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published in(发表于) 2016/5/5 6:06:02 Edit(编辑)
Intel exits is just the beginning: the mobile phone chip market will continue to “kick“

Intel exits is just the beginning: the mobile phone chip market will continue to “kick“(Intel退出只是开始:手机芯片市场还会继续“踢人”,)



Intel exits is just the beginning: the mobile phone chip market will continue to "kick"-Intel, Qualcomm, processors, chips, and Huawei-IT information

United States Qualcomm is very busy recently, on the one hand and cell phone manufacturers signed licensing, on the other hand to the accelerating transformation of the Internet of things. Among them, the VR (virtual reality), drone, etc is considered a continuation Qualcomm mobile phone chip leader position in important areas.

, Chairman of Qualcomm China Meng 樸 said in an exclusive interview with Tencent technology recently, 10-15 years in the future in the world connected to the Internet in the Terminal is expected to reach 50 billion, even the scale of hundreds of billions.

Forced transformation

In the smart-phone chips Qualcomm is still a dominant, but from last year, the competitive landscape is changing.

First, the global smart phone market has been in a cured state. Less than 1% per cent to Qualcomm is clearly not a good thing. Secondly, last year lost some high-end models of Apple, Samsung and Qualcomm itself is not small.

Affected by this, Qualcomm's second-quarter net profit halved last year, third-quarter revenue and net income falling. Capital markets give a big pressure on Qualcomm, Qualcomm had to announce strategic plan 2015 years, core content, including: restructuring, layoffs cut and adjust the direction of the business, the Board of Directors.

Widely believed that mobile phone firms developed chips sluggish acceleration, the industry as a whole, Qualcomm was forced out only in transition. However, at the high end of the Smartphone market Qualcomm "monopoly" situation will continue, because Xiao long 820 in technology and market share does not appear to compete with rivals.

Based on Qualcomm's latest business strategy, namely, to consolidate core smartphone market, core technologies to the Internet, mobile computing, connectivity and other adjacent areas, and investment focused on large-scale and high earnings visibility marketing opportunities, including data center and a vertical part of the interconnection of all things.

From business point of view, non-smart phones based on Qualcomm chips UAV products has achieved commercial. Recently, China 00 unlimited releases portable drones Hover Camera, which uses Qualcomm's UAV platform.

It is understood that the drones are just high-throughput into a niche market in the field of the Internet of things, Qualcomm has launched more than 25 platform solutions, wearable devices, unmanned aerial vehicles, home control, network cameras, Smart lighting and appliances and other segments.

These emerging business needs in the field of network speed upgrade, Meng 樸 believes that with the reliable connection of 5G to become a reality, all connected will continue to bring a wider range of experience. "Qualcomm saw things in this area, UAVs, VR will have a big market in the future, currently started cooperation with domestic enterprises. ”

For the VR, he said: "VR capital from last year to this year, hardware, software, and burst of speed really fast but mature will take some time over the next three to five years smartphones still cannot be replaced. "He said, Qualcomm is working with a number of handset manufacturers cooperate on VR, did not disclose specific brands.

From a technical point of view, as opposed to costly custom chip, high pass most of the relatively inexpensive general purpose chip more suitable for huge gains. Therefore, high lead to transformation of homeopathy for the Internet of things ...

At present, using high-throughput technologies of networking equipment shipments have more than 1 billion, which does not contain a smart-phone shipments.

Chip also shuffle

Qualcomm continues to change, another chip maker MTK (mediatek) waiting to snatch high-throughput in the high-end market, especially when Gao Tongxiao Dragon 810 through Waterloo last year, MTK seems to see hope, but only hope.

Last year, the MTK launched upmarket Helio X10, red rice Note2 899 Yuan offer made X10 the high-end road shattered, and compounded by its cheap image of the product.

With Qualcomm in high-end smart-phone chip market's shadow, in March this year, MTK has announced X20, X25 will be the second to third quarter respectively.

The funny thing is, as the newly released music 2 and music 2 Pro, which distribute the X20 and X25, price is the 1099 and 1399 Yuan, the price for MTK again, the images were cured.

Listed Samsung S7, millet 5, Max 2, VIVO Xplay5 with flagship version, such as a wave machine has embraced long 820,MTK high-end Lu Gao Tongxiao setback.

According to unofficial figures, 2015 MTK shipped a total of more than 400 million mobile processor, and Gao Tongxiao Dragon processor shipped 970 million last year, is MTK twice more than doubled, leading-edge rivals MTK in the short term is difficult to surpass.

In addition, Hass, Samsung Exynos such as Huawei and ZTE, millet and other mobile phone manufacturers developed their own chip industry competition, shuffle is unavoidable.

Strategy Analytics report, 2015 surge in shipments of Samsung Exynos 1 time. Xiao long 810 fever problem because Qualcomm, Samsung's high-end phones mycophenolate mofetil is deprecated on 810.

10th, the millet will hold a new Conference, MAX will publish millet. Earlier news that millet millet millet on Max independent chip, code-named "rifle", meaning "cooled". The "rifle" is most likely to hurt the MTK belong to the low end of the market.

If shuffle too early, then Intel outside "give up" just shows the mobile chip market has begun to shuffle.

Recently, Intel spokesman confirmed to the media, scheduled for launch in 2016 mobile processor Atom product line released two new versions will be cancelled, in other words, Intel is probably the withdrawal of smart-phone chip market.

In the past three years, Intel spent more than $ 10 billion in this business, chip market to make achievements with a view to a mobile device, but it is not.

Jackdaw market research company Research Analyst Jan Dawson said: "the Intel mobile processor has invested more than $ 10 billion, but have made no headway in the business of the company. ”

Intel failures started late due to the mobile market on the one hand, the fierce market competition is no where to be found. Secondly, Intel pays a lot of money for the use of its chips for mobile manufacturers to provide subsidies to make up for the makers to use Intel products and increasing other costs, this also reflected the Intel Mobile product market fit is not high. It is understood that due to the subsidies, the past two years Intel's mobility business operating loss of as much as $ 7.4 billion.

JP Morgan Securities semiconductor analyst pointed out that, in the past 3 years, already are Broadcom, huida, maiweier and other manufacturers out of chips.

Intel退出只是开始:手机芯片市场还会继续“踢人” - 英特尔,高通,处理器,联发科,华为 - IT资讯









从目前业务进展情况来看,基于高通非智能手机芯片的无人机产品已实现商用。近日,中国零零无限发布便携式无人机Hover Camera,其采用了高通的无人机平台。








去年,MTK推出面向高端市场的Helio X10芯片,可红米note2 899元的报价使x10的高端之路彻底破灭,同时更加剧了其廉价的产品形象。


有意思的是,乐视最新发布的乐2和乐2 Pro,其分别搭载的是X20和X25,售价却是1099元和1399元,这个价格让MTK的低端形象再次被固化。

而已上市的三星S7、小米5、乐视Max 2、vivo Xplay5高配版等一大波旗舰机早已拥抱高通骁龙820,MTK的高端路再次受挫。



Strategy Analytics报告指出,2015年三星Exynos出货量暴增一倍。原因是高通的骁龙810出现发热问题,三星在高端手机上弃用了骁龙810。





市场调研公司Jackdaw Research的分析师Jan Dawson表示:“英特尔为移动处理器投入了超过100亿美元,但该公司的该项业务却毫无进展。”



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