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published in(发表于) 2016/5/2 8:22:02 Edit(编辑)
Cross! Five years after the CIA tweets “broadcast live“ bin Laden’s arrest,

Cross! Five years after the CIA tweets “broadcast live“ bin Laden’s arrest,(穿越!五年后CIA推文“直播”本拉登抓捕行动,)



Cross! Five years after the CIA tweets "broadcast live" bin Laden arrest-CIA,Twitter-IT information

United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 's official Twitter account is a magical being, filled with many old cold knowledge (such as invisible ink). The Agency often gossip declassified historical military operations, but today, the CIA began a "live broadcast" 2011 action in Pakistan to capture Osama bin Laden. Although deferred a full 5-year period, but this "live" also attracted the attention of many people.

To commemorate the city of Abbottabad in Pakistan catch Osama bin Laden action launched by the five-year, CIA has released "network" broadcast trailer.

United States eastern daylight time (EDT) 1:51 P.M. when helicopters from Afghanistan leaving Pakistan's Abbottabad.

Midway through a Luke O'Neil netizens ridicule CIA lost position.

Friends Dan Telfer asked, if not successful, what would now be?

Sesame Street users Matt Erspamer will throw in a "look."

3:39 P.M., Osama bin Laden was found on the third floor, and were subsequently killed.

[Compiled from: TheVerge]

穿越!五年后CIA推文“直播”本拉登抓捕行动 - CIA,Twitter - IT资讯




中途有个Luke O'Neil网友吐槽CIA失去了立场。

网友Dan Telfer问到,如果当时没成功的话,现在会是个什么样?

网友Matt Erspamer则甩出了芝麻街“表情包”。



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