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published in(发表于) 2016/4/28 6:09:50 Edit(编辑)
Stolen bank card account number is obsolete, hackers are now interested in it,

Stolen bank card account number is obsolete, hackers are now interested in it,(窃取银行卡账号已过时,黑客现在对这个感兴趣,)



Stolen bank card account number is obsolete, hackers are now interested in it-hackers, bank cards, credit cards, privacy-IT information

April 28, Beijing time, according to technology website ZDNet reported, once upon a time, the bad hackers are always victims of credit card accounts as the goal, but as time goes on, they are eyeing new targets--personal data.

Priceless personal data

In addition to the traditional credit card information, criminals now lay more and more data, including name, address, birth horoscope and other identifying material, these data in the hands of criminals as fraud and extortion "artifact".

"If you get the victim's credit card number, personal information of their family or pets, so guess this card will become very high risk passwords and master criminals of the personal data is ' God '. "CybelAngel network security company network risk analysts in a recent security and counter-terrorism said the Shanghai World Expo.

Because of this, bad hackers started moving personal data, "these data can provide accurate information to fraudsters, criminals use this information is easy to obtain the victim's trust. ”

CybelAngel to scan 4,000 forums, they discovered that crime in some underground forums, personal data to be the most popular products (especially in Russia).

Cyber crime world has rules

Hackers are high-IQ groups, they would get financial and personal information added to launch the victim accounts, then they will use a range of information for fraud, laxity and you are likely to take the bait.

Experience with fraud gradually, these hackers stealing and reselling personal data becomes more and more professional. In its analysis of the underground Black Forum, CybelAngel think even Internet crime world there are strict rules to follow, many selling eat on credit information, if their information is not to force, or even to give money back to buyers.

This order means in order, even if it is just on the word of a liar, can dig gold in the world of cybercrime, so that hidden in the dark world of network into countless careerist of the Holy Land, they want to get from a piece of cake.

Moreover, with the rise of the Internet of things, we put more and more personal data on the Internet, which allows a malicious person happy flowers.

Crimes are on the rise

"When we enjoy the benefits of the Internet of things, forgetting that personal data carries intrinsic value, but now it is the awakening because it does pose an additional risk. "BAE General Manager Dr McVicar said.

In addition, a variety of networked devices using our live, routes to and from work, and even daily habits are exposed in front of cyber criminals, their criminal ways through these "lifestyle" data is upgraded in the future, online crime or even directly premeditated theft and robbery.

"Criminals can locate safe at home by your lifestyle and other valuables, in addition to your garage door or security systems will become part of the Internet, criminals will use your personal data, and they can be effortlessly while you're out of your wealth looted. "McVicar explains Dr.

"Criminals will data know your home alarm system-settings and the sleep time, can render more accurately determine when no one in your family, so move your wealth was a breeze. "Dr McVicar added.

窃取银行卡账号已过时,黑客现在对这个感兴趣 - 黑客,银行卡,信用卡,隐私 - IT资讯

















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