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published in(发表于) 2016/5/2 8:22:27 Edit(编辑)
Korea-us-artificial intelligence to be used in combating cyber-terrorism,

Korea-us-artificial intelligence to be used in combating cyber-terrorism,(韩美拟用人工智能共同打击网络恐怖主义,)



Korea-us-artificial intelligence to be used in combating cyber-terrorism-cyber-terrorism, Cyber-Security-IT information

According to Korean media reports, Korea Ministry of creation science Second Secretary (Deputy Minister) Cui Yu, and United States Department of Homeland Security Deputy Minister leijinnade·bulazesi 2nd agreed that ROK-US joint research based on artificial intelligence (AI) of the network security technology, to join hands in combating cyber-terrorism. Both day in Korea Gwacheon Government building issued a statement on joint research and development of artificial intelligence technology to detect a hacker attack threats by combating cyber-terrorism Declaration of intent.

According to the statement, Korea-us split research and development requirements of network security technology based on artificial intelligence and consultations to identify specific research topics. The two countries will also discuss sharing network security information, expand civil cooperation in the field of Internet security.

Cui Yu said South Korea will work with artificial intelligence technology leading the United States to cooperate to enhance network security management and disposal capacity, strong support for the areas of Korea enterprises to enter the international market.

韩美拟用人工智能共同打击网络恐怖主义 - 网络恐怖主义,网络安全 - IT资讯




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