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published in(发表于) 2016/5/6 7:54:43 Edit(编辑)
Man online play handcuffs camera: the camera finds no key at the end......,

Man online play handcuffs camera: the camera finds no key at the end......,(男子网购手铐玩自拍:自拍结束发现没钥匙……,)



Man online play handcuffs the self timer: shows up without the keys ... ...-online shopping, self-IT information

On May 6, when the camera has become a social trend, there are always people who want to play out different patterns. By means of various adventure, while others will use props. This is not, recently had a guy come up just get online shopping handcuffs and friend to play the camera, but found himself handcuffed after no key ... ...

?? picture from the Red network

According to the Red network reported, loudi city, a small group, Xinhua recently bought a pair of handcuffs, under the spell of friends to self-timer, and handcuffed after the discovery didn′t have a key. The man described, handcuffs are purchased from the Internet, friends joked from the racket, after wearing on the hands, only to find there is no key, found a few professional unlocking engineer can find no way out. Half an hour later, seeing the whole hand was purple, congestion and swelling State has begun. But the man has to help firefighters.

After firefighters arrived, use insulated pliers cut the handcuffs, and then handcuffed for confirmation, found the device belongs to the knockoffs. But privately purchased, manufactured, used the equipment for police is illegal, police are now investigating the source of imitation handcuffs.

According to the People′s Republic of China the people′s police law, police police flags, uniforms and firearms, produced by the public security department under the State Council, in conjunction with the other relevant organs of management and other individuals and organizations have no illicit manufacture and trafficking. 15th following the detention of the offender by the public security organs Department or a warning, and may be fined not more than 5 times the illegal income constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

男子网购手铐玩自拍:秀完发现没钥匙…… - 网购,自拍 - IT资讯






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