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published in(发表于) 2016/5/2 8:22:50 Edit(编辑)
Smartphone new market: helping farmers cope with crop diseases,

Smartphone new market: helping farmers cope with crop diseases,(智能手机新销路:帮农民应对作物灾病,)



New smartphone market: helping farmers cope with crop disease-Smartphone, crop-IT information

A Philippine farmer through his rice field, watching the Orange representing the blast spread on crops. Another peasant of Tanzania in probing of cassava leaves white spots. They look anxious, took out his mobile phone to photograph crop, and soon found what they plant diseases, symptoms and how to treat it.

The above scenario is looking to the future by David Hughes. He is, days closer to the ideal into reality. Hughes and his colleagues Sharada Mohanty, Marcel Salath é, worked in Switzerland the Federal Polytechnic of Lausanne. They imported in a computer image from the 54,000 plants leaves, and let the computer society based on leaf characteristics to determine what to plant diseases. In this process using computer algorithms, can be diagnosed 14 of 26 different crops diseases, accuracy rate of up to 99.35%.

It should be recognized that the basis of all this, is in bright light conditions and eligible under the background of photos of the plants. Because of the need to meet the conditions of this idealism, this algorithm does not say perfect. However, the development team thought it was irrelevant, but needs a large number of selected pictures .

"It has proved, our computers may automatically according to the status of the surface of the leaves differentiates very complex pathology," Hughes said, "no one else in the world can do that. If you are a tomato experts in the field, you treat your tomatoes at best, but we can to treat 26 plants, you can't. ”

Hughes knew plant diseases. He was in Ireland Dublin, grew up, eyes see is a barren mound. But even the land of potatoes are grown Fusarium, 150 years ago that the disease is caused by famine and social upheaval (translator's Note: the 1845-1852 Ireland potato late blight oomycete and crop failures and famine caused the country and more than 1 million Ireland people died). As an adult, Hughes worries gradually, plant disease not concerned on the one hand, on the other hand can lead to disaster. 90% world of calories provided by 15 crops, these crops are mated with a single species, are prone to diseases.

? Infection by late blight, potato profile

Due to various reasons, plant pathologist at plant infectious diseases rapid reduction in the number of. When experts retire, their knowledge is being sealed up in the mind.

In order to reduce the loss caused by insufficient experts, Hughes and Salath é launched PlantVillage website. You can think of it as a botanical version of Quora: people around the world are available on the PlantVillage to ask questions, seek advice from farming. Thus, agricultural knowledge farmers can understand each other, to make up for the insufficient number of experts. This is a good idea, but despite the increase in Web site traffic steadily, most questions are answered by the PlantVillage team.

So, Hughes and others began to look for another way out, to use a computer to automatically diagnose plant diseases. First of all, they need to plant photos. So they went to Ghana's experimental farm: where researchers to vaccinate their crops of selected pathogens for testing. By this way, researchers will be able to fully determine their photographs in the plant, is what ill. Hughes, who shot totals about 100,000 photographs, all taken in the sunny day, photo background is uniform .

Then, Salath é was responsible for half the amount of photos to import an artificial neural network. This is a special computer system to simulate a form of communication between neurons in the brain, and learning how to identify and classify a bunch of pictures. The network uses some pictures of crop leaves, has developed a program that can identify these leaves are what the illness, then the other leaf photo test the program. As mentioned earlier, which made 99.35% accuracy, satisfactory.

In addition to Hughes's team, and other research teams have tried a similar approach, but according to the Salath é said, those teams can only solve a particular crop or a disease: "our journey is 14 and 26 species of crop disease. We will not inform the computer photographs of the plants with Phytophthora infestans, also it is not prompted to check the grey spots. We just allow the system to network their probes, to figure out which pattern implies plant diseases. ”

Run the neural network requires massive computing power, but once the program was established, is sufficient in the Smartphone. In addition, since the world's population on the rise--the proportion of mobile broadband access reached 69% by the end of last year, the team optimistic expectations and growing--Hughes, most farmers in developing countries need to diagnose plant diseases can also detect plant disease using mobile applications.

Of course other mobile application has been developed to diagnose plant diseases, but they were either given a lot pictures of plants to the farmers themselves, or build a bridge between farmers and agricultural experts. Mobile application of automatic diagnosis of crop diseases, only this one.

However, the United States Purdue University (Purdue University) Janna Beckerman doubts this auto diagnose crop diseases how useful mobile applications can. "Diagnosis of plant diseases, I cannot only look at the leaves and appearance," Beckerman said, "I need a microscope and meticulous checks. Sometimes I still need to try planting it. This is the mobile application, but we have to remind people, should follow the laboratory diagnostic results.

United States Agency for international development, Judy Payne's response more enthusiastic: "help farmers diagnosis tricky crop diseases, potential impressed me in this area. Although technology is not enough to replace the experienced plant pathologists, but it can drastically reduce the challenge faced by farmers in developing countries, both at a distance and is a resource. ”

In addition, Payne added: " this technology needs a good test, to adapt to the environment of the rural areas. "Indeed, the Hughes team more realistic pictures of, such as books, scientific articles and other sources to obtain photos, diagnostic accuracy rate fell only 31%. When the program is informed that the crop species, accuracy rose to 45%.

This data isn't impressive sounding but Salath e pointed out that, if there is any random guessing, the program correctly only 2%. "The program is better and more", Hughes said, "who can distinguish between 14 26 kinds of crop diseases, accuracy is higher than 45%? I think not. If a Department includes experts from different fields of expertise, the sector as a whole may be able to achieve the accuracy of 45%, but our method allows United Kingdom of Kent County, United States, Kentucky, and Kenya's farmers can achieve diagnostic accuracy of 45%. ”

Hughes's team open their photo database, and look forward to computer experts to help them design better algorithms. Their efforts to collect more photos of crops. These crops were erosion and infection of the disease cycle and photographed in a bright background light. Salath é pointed out that this is the whole point: "at present, our algorithm is not sufficient to distinguish the difference between so many pictures. We now need to do, is to add more photos, this program automatically diagnostic accuracy rate will go up. ”

Hughes has several photography team, respectively, in photos taken in Tanzania and the photo shoot of rice in the Philippines, and cassava. James Legg is part of an international agricultural research organization (the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research,CGIAR), is also a partner in Hughes. Legg said: "I am mainly working in Tanzania. This technology allows tens of millions of farmers so their crops from Mosaic and brown streak of attacks. You know, these diseases will cost Africa more than US $ 1 billion a year. ”

"Our goal is to take 3 million pictures in three years," Hughes said, "our photos will be free and open to the public. If you want to use our pictures, your account must be open access to others. ”

"I can see the world's farmers use crop considerable prospect of application of automatic diagnosis of diseases," the John Innes Centre (John Innes Centre) Saskia Hogenhout said: "in addition, I am sure that the incidence of people volunteered to help take crops and pests photos to enrich public database. This will help the plant quarantine agencies around the world to control crop diseases and pest attacks. ”

智能手机新销路:帮农民应对作物灾病 - 智能手机,农作物 - IT资讯


上述场景正是David Hughes所展望的未来。令他兴奋的是,理想照进现实的日子更近了。Hughes和他的同事Sharada Mohanty、Marcel Salathé,都任职于瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院。他们在一台电脑中导入了5.4万片植物叶子的图像,并让电脑学会依据叶子的特征来判断该植物生了什么病。在这一过程中使用的计算机算法,可以诊断出14种作物的26种不同疾病,准确率高达99.35%。












不过,美国普杜大学(Purdue University)的Janna Beckerman怀疑,这款自动诊断作物疾病的手机应用到底能有多大用处。“要诊断植物疾病,我不能只看叶子和外表特征,”Beckerman说道:“我需要用显微镜细致检查。有时候我还需要试种植一下。这只是手机应用而已,但我们一直都提醒人们,应该听从实验室的诊断结果。

而美国国际开发总署的Judy Payne的反应要更热情一些:“帮助农民诊断繁难的作物疾病,这个领域的潜力让我印象深刻。尽管现在的技术还不足以替代经验丰富的植物病理学家,但能够大幅减少发展中国家农民面临的挑战,不论是在距离上还是资源上。”




Hughes有几个摄影团队,分别在菲律宾拍摄水稻照片以及在坦桑尼亚拍摄木薯照片。James Legg隶属于国际农业研究磋商组织(the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research,CGIAR),同时也是Hughes的合作者。Legg表示:“我主要在坦桑尼亚工作。这项技术让好几千万农民受益,使他们的作物免受花叶病和褐条病的侵袭。要知道,这些疫病每年都会让非洲损失超过10亿美元。”


“我能看到全球农民都使用作物疾病自动诊断应用的可观前景,”约翰英纳斯中心(John Innes Centre)的Saskia Hogenhout说道:“此外,我确信,人们会志愿帮助我们拍摄发病作物以及害虫的照片以充实公开数据库。这将帮助世界各地的植物检疫机构控制作物疫病和害虫侵袭。”

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