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published in(发表于) 2016/5/9 4:30:19 Edit(编辑)
Huawei Yu ravings, and ren zhengfei, why? ,

Huawei Yu ravings, and ren zhengfei, why? ,(华为余承东狂言不断,任正非为何能忍?,)



Huawei Yu ravings, and ren zhengfei, why? -Founded by ren zhengfei, Huawei, gray leadership-IT information

As a company at the helm, have their own management philosophy is a very important thing. Each individual, has its own set of management philosophy. But by combing and summary, we can find some common ground, such as the heart and the rhythm.

To manage a business you need vision, recognized, respected and digested dissent – to accept cultural diversity, values diversity, demands more, can also be called a compromise. We tend to "compromise" as weak, but it is often not the case. A company's survival and great, you need to stick with the compromise: the direction is not compromised, the principle is not negotiable but accept and Digest dissent, and adapt it to harmony, is difficult but also very important things. In order to manage a business, you also need a good rhythm, because in business on the athletic field, a step faster than the others, is often a brighter future.

But good management, needs much more than that. Rock undercurrent forever buried on the road to glory. "Doing pretty well" to "to the extreme" and never simple. Many small is not small, social contributions neither more nor less, condition good nor bad, neither high nor low level management ... ...

To cross the Middle State, from good to excellent, is a breaking change, its lurking dangers--both successful path-dependent, and challenges facing many contradictions; transformation and upgrading of both pressure and encounter all kinds of short boards; some accumulation of resources and benefits distribution challenges facing ... ...

More difficult than imagined, but fortunately, solutions are always more than we think. You want to get something you want, the most reliable way is to let you be worthy of it. I hope you have the courage and wisdom to stand out from the fight as if someone used to say "God helps". Here, Enjoy:

Ren long are rare media, never attended any national forum, most of the time the outside world was through ren spoke to about the company.

One case was surprising, consumers BG CEO Yu is Huawei. Yu since since the beginning of 2010 as consumer BG CEO Huawei, high profile, frequently surprising words. Huawei has set off a frenzy. Once there had been "muzzled" storm could have been "class".

But for Huawei to various consumer BG and Yu's criticism, ren zhengfei, showed great tolerance. To this, ren zhengfei, outlines the phrase: allow dissent and strategic reserves. My own criticism is far more than my own decision.

Leaders should forgive? (Talk to ren zhengfei, Catholic)

On tolerance, ren's speech can be found in many.

" Tolerance is the leader's way to success ... ... Any work, but involves two aspects: one is dealing with the matter, the other is the doujin work. Intolerance, affecting the same deal. A scientist, personality quirks, but he is only one person in the lab with instruments dealing, intolerance no harm. A shop employee, just dealing with the machine, so, even if he does not get along well with everyone, does not prevent his skill to produce attractive products. However, any Manager, must be members to deal with. Management was defined as ' job skills through others '. Once dealing members, the importance of tolerance will be immediately displayed. ”

"Differences exist between man and man, the so-called tolerance, essence is tolerance between people of difference. Different characters, different skills, different people can unite under the banner of Organization Mission and vision, is the Manager of tolerance. ”

"Tolerance of others, in fact, is to forgive ourselves. A little more tolerance of others, in fact, is a bit more space in our lives. ”

"Tolerance is a strong, not weak. Tolerance reflected back down, this is a purposeful plan, the initiative into their own hands. Helpless and compelling is not a Catholic. ”

"Only the brave know how tolerant cowards will not be tolerant, that's not his nature. Tolerance is a virtue. ”

"Only a Catholic would unite most cognitive orientation with you, only a compromise would make the firm the right direction to reduce confrontation, only in order to achieve your objective correctly. ”

Ren zhengfei, even deliberately promote and configuration of the opposing voices in the company, even in the organizational system of construction and "Reds" Devil's advocate "blue army". And outstanding cadres from the Blues, singles, Commander of the Red Army.

"Blues exists in all aspects, inside of any aspects of the Blues, the Blues was not a top, the lower is no. Duel in your mind are red and blue, I think that one's life is always in the red and blue vs. Against his will in my life, than I want to do things that I critique ourselves far more than my own decision. I think Chelsea is in any area, in any process, any time and space with red and blue vs. If there is opposition to organized, I'm willing to tolerate. To rally and unite all the people together to conquer the world, including people of different views. Coalition against after does not matter, so long as they are technically against. Flowers, discussions, was exerted by human ingenuity. ”

Ren's leadership philosophy as a very important point, "allow dissent, is the strategic reserve". Ren zhengfei, I call it the gray leadership. He thinks gray is Manager of leadership qualities.

What is the gray leadership?

What is the gray leadership, ren in a dialectical speech did summarize. First, clear direction from the gray; the second, leaders must learn to forgive third, no compromise, no gray.

1. the clear direction from the gray

Ren zhengfei, considered an important quality of the leaders direction and rhythm. His gray level is appropriate. Firm from gray in the right direction, compromise and tolerance.

A clear direction is produced in the chaos, is stand out from the gray, direction change over time and space, it often will not be as clear. Non-white or black, is not either/or. Reasonably grasp the right gray, is to make the various factors of influence on the development of and harmony at a time, this process is called a compromise, the harmony of the result is called gray.

Ren said in his speech, connotation and implication of compromise is much richer than its literal meaning, understand it and practice are two completely different things. Like Huawei cadres are mostly young and hot-tempered vigour, is unlikely to know the necessary compromise, work will have greater resistance.

Throughout China's history of political reform, while eternal impact on China's social progress, but most did not reach the ideal of change. Ren zhengfei, believe that, in the face of their era, they change too radical, too rigid, breaking the resistance which is too harsh. If they had more time to practice, not too urgent and too comprehensive, results may be better. Is the lack of gray. Direction is firm, but not in a straight line, may be the ever-swinging around curves, at certain times, and draw a circle, but we have some distance, or heavy, it remains tightly, pointing in the direction of the front.

2. tolerance is the leader's way to success

Ren asked the Manager to subordinates to be tolerant, because stewardship of this nature. Any work, but involves two aspects: one is dealing with the matter, the other is the doujin work.

Intolerance, do not affect the same deal. A scientist, personality quirks, but he is only one person in the lab with instruments dealing, intolerance no harm. A shop employee, just dealing with the machine, so, even if he does not get along well with everyone, does not prevent his skill to produce attractive products.

Someone defined management as "job skills through others." Once dealing members, the importance of tolerance will be immediately displayed. Differences exist between man and man, the so-called tolerance, essence is tolerance between people of difference. Different characters, different skills, different people can unite under the banner of Organization Mission and vision, is the Manager of tolerance.

Tolerance of others, in fact, is to forgive ourselves. A little more tolerance of others, in fact, is a bit more space in our lives.

Tolerance is a kind of strong, not weak. Tolerance reflected back down, this is a purposeful plan, the initiative in their own hands. Helpless and compelling is not a Catholic.

Only tolerance will unite most cognitive directions together with you, only a compromise would make the firm the right direction to reduce confrontation, only in order to achieve your objective correctly.

3. no compromise, no gray

In ren's gray philosophy, adhere to the correct direction, and compromise does not contradict, compromise is the unwavering direction opposite insisted.

Is, is incapable of compromise, the principle is not negotiable. However, everything can be compromised in the process of achieving goals, as long as it is conducive to the realization of, why can't a compromise? when goals are clear, if blocked, we compromise, around a bend and is better than standing still, why hit the southern wall?

Compromise does not mean that is weak and unstable, not uncompromising, can show a hero. Someone think in either/or thinking, in fact, is that the relationships between people and is conquered with their relationship, there is no room for compromise.

In ren of thought in, "compromise" actually is very pragmatic, and resourcefulness to of jungle wisdom, General humanity jungle in of wise, are knows appropriate timing accept others compromise, or to others proposed compromise, after all people to survival, by of is rational, and not turns; "compromise" is both or multi in a species conditions Xia reached of consensus, in solution problem Shang, it not best of approach, but in no better of method appeared zhiqian, it is is best of method, because it has many of benefits.

Compromise does not mean abandoning principle blindly give in. Sensible compromise is an appropriate Exchange. In order to achieve the main goal, you can make appropriate concessions on secondary objectives. This compromise is not completely give up their principles, but retreating through appropriate exchanges to ensure the achievement of objectives. Instead, the unwise compromises is the lack of proper balance, or insist on secondary targets and give up the main goal or unnecessary losses to the compromise at too high a price.

Only a compromise in order to achieve a "win-win" and "win-win", this would certainly lose. As compromise to eliminate the conflicts, refusal to compromise, must be the prelude to a confrontation; our cadres at all levels truly understand the art of compromise, learned, keep an open mind, it will really reach a grayscale level, you can go farther on the right path and go solid.

Thus, ren's management thought, everything has a unity of opposites sides of management on the grey is our tree of life. Open, to compromise, and requires a profound understanding of gray .

On gray leadership management experts say?

1. Wu Chunbo: Ren Zheng non between "black" and "white" grayscale between management philosophy

Ren zhengfei, President of Huawei company management can be attributed to a balanced thought. Since 2001, the ren for the company every year "ten key points", regardless of how changes in the internal and external environment, "adheres to the balanced development" has been placed in the article, this article has never changed. I would say that ren's management is the core of the idea of equilibrium, equilibrium is the highest management philosophy. Ren zhengfei, describes himself as a "gray" who he says gray is between black and white, it is very difficult to master, this is leadership and instructor levels. People who do not truly understand, can't have grayscale.

"Balance is the most effective form of productivity", "continue to insist on balanced development, push forward the work of reform and improvement. Balance is the most effective form of productivity. Through sustained improvement, constantly enhance the vitality of organizations, improving the competitiveness of enterprises, as well as continuously improve efficiency per capita. "This is Huawei, long-term adhere to core values.

Huawei's path of growth and development for more than 20 years, is based on dynamic implementation and benefits, operations and management based on balanced, through continuous improvement, modification and improvement, Huawei continue to strengthen and improve management skills, thereby enabling enterprises to embark on a path of development. Huawei's success again with Chinese-style case, balanced management is the real core competitiveness of enterprises.

If an enterprise truly realize the dynamic balance, must be the winner in the commercial field, no growth, no development, no success, is very difficult.

For the future development of the company, we are full of confidence, support the reason for that confidence is: under the leadership of ren, Huawei with balance as its management philosophy, and after more than 20 years of practice, has successfully built into a world-class enterprise balance of soft power.

This is an awesome balance of power!

2. Peng Jianfeng: grayscale five elements of leadership

"Ash" is a color that is a fusion of black and white means the living environment of the enterprise and not in the future, pure and simple, easy to identify, they are diverse and complex, there is uncertainty. "Gray" of transition between black and white, it was chaotic, fuzzy, also contains multiple elements in chaos under the table but is pregnant with vigor and vitality.

"Grey" is the biggest feature of "intermediate state". This is similar to many current height.

After the reform and opening up a number of successful enterprise in a "limbo": the enterprise is small is not small, social contributions neither more nor less, condition good nor bad, the management level is not high nor low. To cross the Middle State, from good to great, is a breaking change, its lurking dangers--both successful path-dependent, and challenges facing many contradictions; transformation and upgrading of both pressure and encounter all kinds of short boards; some accumulation of resources and benefits distribution challenges facing ... ... Even greater danger comes from, you don't know your biggest enemy, the biggest obstacle is your own, so I do not know how to choose strategies and tactics.

However, "grey" and "intermediate state" also breeds opportunity and hope. Because it is "the middle ', so you have the opportunity to choose, select, there is hope, and choice is one of the greatest advantages. "Gray" chaos of dull, means that there is both good and bad, difficult, intertwined, and they keep moving, and that's exactly what vitality-could suddenly break from the dull, from chaos to clarity, appears disruptive changes, generate new business models and opportunities for the enterprise.

But, capture live opportunities of fire and hope of light, need from anxiety in the calm down, stopped rush looking for of footsteps, return fundamentals--in see not clear direction Shi returned to original points again Combs thought, answered I is who, I to to where to of problem; in values confused Shi return inside moral demands, answered I for who created value, I to adhere to how of core value of problem; in find not to new of economic growth Shi, return enterprise business nature, business talent, and business customer, hard basics.

"Gray" refers to the original meaning in black and white can be a way of smoothing the transition between methods. Enterprises across the "intermediate state" confused in the fusion of black and white to find their direction and path in the campaign in a variety of complex factors control the rhythm of his steps, in fact, there are some ways, what I call "the gray leadership".

Call it leadership, because the first or most in need of this "gray" rule tends to be the leader, leader, entrepreneur. "Grey age" requires rebuilding mission, responsibilities, and enhance the ability of entrepreneurs, called "the golden triangle of leadership."

Why is the mission, responsibilities, these three elements? First, the grayscale needed to remake Chinese entrepreneur's sense of purpose and passion, which led the enterprise success trap now, through the throes of a transition to achieve transformation and upgrading. Secondly, the responsibility is greater than capacity, responsibility for achievement of excellence, at such a time, we appeal to entrepreneurs and corporate executives face the risk and responsibility for change. Third, the entrepreneurs to carry out its mandate and responsibilities, must have a Foundation, this Foundation from the updates and the ability to reshape his thinking.

"The gray era" needed by entrepreneurs and business executives thinking, and what exactly is core competency? I think it is a "degree", namely, judgment, measured in the direction of handle, heat control, timing, tempo control and management of the arts best play. The "degree" of specific and embodied in the moral appeal, cross-border thinking, awareness of competition, open and inclusive, and real leadership in these five areas.

Moral inspiration . In a select multiple, value lost, passion continue to fight decay times, entrepreneurs need to have a strong moral appeal. With firm goals, lofty ambitions, universal values and positive attitudes, continuous positive input energy for your organization, cohesion, consensus and lead the chaos to find direction, to explore a way out and find the right way.

Cross-border thinking . In the age of the Internet, borders between industries, enterprises are no longer obvious, even integration, interoperability, "anything is possible". Cross-industry, cross-field of cooperation and development are the general trend, it needs entrepreneurs with extremely wide field of vision and thought, not only can see business opportunities, more connectivity, enterprise value network.

Awareness of competing . In the chaotic, ever-changing times, the opponent may suddenly become friends, friends may become rivals. Therefore, the future is not going to be cut-throat competition among enterprises, but to cooperation, compromise and mutually dependent, in both competition and cooperation to achieve a win-win, and to safeguard competition. This awareness for entrepreneurs competing and learning from your competitors, and opponents, in cooperation and create new sources of value growth and find new opportunities for development in the cooperation.

Open and inclusive . China enterprise development to this day, many of which are industry chain development, group management, need to be entrepreneurs and business executives across business and the ability to work across teams, functions. Meanwhile, with the accelerated pace of globalization of Chinese enterprises, trans-regional, cross-cultural communication, cooperation and leadership, is placed in front of entrepreneurs the compelling proposition. Also, and companies directly related to the fate of consumers and employees are also more diversified, cultural diversity, values diversity, aspirations. Faced with these new problems, entrepreneurs only improve its open and inclusive, communication, collaborative thinking and leadership skills. Further open to into global market, and integration global resources, constantly found and looking for to new of opportunities; has inclusive heart to learned compromise, can tolerance others of shortcomings, allows subordinates failed, appointments than himself more capable of people; communication of premise is accepted, accepted different culture belief, and different generation inter features, and different character differences; collaborative is open, and inclusive, and communication zhihou of results, in collaborative in the solution contradictions, by collaborative produced value.

Real leadership . "True leadership" is the new concept of international management is discussing, it has four dimensions: self-awareness, balance information and moral views and relationship transparent. Which is consistent and we are here to promote, so we took it over, combined with today's environment of Chinese enterprises, and injected new connotation.

Self-awareness, requires entrepreneurs profound knowledge to, who I am, where is my problem? People are the most difficult to understand themselves, determine your level of awareness of the self-cultivation depth.

Information balance, refers to the era of increasing information transparency, symmetry, leaders should attach more importance to establish rules and balanced stakeholders value balance problems.

Internal moral perspective is what we advocate: more entrepreneurs in the face of complicated contradictions, tried to return to the corporate standard, uphold the values and value line, adhere to the inner moral appeal, and to match words with deeds.

Transparency requires a leader with customers, customers, employees and other stakeholders in the value chain to establish a transparent relationship, mechanism system under the Sun; create a transparent decision-making, decision-making atmosphere within the Organization in order to stimulate the internal vitality of organizations.

I personally think that, in the context of the new management, real leadership also means coping with complex elements of both inclusive, compromise, balance and overall control of quality.

These five elements, both for entrepreneurs and executives grappled with the external environment and related requirements, more is the processing enterprises complex elements of leadership and command. In short, the "gray leadership" asked entrepreneurs from self-profound changes begin, eventually leading enterprise "grey age" from good to great.

Source: Huaxia cornerstone e-insight

Public its: chnstonewx

华为余承东狂言不断,任正非为何能忍? - 任正非,华为,灰度领导力 - IT资讯







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