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published in(发表于) 2016/5/9 4:32:29 Edit(编辑)
Recharge data: recharge amount of Guangdong Province are ahead,

Recharge data: recharge amount of Guangdong Province are ahead,(话费充值大数据出炉:广东省充值金额遥遥领先,)



Recharge data: recharge amount of Guangdong Province ahead of the curve-filled calls, online recharge-IT information

On May 8, the development of mobile payment, reflected in our lives on a little bit. For example filling airtime now do you still looking business prepaid payment? As more and more people use the Web to pay, we can also see some rules. Recently, the first recharge data reports.

According to the report, in the geography dimension, in Guangdong Province, which accounts for more than 15.32% become a recharge amount is the most populous province. Jiangsu and Zhejiang, respectively ranked second to third place, accounted for 6.39% and 6.07%. Most populous cities are Beijing and recharge amount (3.62% per cent), Shenzhen (3.49% per cent) and Guangzhou (3.33% per cent).

If in accordance with network ranking of constellation, Sagittarius ranked first, contributing 11% phone deals, Scorpio and Libra are tied for second, contributions amounted to 9%; Capricorn is ranked third, accounted for more than 8%.

So how do annual recharge rates up to an aggregate amount of user groups? This part of the user's most frequently used function is sending and receiving red packets (83% per cent) and transfers between friends (50%), often via the Internet buy films and take a taxi.

话费充值大数据出炉:广东省充值金额遥遥领先 - 充话费,网络充值 - IT资讯





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