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published in(发表于) 2016/5/11 7:25:04 Edit(编辑)
Google is not the nature of “don’t be evil“: had promoting fake ads,

Google is not the nature of “don’t be evil“: had promoting fake ads,(谷歌并非天性“不作恶”:也曾推广假药广告,)



Google is not the nature of "don't be evil": had promoting fake ads-Google, search, medical-IT information

Google's moral level high? It's almost a problem that is not an issue.

Recently, scholar Zheng yongnian, wrote a commentary in the China regulatory systems, it's always on the verge of failure, he believed that, in practice, national regulation of capital (or supervision States) are social, game between the capital and the Government. Transition from the raw capitalism of Marx's criticism to the welfare capitalism of today is not the logic of capital development, but a product of the social movements. Modern regulatory regime is established in order to curb capital "evil" nature, makes it good. When game balance, every aspect of society there will be problems.

Governance failures in certain areas of Chinese society, the fundamental reason is that game mechanics failure. In fact, in looking forward to Google after the high morals and high sense of social responsibility, immediately someone cited counter example: Google will be evil.

In 2009, Google's advertising Department for profit, initiative to help sell counterfeit drugs to avoid their company's compliance reviews, making a large number of counterfeit drugs, smuggling of prescription drugs, illegal drugs (such as steroids) advertising pages long full of its search page. The case FBI investigation, in 2011, Google stopped defending honestly paid a fine of US $ 500 million, and another $ 250 million against shareholders ' compensation. This highly profitable United States rapid cooling in medical advertising.

Since then, medical advertisements that appear on search page, Google is taking a more stringent management measures to limit. At present, if the advertising of prescription drugs, delivery is required to obtain United States Pharmacy Council (NABP) certification of online advertising, as well as to United States food and Drug Administration (FDA) database. This means: in the absence of professional medical ability to distinguish before the general public see the Google search results page from NABP and FDA Regulation has helped them to make the first line is crucial to the filter and filter.

In addition, the United States Congress passed legislation that grants medical and pharmaceutical advertising regulatory agencies FDA and FTC (United States Federal Trade Commission and the United States food and Drug Administration) supervision and investigation powers.

FDA was founded in 1906 by the United States Congress that the Federal Government, is dedicated to the food and Drug Administration's top law enforcement agency. FDA certification is world food and drug of highest detection standard, only declared of products after on human using products Hou of 143 a key detection points bit for monitoring, on 2 to 30,000 people continued 3-7 years of monitoring, completely through qualified of products, only will issued FDA certification; and Federal Trade Committee is is United States most with authority of integrated advertising management sector, they has right to Federal Court filed litigation, let Court freeze advertising main of assets to on consumers for compensation.

These two sectors, coupled with the implementation of the FBI capable of effective management of the phenomenon of illegal medical advertising. Organizations and departments perform their respective duties, avoided any part because of not self-discipline that might result from gross negligence.

So, back to the article issue from the beginning, Google's blood flowing, gene-Google is not more moral sense of moral and social responsibility, are the result of a game.

Comment, a green, efficient, compliant healthcare system, from government departments to hospitals, doctors, law enforcement, medical companies and advertising companies such as Google to work together. Americans are relatively standardized management of medical advertisements, are the result of years of legislative and legal systems to combat and punish and Division of labour the results of many institutions. This is a closely linked, the object of ecological relationships, Google is only but a part.

China's health care system needs to change, this is an on-going. Long process, blind worship of Google not conducive to establishing normal health care system. The blood of morality should be a result rather than the cause of good governance. Ecological needs each and every aspect of a good functioning requires a political control to legal regulation. Construction of ecological needs is to build a game space, social forces, give sufficient power play to their needs is the establishment of new political and business relationships; between the Government, enterprises and society must be allowed to play as an intermediary force of law.

谷歌并非天性“不作恶”:也曾推广假药广告 - 谷歌,搜索,医疗 - IT资讯












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