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published in(发表于) 2016/4/27 6:25:36 Edit(编辑)
Women believe in micro-circle of friends: micro plastic collapsing nose,

Women believe in micro-circle of friends: micro plastic collapsing nose,(女子轻信微信朋友圈:微整形塌了鼻,)



Women believe in micro-circle of friends: micro plastic friend collapsed nose-ring, micro-plastic-IT information

Guangzhou woman last seen on micro-circle of friends know injecting hyaluronic acid such as beauty cosmetic make up their own, spent 14188 luoxi acquaintances home made nose, jaw, the temple Office for drug injection, redness and pustules result the nose, pin-black, were later confirmed the left nose vascular thrombosis and necrosis, collapse and scar occurs. It turns out that the acquaintance has no medical qualifications, just go to a beauty salon training 5 days, buy some unknown hyaluronic acid injection products for yourself and others, counsel alleged illegal medical practice, may constitute a criminal offence.

Training 5 days would dare to do micro plastic

This 28 year old Xiangyang Xiao Hui (not his real name) doing garment business in Guangzhou, last year saw a familiar female micro-circle of friends friends print multiple pictures, showing its features seem to be beautiful than before. The woman, 32, claims to be leased for a living and has no medical qualifications, just spent tens of thousands of Yuan in a beauty salon for a micro plastic injections for 5 days training, just let himself, his mother and some friends to do micro plastic injections. Small mercies have formal shaping institutions consulted, heard that women can provide a brand name hyaluronic acid for injection product, and see real well, bait and 14188 was paid to women's "friendship prices" micro-surgery.

Injection Rhinoplasty nose caused by collapse

On August 18 last year at about 7 o'clock in the evening, Xiao Hui Yu Luoxi neighborhood woman home. After simple disinfection woman for her, has a long nose, long jaw and temples of injecting. But kindness to the nose of the night pain, nasal swelling and pus soon appear, the tip injection multiple-pin port such as black, and later her fever has emerged. Night after night she went to the hospital emergency room, prescribed some anti-inflammatory pain medication treatment, and later the partial freezing of the affected area.

Xiao hui to woman home again the next day, asked what it was all about and was told was "normal" pimple is actually "fat particles" and so on. Women treated with instruments to kindness, let her eat some anti-inflammatory drugs, and put ointment on her face. However, when Xiao hui to a large hospital, was found to the left of nose due to vascular thrombosis and necrosis. Later, she also systemic symptoms of itching, redness, the ulcers in some places. She had to be hospitalized, discharged from hospital after 2 months after hyperbaric oxygen treatment, nasal pimple subsided.

Yesterday, a medical cosmetic injection beauty expert for small mercies was diagnosed in hospitals, found the left side of her nose tissue necrosis leads to deformation of nose collapsed, forming local hypertrophic scars, scar plastic surgery only after six months. It is understood that the injected into the materials of Xiao Hui faces are "plastic x-ya" and "XX" for the brand, and the State food and Drug Administration did not find the two product inspection records. Xiao hui says women were trained through their own beauty salon owner to purchase these materials.

女子轻信微信朋友圈:微整形塌了鼻 - 朋友圈,微信,整形 - IT资讯








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