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published in(发表于) 2016/5/9 4:32:42 Edit(编辑)
Shenzhen 8000 drops driver account closure: one size fits all really work? ,

Shenzhen 8000 drops driver account closure: one size fits all really work? ,(深圳狂封8000滴滴司机帐号:一刀切真管用?,)



Shenzhen 8000 drops driver account closure: one size fits all really work? -Web about cars, drop-IT information

"Hello, master, due to your breach of service line, your cooperation has been lifted. "The recent part of Shenzhen registered drops the driver receives a text message and was told" blocked number ", you need to review information. According to the survey, more than the more than 8,000 drivers have been "banned", which occurred on May 2 teacher riding drop ride was killed, suspect counterfeit license plates ...

Recently, the network about car safety incidents attracted the attention of regulators. According to media reports, the interim measures for the administration of network booking taxi business service or will be launched in the middle of this month.

NET about car problems

Question one: passengers ' rights have been frequent violations

Event 1: recently, police in Shenzhen, Nanshan, Shenzhen, a 24 year old female after a taking a network about car clock was robbed and killed by drivers . Later, the victim took the drop platform lift driver Pan uses real ID cards, driver's licenses and driving license (license plate number for the Guangdong B6S8N3) registered in the ride platform, but at the time was a temporary false licence (can C2S8N3). At present, the pan of suspects has been caught.

Event 2: last month, the media, a number of passengers to the driver after a bad review or complaint to the platform, by telephone text messages to harass or even curse.

Event 3: on May 1, the Haikou 4 girls while travelling on the fast lane, the driver was masturbating while driving, driver involved has been lost.

Problem two: online about vehicle platform management vulnerability

The end of March this year, according to the Shenzhen Transportation Committee informed about rental car driver recruiting network in Shenzhen prevalence of problem is not strict. According to the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau investigation, part of the network of about driver problems such as drug abuse, mental illness, irregularities, some cancelled driver's license of the "drug driving" personnel, cancellation of driver's license registered as a network of about cars.

In this investigation, found in Shenzhen nets about truck drivers with a drug record and 1425, troublemaking mental patient 1, a significant criminal record and 1661.

Problem three: passenger rights is difficult to hold platform account

With taxi companies and taxi drivers have improved the labor contract is different, from a legal standpoint, in the net about car platforms, a legal dispute between the passengers and the driver, it's hard to hold platform account.

Platform information Publisher, and the driver does not have labor relations and labor relations. Driver issues occur during the order process, law did not provide for responsibility platform. There are exceptions, however, the platform his hired driver.

Question four: Network about truck drivers, there is no legal barriers

As the network about vehicle regulations is still blank, currently about truck drivers for network access conditions are set on the platform itself.

Drop hitch: as long as it is in line with the national annual inspection of private cars can be registered, needed only a driver's license and license.

The easy way: the need for vehicles within 3 years, drivers are less than 45 years of age, driving experience more than 5 years, a local licence.

Problem five: surge in net about putting pressure on traffic

Regarding the implementation of licence management and control of the city, many driver licence for the network about the car in the field operations are putting big pressure on urban traffic management. In Guangzhou, last year all motor vehicle violation statistics, Super 40% licensed vehicles in the field, violations rose in the field near 50%.

Regulation around the net about three

According to the existing laws and regulations, regulators around the net about regulation has continued, mainly boils down to three options.

Method one: clearing the field plate

In Guangzhou, last year, traffic 4 interviews network platform business, 3 of them require cleanups of Guangzhou car license plate. Until the end of January this year, and platform disclosure data shows that over 100,000 field plate network about cars in Guangzhou area be cleaned up. In addition, since April, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and other traffic management departments have interviewed nets about car companies, clean up the plates in the field.

Method two: review of driver identification

Hangzhou public security authorities have seized on the transport sector about about 300 private cars access network platform drivers undergo background checks and found 9 drivers have criminal records. About cars from various enterprises were asked to provide network services for all vehicles about car and driver information to network administration office, the public security organs will be the comprehensive background checks. But experts said that at present because there is no legal standard, the public security organs is not a direct penalty.

Method three: illegally investigating private owners

According to statistics, more than 85% registered vehicles are private cars currently on the market. Shanghai municipal transportation law enforcement general team official website posted a message earlier, because of platforms to the last drop with lots of foreign brand vehicles and cars illegal participation in passenger operation, drops out of the 100,000 tickets again. Since online about vehicle platform development, so far, Shanghai has been including drops, step 4, called information service provider out of 5 tickets. And punished during the law enforcement process drivers face fines of 10,000 yuan to 50,000 yuan.

Traditional car rental business initiative to expand the network of about service

During the two sessions this year, Transport Minister Yang said that nets about a car gives passengers a new experience of new formats, and will encourage the networks about the innovation and development of new formats.

Some industry insiders even said the future development trend of network about the car rental industry will become. In Shanghai and Beijing, and some traditional taxi business, started the initiative to expand the Internet car service mode.

Taxi companies launched special train platform

Recently, the Shanghai Haibo rental with drop sign strategic agreement, will be the first batch of 500 special licence for Shanghai-AM vehicles, all car platforms to the last drop, models for the Volkswagen Passat and the Buick GL8, belongs to the comfortable car. Haibo no longer uses the traditional taxi rental contract, but recruitment-Shanghai nationals or for more than three years a residence permit holders of chauffeur to receive professional training posts. Drivers no longer have to pay the money, just turned over a small management fee per month. Drops according to driver service star, user evaluation, comprehensive factors such as percentage of water. At present, the Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission has approved Haibo taxi company in network about car rental business.

About car rental companies network platform

Earlier Shanghai dazhong and qiangsheng taxi company and Beijing Capital Auto Cheung Dragon about car rental companies are using the network platform first to enter the market. First steam about car platform was put into use last year, all vehicles on the platform has unique Beijing Beijing taxi b licence, driver's licence, vehicle provides a unified special invoice for Beijing taxi. Due to the shortage of vehicles and other reasons, also exposed since the platform launched night-time taxi difficult issues such as, but from a long-term perspective, future passengers will be able to enjoy better service through a network of about cars.

深圳狂封8000滴滴司机帐号:一刀切真管用? - 网约车,滴滴出行 - IT资讯



































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