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published in(发表于) 2016/4/28 6:08:57 Edit(编辑)
Beautiful bikes stolen installed electric motors entry is checked: suspended for 6 years, fined 130,000 yuan,

Beautiful bikes stolen installed electric motors entry is checked: suspended for 6 years, fined 130,000 yuan,(美女自行车手偷装电动马达参赛被查:禁赛6年,罚款13万元,)



Beautiful bikes stolen installed electric motors entry is checked: suspended for 6 years, fined 130,000 yuan-bike, electric motor-IT information

Foreign media reported on April 26, at the International Cycling Federation (UCI) held in cross-country mountain bike World Championships, Belgium beauty bicycle rider fenke·fandengdeliqie bikes are checked out from the motor was banned for 6 years, and was fined $ 20569 (equivalent to about 130,000) fine and pay the UCI litigation expenses. bike website reported abroad through magnetic resonance imaging scans, the staff found in vertical beam on her bicycle seat battery and Vivax motor. Fandengdeli can be manipulated to hide in her car in the Bluetooth switch remote control motors. When she denied the allegations, claiming to offer her bike has a problem. Fenke·fandengdeliqie said: "this is my friend's bike, he is a mechanic because our car, he accidentally rode my bike on Saturday, so I cleaned the car, using it to play. ”

Fenke·fandengdeliqie on October 11, 2015 until October 10, 2021 was banned for 6 years. Earlier before UCI had found her cheating earlier in the season. Thus, Belgium has been cancelled since October 11, 2015, she saved all the medals and prizes. Fenke·fandengdeliqie's name and number will be removed from the race rankings, while her U23 women's European Championships U23 women's Belgium Championship qualification will be cancelled.

Fandengdeliqie "mechanical doping" ban was the first time. According to the UCI said, officials scan for more than 100 vehicles in the race bike, and all cycling this year continued to "increase the intensity of monitoring." According to the UCI President buruien·kukesen said: "we have invested a lot of resources to develop the efficient new scanning technology, also stepped up sanctions against anyone cheating. ”

Doping rife in top-level competitions, this scandal is as a stain on the reputation of professional cycling. Lance Armstrong's doping scandal is still fresh, and recurrence of this type of incident will only make people lower on the sport players ' trust.

美女自行车手偷装电动马达参赛被查:禁赛6年,罚款13万元 - 自行车,电动马达 - IT资讯






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