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published in(发表于) 2016/5/9 4:33:22 Edit(编辑)
Villain team toughness, the x-men: the four horsemen of the Apocalypse trailer for publishing roles,

Villain team toughness, the x-men: the four horsemen of the Apocalypse trailer for publishing roles,(反派阵容强悍,《X战警:天启》四骑士角色预告片发布,)



Villain team toughness, the x-men: the four horsemen of the Apocalypse trailer for publishing-the role of x-men x-men: Apocalypse-IT information

On May 7, I believe many small partners this weekend to see the United States captain, 3, is watching a hoot? It does not matter, because soon there will be a super hero movies, first time we met, it was the x-men: Apocalypse. At present, this film has been identified on June 3, 2016 digital 3D, Chinese giant-screen 3D, IMAX3D version released in mainland China.

Recently, the official release of the x-men: the role of villain four riders of the Apocalypse trailer, which includes Michael Fassbender plays the "magneto", yalishandela·xipu's "Storm", Ben·Hadi's "Angel" and aoliweiya·Muen's "spiritual butterfly."

"Four horsemen" stories from the Bible: Book of revelation, in the x-men in "four horsemen" was "apocalyptic" wash brain control of four mutants, representing death, war, plague and famine.

The x-men: Apocalypse and the x-men: first class ', ' x-men: the reversal of the future is the same strain of the trilogy, the film is set in the 80 's of last century. Prepare small partners take the time up into the pit.


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反派阵容强悍,《X战警:天启》四骑士角色预告片发布 - X战警X战警:天启 - IT资讯













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