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published in(发表于) 2016/5/9 4:32:50 Edit(编辑)
Sony’s 70 anniversary: interleaving, perverse curiosity, dreams and stories,

Sony’s 70 anniversary: interleaving, perverse curiosity, dreams and stories,(索尼成立70周年:一个交织技术、执拗、梦想和好奇心的故事,)



Sony's 70 anniversary: interleaving, obdurate, curiosity and dream-the story of Sony, sony-IT information

Even if it had been so long, many Sony customers to listen to a Walkman, BRAVIA TV, when playing PS games, also will never forget the day 70 years ago.

In 1945, Japan after the second world war, its capital in ruins, Ibuka in Japan department store warehouse bridge area set up "Tokyo Institute of communications".

On May 7, 1946, Ibuka, Akio Morita at two people on the basis of the communication Research Institute in Tokyo, co-financed the establishment of "Tokyo Communications Corporation (Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Company)", hereinafter referred to as "Eastern agency", including Ibuka technology, and Morita is responsible for technical matters.

The company is now known throughout the world of consumer electronics giant Sony (SONY) predecessor.

Technology of Sony

Now people refer to Sony, a major label is derived from the three-body "and" black science ". "Black science" to refer to Sony products and technology, because Sony's hardware technologies can make the impossible possible. Which are technically demanding, and can be said to be flowing inside the Suo Niji.

Ibuka, in its letter of intent for the establishment of the company, which expects to "conscientiousness technician skills into full play." Publication of the tenor was established even earlier than Tokyo Telecommunications Corporation was established.

After Sony's 70-year history, this technical extreme pursuit or "obdurate" throughout the history of the entire Sony.

Not long ago, the era of influence in time magazine's 50 devices, Sony's Walkman and Trinitron TV ranked second and fourth, respectively. History of audio and video equipment can be seen as the epitome of Sony technology to the extreme.

50 's of last century, also referred to as "Eastern agency" of Sony in the early days of the business conditions are not ideal, until 1956, the development had not been optimistic about the transistor technology developed Japan's first transistor radio "TR-55" became a success. This product SONY are also appeared on four letters, which is derived from the Latin "Sonus (sound)" and the English "Sonny" or "Sonny-boy" (sweet child) "word that was given at the beginning of" started with the sound of cute and naughty child "means.

Also is in Shang century 50 generation, Sony in black and white big sold Hou has been hope can into color TV market, but initially, well deep big insisted to good rate very low of alone schema "Chromatron" manufacturing color TV, led to units development cost high, up 400,000 yen, then makes market of promotion is not shun, only sold 13,000 Department around, at of company has arrived failed of edge.

Until autumn of 1966 Ibuka personally leading a development team, hoping to create Sony exclusive color map tubes. After the April 1968, after the tireless efforts of engineers, Sony has developed called "Trinitron (Trinitron)" color map tube alone.

This display technology in the realization of commercial and production within six months, and in October 1968, Sony Japan launch Trinitron televisions in the market KV-1310, and then detonated the world's buying binge.

In 1979, at the request of Ibuka, audio sector as a journalist with a small tape recorder "news" (Pressman) as a basis for modifying, get the smaller recorder, after many people praised the sound quality is good.

So dominated by the Akio Morita, Sony began in July 1979, the introduction of a Walkman, and created a headphone culture began in February 1980 in sales around the world. Since then, the Walkman this is not standard Japanese-English word began sweeping the world, and by 1998, the "Walkman" has sales of over 250 million in the world.

Walkman came in time will affect equipment fourth place in the age of reason: the world's first set of portability, ease in a music player and most people can afford. From one perspective, the Walkman has opened a whole new way.

Akio Morita in October 1992 the United Kingdom Sir, United Kingdom media headlines are given up, Sir, Sony Walkman is Sony's dedicated for technology.

With Sony in the late 80 acquisition acquisition Colombia film into the film and TV industry and 90 the unprecedented success of PlayStation, Sony across consumer electronics, movies, music, games and entertainment, digital audio, optical industry Empire enterprises.

The rose, Sir Sony Walkman Sony also can be seen as across a number of industries began to enter a golden age of footnotes.

Giant's stubborn: Sony shock

The die technology: the decline and fall of Sony mentioned the book revelation, at Sony insider, the "Sony style" and "Sony" spirit is the essence: "under the strict requirements of Ibuka, engineers will be impeccable. ”

For technical pursuit of Sony, escaped from the brink of bankruptcy several times, but for technical arguments and let Sony into a dangerous situation.

Entering the new century, Walkman supports MP3 format starts not overtaken by Apple's iPod; Sony Trinitron technology pride was lost by Sony television market in the future judgment, missed the development opportunities of the LCD TV. Two Sony audio products have encountered unprecedented challenges.

Plus Sony internal distrust of then-President Idei, IDEI proposed takeover Palm, Apple's plans were also negative.

Sony's crisis began in April 2003, Sony announced fiscal year 2002 report, news of Sony's huge losses. Sony shares fell to 25% for 2 consecutive days, and thus to induce Japan stocks of high-tech stocks dive, the Nikkei index fell sharply, Japan stock market, shares in high-tech companies have been selling. Upheavals in the Sony was called "Sony shock (Sony Shock)".

From "the best CEO" moment as "the worst CEO", originally scheduled for 2006, when Sony's 60 anniversary, honored retiring Idei, in 2005, was replaced by Board appointed Howard Stringer of Sony, Stringer became Sony's first foreign CEO in history. Sony also ushered in the era of Stringer.

Under Stringer, Sony began the reform of called changes, cut down QRIO robot, AIBO the robot dog and QUALIA luxury brands of the three projects, and introduced the BRAVIA TVs based on liquid crystal technology-oriented brands.

After Stringer of a series of reforms, Sony Sony history in fiscal year 2007, a record for a highest turnover, profit records. But recently, in 2008, the global financial crisis hit, global strategy implementation is completely Sony influenced, and heavy losses.

From fiscal 2008 to fiscal 2014, apart from the fiscal year 2012, and Sony each fiscal year at a loss, its causes and Sony and Korea competitors race and related to market share and revenue while giving up profits. While the 2012 fiscal year earnings because Sony sold assets such as buildings in that year.

But I must mention is that Sony's Hirai, President of the incumbent in 2012.

Hirai has to carry out "One Sony" policy and continue reforms of business architecture. Sony shortly before the 2015 fiscal year earnings view, such reforms have started to see the results. A turn around of Sony in the 2015 fiscal year, net income of $ 1.308 billion.

Fiscal year 2015 is President and CEO of Sony Hirai of the second medium-term plan (fiscal 2015 to 2017 in fiscal year) in the first year, which also marks Sony's profit growth to business structure reform stage.

From a performance perspective, a management more flexible, Sony, and perhaps more in the future.

Upholding a "dream" technology company

China's science and technology circle the Lake, called "cord powder" but Sony fans ringing . Why is "big"? One reason is of course that resounded through the Internet "Sony XX good" slogan.

This year, in addition to the 70 years of the Sony, and Sony's 20-year anniversary of the establishment of China's day. The end of March, I will be lucky enough to be invited to participate in the Sony 20 anniversary celebrations in China. The celebration scene and of course the slogan does not appear. "Claiming good" three words appear in members ' fans of the more clothes and on top of the lamp.

50 fans frenzy now no worse than now celebrity entertainer's fan fanaticism.

Each star artist has many fans, as stars in the science and technology enterprise, has accumulated 70 Sony fans are very public. Its global number and loyalty of fans could only Apple's "Apple" and "cord powder" to oppose it.

Why Sony can get so many loyal fans?

One reason is that Sony Design, and Apple, Sony is focusing on product design and the design philosophy behind . Sony design center was established in 1961, by known as the progenitor of Sony ZTE chaired Norio Ohga, Sony's design philosophy--"unprecedented" and "forever leading" in this shape. And which gave birth to the "original style", "create new lifestyle", "functional beauty", "more" design philosophy.

Another reason that Sony's company slogan may reveal one or two.

Sony's corporate slogan from "Digital Dream Kids/Do you dream in Sony?" "Make.believe/BE MOVED", no not emphasize Sony's products for young people, the role of incentives and dreams of ordinary people to maintain. Company slogan "innovation comes from curiosity, dreams, achievements in the future" is directly pointed out the relationship.

(Sony's booth at the debut of the international education Suite KOOV's conceptual model of education, cultivating interest in children's programming)

Many multinational companies because of its large scale, high sales volume can be a "huge" to describe; "great" to describe the company, in my opinion, very few. But ahead of Sony as "great" as the attribute to describe, is well deserved.

Even if Sony has been environmental protection efforts, a technology company has been committed to protecting consumer boyhood dream and curiosity, in an area where intensive 70 brings numerous classic and most established industry standards and norms in the field, such a nature that all of us benefit from the company's respect.

Not to "change the world" on the tongue, but a real impact on people's lives and entertainment. Sony does not make people love?

"People 70 and outdated. "A technology company for 70 years the main industry has not changed, it is not easy.

Looking forward to Sony's new 70-anniversary, continues to make believe, makes imagination possible and explore more curiosity, more people will BE MOVED.

索尼成立70周年:一个交织技术、执拗、梦想和好奇心的故事 - 索尼,sony - IT资讯

哪怕已经过去这么久,不少索尼的用户在听着Walkman、看着BRAVIA 电视、玩着PS游戏机的时候,也一定不会忘记70年前的那一天。


1946年5月7日,井深大、盛田昭夫两人在东京通信研究所的基础上,共同出资创立“东京通信株式会社(Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Company)”,简称“东通社”,其中井深大负责技术,而盛田昭夫则负责技术的之外事宜。






前不久,在《时代》杂志的 50项影响时代的设备中,索尼的特丽珑电视和Walkman高居第二和第四。而影音类设备发展史又可以被看作是索尼对于技术追求到极致的缩影。
















索尼的危机开始显现,2003年4月,索尼公布2002年财政年度报表,索尼巨额亏损的消息不胫而走。索尼股票连续2天跌去25%,并由此诱发日本股市高科技股的跳水,日经指数大幅下跌,日本股市震荡,高科技公司的股票纷纷遭到抛售。这起索尼的大动荡被称为“索尼震撼(Sony Shock)”。






平井一夫在任内大力推行“One Sony”政策,并继续业务架构的改革。从前不久索尼发布的2015财年财报来看,这种改革在开始见到了成效。索尼在2015财年一转颓势,净利润为13.08亿美元。









一个原因是Sony Design,和苹果一样,索尼极其注重产品的设计以及设计背后的哲学。索尼于1961年成立设计中心,由被誉为索尼中兴之祖的大贺典雄主持,索尼的设计哲学——“前所未有的”、“永远领先的”,也于此成型。并由此孕育出了“原创造型”、“创造新生活品味”、“机能美”、“更便利”之设计理念。


索尼的企业标语从“Digital Dream Kids/Do you dream in Sony?”到“make.believe/BE MOVED”,无一不在强调索尼的产品对于青少年、普通人的激励和梦想维护的作用。其中文企业标语“创新源于好奇、梦想成就未来”更是直接点明了这层关系。






期待索尼在新的70周年里,继续make believe,让想象成为可能,并有探索更多好奇心,更多的人BE MOVED。

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