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published in(发表于) 2016/4/29 5:35:30 Edit(编辑)
Dong mingzhu: Ning cry BMW, does not sit on the smile on the bike is wrong,

Dong mingzhu: Ning cry BMW, does not sit on the smile on the bike is wrong,(董明珠:宁坐宝马车里哭,不坐在自行车上笑是错的,)



Dong mingzhu: Ning cry BMW, does not sit on the smile on the bike is wrong-Dong-IT information

This article from: Dong media

Famous host Chen Luyu visit gree enters its second day, rainy duration Zhuhai rare clear. Sister Dong proposal, since the romantic city of Zhuhai, Zhuhai's most romantic couple may wish to go for a walk way. Luyu readily accepted. Subsequently, both dressed casual, walking hand in hand along a couple road hair dryers, of the Shandong, Henan and some easy access along the way begins.

"Select manufacturing is not a coincidence of fate, I like manufacturing. ”

"I choose to manufacture not a coincidence of fate, I like manufacturing. "Asked why when you choose not to go to Zhuhai and other cities, sister Dong replied:" select the city of Zhuhai is a coincidence, the city is so beautiful. And I choose to sell is because the job is very challenging. ”

Sister-Dong-90 entering gree from a grass-roots sales, with amazing performance and lease and give up the spirit of a step by step up to now head of gree. Lu Yu asked when she has a gift for sales from an early age, she candidly says: "I'm not a natural deal, because I was fighting, loves to tell the truth. When I was young too, I would have to express what want to do. And I think the marketing was not blowing on, besides hard work should also be honest. I was doing marketing is by keeping, does not succeed it would die. ”

"If I go to the army, must be a good soldier! ”

It is said that the "Iron Lady" Dong Lu, no grass; others believe that she adhered to the principle of fairness "too harsh", or even "nice guy". Didn't expect in this exclusive interview, sister Dong changed its "high-handed" style, active about childhood, show business iron lady "tenderness" of the other side.

"I remember when I was 12 years old, the teacher said we should go swimming today, I find it difficult, so don't want to go. Later, the teacher did a lot of work, that I was so tall, why not go to. His words inspired me, I said to go. Went to the teacher after clubbing a stick, let me stand there for a while, they swim in a circle back to teach me. Is such a short time, I fell I nearly drowned. "Sister Dong said," after this, everyone thinks that I might never swim again, but then I thought about, I have to learn how to swim, if I can't swim, will one day also be drowned. "

Sister Dong's serious and persistent with her all the way to grow, from early 1995 to gree headquarters served as Minister since her drastic reform rules set system state the rules, using her rigorous, persistent and unusual execution led gree giant leap leap forward "in Forbes Global 2000".

When Lu Yu when asked about her motivation to work, sister Dong, "said brand to the world. Equipped with this company, I have to work hard to build this brand. " Meanwhile, sister Dong laughed: "if I go to the army, must be a good soldier, the execution is particularly strong! ”

"There is a normal heart, what will be happy"

In the minds of different people, has a different understanding of success. In sister Dong's view, what is success? I think Tung, "a definition of success to others, I think it has its own objectives, the eternal quest can be said to be successful."

As a successful entrepreneur, sister Dong is bound to be busy. When Lu Yu asked, "If you're not so busy every day, but there is more time to walk along the beach, feel better", sister Dong said with a laugh, "there is a normal heart, what will be happy. Busy work would certainly cause me to lose a part of human life should be, but I'm used to now work pattern and rhythm, I think it is a kind of enjoyment. ”

"Would rather cry in a BMW car, rather than sit on the smile on the bike is wrong choice"

Interview scene, sister Dong, Chen luyu and 5 female students and 5 female employees of the "independent woman theme seminars".

"For women, wealth and beauty which one do you think is more important? "Faced with this question, sister Dong replied:" a person's greatest success is the confidence, rather than wealth or good looks. In my opinion, would rather cry in a BMW car, rather than sit on the smile on the bike is wrong choices, success of women should not rely on appearance, but rather content. Discrimination against women in society now, was due to women to their own gender ' discrimination '. Only strong, real strong. ”

As a woman, how to invest in yourself, and allow yourself to become strong? Lu Yu believes that each stage is don't give up on yourself, live your life one day, passion for life, advised women to have their own careers, their financial independence, lives with dignity and also interested, make your life more colorful. The sister-Dong said, women do the things they want to do, finds himself the most important.

董明珠:宁坐宝马车里哭,不坐在自行车上笑是错的 - 董明珠 - IT资讯


















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