia have recently released earnings. Their results show that smartphone makers will face difficulties in the future.

OEM Apple iPhone he Shuo said company profits is not up to expectations, and in April of this year revenues fell by 16%. Remove from heshuo, provide backlight for iPhone Japan manufacturer Minebea, previously issued revenue and net profit figures were not up to my expectations. For Apple and other smartphone manufacturers to provide a display of Japan display (Japan Display) indicates that, due to performance degradation very quickly, there will be a deficit in this fiscal year and the company terminated originally promised dividends to its shareholders. In addition, as analysts warned Lenovo facing increased competitive pressure, the company's share price has hit a four-year low.

Asian parts suppliers in the supply chain of the front end, so they usually reflect the performance of Apple, Samsung and millet and other smartphone makers ' future performance. Apple's second-quarter financial data at the end of March has shown that global demand for the Smartphone market is deteriorating, resulting in the company's quarterly revenue fell 13 per cent for the first time in years. Now, some companies may face triple revenue decline, market share battle fiercely, price competition is increasing.

Analysts at KGI securities in Taipei, said lichade·Guo, "Smartphone industry will continue to slow this year. Competition will become fiercer and product prices will continue to decline. ”

Outlook bleak

He Shuo counterparts a bleak financial data just show that since its 2007 launch of the first generation of Apple iPhone, the Smartphone market will be faced with the worst rate of expansion. Bleak currently in the Smartphone market has been reflected in the Chinese market. In the Chinese market, smartphones are no longer a novelty, the vast majority of brands looking to low-end products, and such users do not like Apple and Samsung high-end product users regular replacement of mobile phones.

Contract manufacturing for Sony, Lenovo and millet Smartphone Fu Zhikang (FIH Mobile Limited, listed subsidiary Foxconn in Hong Kong) is now expected, this year may go to work in fiscal year without charge. Fu Zhikang three customer Smartphone shipments in the first quarter showed a downward trend. Although the world's largest smart phone makers Samsung Electronics through the early release of more profitable new phones boost mobile phones businesses profit, but the company still warned investors, market demand is showing signs of weakness.

Japan display shares fell up to 4.3% on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Wednesday. Under the influence of Apple equipment shipments in April fell 8.5%, Hon Hai precision industry fell by 1.9%.

Last month, the world's largest contract chip maker TSMC has cut demand for the company's Smartphone predictions. Bloomberg figures show, TSMC's major clients include Apple, Qualcomm and Huawei.

Of course, not all forecasts are currently be gloomy. Industry remain upbeat on Smartphone in India and other developing markets demand, because these countries still do not use the high-speed 4G technology, which will promote the sales of smartphones. TSMC said last month, a faster, more powerful midrange Smartphone, will motivate buyers in emerging markets focused on cost savings.

The next important nodes will appear in the Smartphone industry around September this year, when Apple will release a new generation of iPhone mobile phones. Apple chose this time to launch a new product, usually in order to stimulate sales in the holiday shopping season, vendors, and other accessories to a microprocessor vendors provide some comfort.

Of course, until that moment still need at least 4 months. Sanford c. Bernstein & Co. analyst Mark Li (Mark Li) says, "Although the smart-phone market slowing trend has made it quite clear, but deterioration may be not as bad as feared. ”

供应链危机:全球智能手机业比想象更糟,苹果不疲软也难 - 苹果,富士康,小米 - IT资讯



苹果代工生产iPhone的和硕表示,公司利润未达预期,且今年4月的营收同比下滑了16%。除去和硕之外,为iPhone提供背光模组的日本制造商Minebea,此前发布的营收和净利润数据均未达自己的预期。为苹果和其他智能手机厂商提供显示屏的日本显示器(Japan Display)则表示,由于业绩恶化的非常快,该公司本财年将出现亏损并终止原本向股东承诺的派息。此外,由于分析师警告联想集团面临的竞争压力将不断加大,该公司股价已创出了四年新低。





为索尼、联想集团和小米代工制造智能手机的富智康(FIH Mobile Limited,富士康在香港的上市子公司)当前预计,该公司今年上班财年的可能会颗粒无收。富智康的三大客户第一季度的智能手机出货量均呈下跌之势。虽然全球最大的智能手机制造商三星电子通过早期发布盈利性更强的新款手机提振了手机业务的利润,但这家公司依旧警告投资人,市场需求出现了疲软的迹象。





当然,要等到那一时刻仍需要至少4个月时间。Sanford C. Bernstein & Co.分析师马克·黎(Mark Li)表示,“虽然智能手机市场减速趋势已相当明确,但恶化程度可能没有人们担心的那样糟糕。”

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