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published in(发表于) 2016/4/29 5:36:28 Edit(编辑)
The penguins lost! Tencent QQ quietly replaced with new logo

The penguins lost! Tencent QQ quietly replaced with new logo(企鹅瘦了!腾讯QQ悄悄更换新标识,)



The penguins lost! Tencent QQ quietly replaced with new logo-QQ, Tencent-IT information

IT information news on April 29 yesterday, Tencent launched QQ 8.3 the desktop experience, and Android QQ 6.3.3 version, in the new version, QQ identifies quietly changed.

? New VS old

The sign of Tencent QQ Penguin was completely flat, and Penguin even more thin, mouth closed, eyes and feet and other parts of the trimmer.

At present, the QQ website, QQ members, such as QQ software logo has been replaced with a new version.

According to company data, currently QQ number was 853 million monthly active users, mobile QQ monthly active users for 642 million, up to 241 million simultaneous online account, from the data, QQ is still China's largest news agency, and the micro-month live and more than 700 million, with QQ the gaps are getting smaller.

企鹅瘦了!腾讯QQ悄悄更换新标识 - QQ,腾讯 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 4月29日消息,昨日腾讯推出了桌面QQ 8.3体验版、和安卓QQ 6.3.3正式版,在新版本中,QQ标识悄然发生了变化。





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