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published in(发表于) 2016/3/25 9:23:08 Edit(编辑)
Smooth production exposes tea sister, Liu upgrade when Dad,

Smooth production exposes tea sister, Liu upgrade when Dad,(曝奶茶妹妹顺利生产,刘强东升级当爸,)



Smooth production exposes tea sister, Liu upgrade when Dad-Liu, tea sisters, Jingdong-IT information

On March 24, a Netizen in the Twitter fact tea my sister upgraded when the mother. According to SINA to spy, tea sisters had indeed production, Liu disclosed the information at a company. But things might have to wait for the exact message.

It is reported that Liu and Zhang Zetian is 19 years old, since the relationship suffers. Two last August, two people were found in the Chaoyang District Bureau of license to get married, and finally airness on October 1, Liu and Zhang Zetian in Australia for weddings.

On November 1, 2015, Zhang Zetian friends admitted for the first time pregnant and said "little guy soon ran out before the wedding ceremony", also funny said: "economic boost, people follow. "Zhang Zetian who will become pregnant with a baby-face, girls are still full. Liu is loved and to love wife: "who said what, but I love my wife! "The full force and hegemony, President of fan, and friends also have to praise the bless the new couple. During pregnancy, Liu often with tea sister attended during the event, always keep and spoiled for me.

曝奶茶妹妹顺利生产,刘强东升级当爸 - 刘强东,奶茶妹妹,京东 - IT资讯




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