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published in(发表于) 2016/5/11 7:25:40 Edit(编辑)
Old Mac computer plastic yellow do? , Up to teaching,

Old Mac computer plastic yellow do? , Up to teaching,(老古董Mac电脑塑料外壳发黄怎么解?,达人教学,)



Old Mac computer plastic yellow do? Daren-Mac,Mac of teaching computer-IT news

IT information news on May 11, the majority of digital products after a certain age shell aging, appearance of the most obvious changes is the plastic shell is yellow, so there is no way to make it bloom?

One Canada users on took himself of antique Macintosh Plus computer do has once experiment, with to of tool also is tall Shang, including peroxide (Oxygen-based stain remover) clear agent, and yellow original rubber (xanthan gum), and glycerol (Glycerine), zhihou also to after strongly of sunshine (available UV lamp instead of), last magic of a scene occurred has, yellow plastic was was wash White has.

If you want to try, remember these things when you have to pay attention to safety, after all, the majority of them are corrosive, also, if there is value in collectibles, is proposed to remain as is, after all, white washing may be worthless after.

Video: (IT News Mobile client users who cannot view the video, please click here to view )

老古董Mac电脑塑料外壳发黄怎么解? 达人教学 - Mac,Mac电脑 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 5月11日消息,大多数电子产品一定年岁之后外壳就会老化,最明显的外观变化就是塑料外壳发黄,那么有没有办法让其焕发青春呢?

一位加拿大网友就拿自己的老古董Macintosh Plus电脑做了一次实验,用到的工具也很高大上,包括过氧化物(Oxygen-based stain remover)清除剂、黄原胶(xanthan gum)、甘油(Glycerine),之后还要经过强烈的日照(可用紫外线灯代替),最后神奇的一幕发生了,黄塑料竟然被洗白白了。



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