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published in(发表于) 2016/5/9 4:32:25 Edit(编辑)
Radio and television into the fourth-largest operator: behind is a great game,

Radio and television into the fourth-largest operator: behind is a great game,(广电成第四大运营商:背后是一盘大棋,)



Radio and television into the fourth-largest operator: behind is a great chess-Chinese broadcasting, telecom operators-IT information

Although China Broadcasting has got has part based telecommunications business operation licence (note, here said of is part, this got of main involved broadband, and mobile licence is wood some), can justified to make himself of broadband, value-added telecommunications business, but on whole market of effect in short-term within little, long-term see also just a sauce of just, because funds strength too weak, system more alone has, face market competition had used has comfortable days of employees are of fighting not optimistic, Impossible and shopping a decade of Telecom, China Unicom, China Mobile to PK.

The top should also make it clear, I am licences to radio and television, in fact, there is a deeper reason behind, it's foreshadowing for the restructuring of the telecom industry in the future reform, can take this on the old radio and TV network to implement reforms also make it smoothly into the Telecom Council !

But new a round reform, not like past as simple gross to on operators for split points restructuring, and will through mixed ownership, mechanism innovation to promoted, Internet giant and part traditional industry giant shares is must of, and broadcasting as minimum but looks is beauty of shell resources, plus its broadcasting Department royalty of identity and in content aspects of congenital advantage, may will by sought after, became three network fusion of a dark horse.

广电成第四大运营商:背后是一盘大棋 - 中国广电,电信运营商 - IT资讯




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