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published in(发表于) 2016/4/28 6:09:55 Edit(编辑)
The Ministry of education, the CBRC Bate: thorough, and negative net lending platform on campus,

The Ministry of education, the CBRC Bate: thorough, and negative net lending platform on campus,(教育部、银监会大怒:严整校园不良网贷平台,)



The Ministry of education, the CBRC Bate: strict bad loans online lending platform-network on campus, students-IT information

IT information news on April 28, recently, a " students ' online loan debt of more than 500,000 yuan jumped to " news has fueled a lot of attention, for a time, campus network loans became a focus of public. In this regard, the Department of education's Office and published recently by the General Office of China Banking Regulatory Commission on strengthening the campus bad debt risk prevention and education work notice (hereinafter referred to as the notice), the notice points out that some bad lending platform to induce students ' overconsumption, even fall into trap of usury, so to strengthen the supervision and regulation of bad lending platform on campus.

The notice that, with the rapid development of Internet lending, borrowing some P2P networks platform is constantly expanding in colleges and universities, part of the false propaganda of the bad lending platform and reducing the threshold for loans, to hide the actual rates and other means, induce students ' overconsumption, even fall into trap of usury, violation of students ' interests and adversely affected.

Set out in the notice, and to establish a campus bad credit daily monitoring, real-time mechanism for early warning, response management and so on. Meanwhile, increase the intensity of student consumer education; increase financial, network security knowledge, popularize the knowledge of finance, network security, increasing student financial aid credit system construction, and so on.

Following is the full text of the notice:

教育部、银监会大怒:严整校园不良网贷平台 - 网络贷款,大学生 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 4月28日消息,近期,一则“大学生网上贷款欠债逾50万元跳楼自杀”的新闻引起网友高度关注,一时间,校园网络贷款成为舆论焦点。对此,教育部办公厅和中国银监会办公厅日前发布《关于加强校园不良网络借贷风险防范和教育引导工作的通知》(以下简称《通知》),《通知》指出部分不良网络借贷平台诱导学生过度消费,甚至陷入高利贷陷阱,因此要加强校园不良网络借贷平台的监管和整治。




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