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published in(发表于) 2016/4/28 6:09:10 Edit(编辑)
Developer: WebKit will no longer use the non-standard CSS attributes prefix

Developer: WebKit will no longer use the non-standard CSS attributes prefix(开发者看过来:WebKit将不再使用非标准CSS属性前缀,)



Developer: non-standard CSS attributes prefix-WebKit will no longer use the browser, Web-IT information

Mobile platforms today is ruled by WebKit-based browser, WebKit uses a lot of non-standard CSS properties or characteristics of the-WebKit prefix, these CSS properties are widely used by Web developers, leading to smaller market share is the result of a browser has to support these non-standard features.

WebKit prefixes property in the middle of the browser developers has stirred controversy, now official blog acknowledged WebKit prefixes property damage caused by more than benefits, announced the realization of experimental features no longer uses a prefix tag instead of run time (Runtime flags).

Encyclopedia: browser engine prefixes (Vendor Prefix) what is it?

Vendor prefix-browser engine prefix is placed in front of the CSS properties of small strings, used to ensure this property only under a specific browser rendering engine to recognize and enter into force. Google chrome and Safari browsers using the WebKit rendering engine, Firefox browser using the Gecko engine, Internet Explorer uses the Trident engine, before the Opera Presto engine, later changed to WebKit engine. A browser engine does not implement other engine prefix identifies the CSS properties, but because the WebKit engine is very popular mobile browsers, browsers in its mobile version of Firefox also implements some of the WebKit engine prefixes in CSS properties. (From Web hackers )

开发者看过来:WebKit将不再使用非标准CSS属性前缀 - 浏览器,Web - IT资讯


WebKit前缀属性在浏览器开发商中间引发了争议,现在官方博客也承认WebKit前缀属性造成的伤害超过好处,宣布在实现实验性功能时不再使用前缀,而是使用运行时标记(Runtime flags)。

小百科:浏览器引擎前缀(Vendor Prefix)是什么?

Vendor prefix—浏览器引擎前缀,是一些放在CSS属性前的小字符串,用来确保这种属性只在特定的浏览器渲染引擎下才能识别和生效。谷歌浏览器和Safari浏览器使用的是WebKit渲染引擎,火狐浏览器使用的是Gecko引擎,Internet Explorer使用的是Trident引擎,Opera以前使用Presto引擎,后改为WebKit引擎。一种浏览器引擎里一般不实现其它引擎前缀标识的CSS属性,但由于以WebKit为引擎的移动浏览器相当流行,火狐等浏览器在其移动版里也实现了部分WebKit引擎前缀的CSS属性。(摘自Web骇客)

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