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published in(发表于) 2016/5/9 4:30:03 Edit(编辑)
Friends crowding the screen expression of love for mother’s day: the most dutiful in your circle of friends,

Friends crowding the screen expression of love for mother’s day: the most dutiful in your circle of friends,(母亲节网友刷屏表达爱意:最孝顺的都在朋友圈,)



Friends crowding the screen expression of love for mother's day: the most dutiful in your circle of friends-mother's day, your circle of friends-IT information

"MOM, happy mother's day. "" No living expenses, right? "Well ... ..." this humorous dialogue, was yesterday afternoon in a Sichuan University student Yang Lei (not his real name) on the circle of friends. Dialogue below the Populus is a small tooth at age 7, 8, variable tooth smile and snuggle with Mommy's photo.

And Xiao yang, share mother's day armies of people formed a circle of friends crowding the screen.

But for mother's day friends crowding the screen, also the Netizen open taunt, questioning "is the most dutiful people in your circle of friends? ”

Celebrate mother's day

Circle of friends is "love" crowding the screen

May 8 is mother's day, Yang Lei told reporters that afternoon to give your mother on the phone in the past, just say happy holidays, MOM mobile phones out of power. After a while, MOM called back again, but did not discuss the Festival topic, but just asking, should the cost of living?

Xiao Yang said that the mother was too candid, seems little emotion in his heart at all alike. Subsequently, he took the life of jokes sent to your circle of friends, "even if I don't look, which is a record for a better life. ”

Middle School English teachers in Chongqing, Sun Yellow Lady in your circle of friends photos of the mother usually cooked, praise mother's cooking "famous in my elementary school, middle school, high school, undergraduate students". Mother Madam WONG's photo below, replied with a happy face.

Graduate students made Wu in Chengdu is two pictures you have collected from the network, namely English "I love MOM" (my mother) and a bunch of flowers. Wu said he specialized on Festival day and bought a big bag of mother loves to eat snacks as a gift, and the mother for the first response is: how much did buy snacks.

Car salesmen and Chengdu Mr Yang in the circle of friends which was a big table of tempting dishes, said he specifically back to Kunming, a trip to my hometown, with MOM and dad eat a meal.

Shen students was reading in your circle of friends a picture just took pictures and mother's day cards. She said, as read in the field, photos can ask to see their lives very well, let her rest assured. MOM didn't respond to messages in the circle of friends, but in a telephone exchange, she can feel the mother was very happy.

Users questioned

"Most obedient people in your circle of friends? ”

Friends crowding the screen expression of love to his mother on mother's day, some netizens support was also questioned. Netizen "my Nana is a dream," says: "see friends shielding parents who made a happy mother's day; also see parents not tweeting people, happy mother's day. You are so filial piety. "Netizen" Guandare-OP "will be crowding the screen as a show:" the Internet gives people a lot more public space, circle of friends show filial piety to be set for mother's day. ”

But netizens are also a lot of support, friends "minimum" said: "today's pretty lively circle of friends, wish MOM a happy mother's day, also have said your mother does not use the Internet in this table what is filial piety, everyone's expression is different, but there is no doubt that every child is loved his mother, mother loves us. "Users" stumble ye Ma Cuihua "says:" on a table a white heap praise the bless love, a white table with their parents are going to be laughed at? "Friends" hot pot hot brain "also says:" If your circle of friends that have no meaning, that friends are doing, nothing significant to you. ”

Experts think positive values should be promoted

Mother's day is "love" crowding the screen is it false or true love? Circle of friends crowding the screen on mother's day topic, Sichuan Normal University Professor You Yongheng, blessed circle of friends all sorts crowding the screen should be supported.

You Yongheng believes that micro-letter friends spreading the content actually is a manifestation of respected mother's respect for women, and represents a positive set of values. Not everyone has the opportunity to reunite day and MOM, spread through the network, expansion has a positive effect. This expression should not be criticized, and should be supported by the attitude.

Meanwhile, circle of friends crowding the screen contents are both words and pictures and video music, expanded to let everyone have the opportunity in the form of more, express their love in the heart.

Kidney donation saved mother win back my son's life

"Today is mother's day. "Yesterday, 10, Shun-Shun (not his real name) sitting in a hospital bed, said he had just turned her mother's cellphone, micro-letter friends crowding the screen is the holiday to a mother's blessing. Shun Shun wearing blue face masks only show two large eyes, he held mothers Teo Li ling's arm in his arms, like an adult, told his mother: "you must know that your physical condition, can no longer play mahjong......"

On March 30, Teo Li Ling Shun-Shun and suffer from chronic renal failure are at the same time promoting the ward. It was a mother's kidney donation operation to his son, Teo Li Ling in such a way, with God willing to bet, to win back son's life. Yesterday, Lopez spent the first mother's day after the operation, doll restoration is good Teo Li Ling brow his eyes are laughing, she thought she "won". Because of the mother's blood type is different from son, Shun-Shun suffering from chronic renal failure, renal transplant recipients into different blood types in the youngest donors.

Opposing users

My Nana is a dream:

See friends shielding parents who made a happy mother's day; also see parents not tweeting people, happy mother's day. You are so filial piety.


Public expression of the Internet gives people more space, circle of friends show filial piety to be set for mother's day.

Square online

Hot pot hot brain:

If your circle of friends that have no meaning, that friends are doing, nothing significant to you.

Stumble ye Ma Cuihua:

On a table a white heap praise the bless love, a white table with their parents are going to be laughed at?

母亲节网友刷屏表达爱意:最孝顺的都在朋友圈 - 母亲节,朋友圈 - IT资讯









在成都读研究生的吴同学发的是从网络上搜集来的两张图片,分别是英文“I love mom”(我爱妈妈)和一束花。吴同学说,自己专门在节日这天买了一大包妈妈平时最喜欢吃的零食作为礼物,而妈妈第一反应则是:买零食花了多少钱。
























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