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published in(发表于) 2016/5/20 5:46:04 Edit(编辑)
Beidou navigation share at 30%: the State will establish their legal status,

Beidou navigation share at 30%: the State will establish their legal status,(北斗导航份额已达30%:国家将确立其法律地位,)



Beidou navigation share at 30%: the State will establish their legal status-Beidou navigation, GPS-IT information

Seventh, held in Changsha, China satellite navigation annual academic conference on News China is developing the satellite navigation regulations, and included in the 2016 legislative work plan of the State Council. This will be the first satellite navigation administrative regulations, protect the geostar system provides reliable service, improve the level of legal management of the Beidou system.

Administration Ran Chengqi, Director of the Office on China's satellite navigation system, the satellite navigation regulations will standardize China's satellite navigation activities, Beidou system established as the legal status of the national spatial information infrastructure, promoting application and industry development of the Big Dipper.

Ran Chengqi revealed that one interpretation of the Beidou system will be released in the near future development concepts and policies advocated by the white paper. BD release of the white paper will continue to promote the United States, Russia, the European satellite navigation system suppliers, such as cooperation and exchanges, deepen in compatibility and interoperability, monitoring and evaluation,-based enhancement system and its application of cooperation.

Ran Chengqi, China and the United States issued a joint statement on satellite navigation cooperation, and Russia signed the Beidou and GLONASS system compatibility and interoperability, navigation and technology cooperation joint statement and other outcome documents, complete the compass with the Galileo system frequency coordination with the European Union. "These coordinated, highly professional operation, in fact make four satellite navigation systems in the sky together in harmony and mutual interference, and let people around the world while enjoying their benefits. "He said.

Ran Chengqi admitted that 2015 gross domestic satellite navigation amounted to 190 billion yuan, contributed approximately 30% of the Beidou system; as of April 2016, Beidou navigation baseband, RF chip/module sale exceeded 24 million tablets, measuring high-precision Board sales nearly 120,000, navigation antenna 4 million sets sold more than 500,000 high-precision antennas ... ...

Is still maintained good momentum of development, he said, and not only that, the Big Dipper, the increasingly wide range of industries.

In Compass technology assistance, land operations plan has been entered into the automated driving systems, through special control to drive farm machinery, tractors, agricultural machinery can follow a predefined route operation of cultivated land.

Popular science: Beidou navigation

China's Beidou navigation satellite system is run, independent of our own construction, and shared with other satellite navigation system compatible with the world's global satellite navigation system, all-day, all-time in the world for all types of users with high precision and reliable positioning, velocity, timing services, and both short message communication ability.

Beidou system implementation of the "three-step" strategy: the first step, the Beidou experimental navigation satellite system built in 2000; second, in 2012, into a regional navigation system; the third step, in around 2020, built from 5 geostationary orbit satellites and 30 non-geostationary satellites covering the Beidou satellite navigation system. Currently, the first two steps have been achieved, China became the United States, third in the world after Russia and has independent satellite navigation and positioning system of the country.

It is understood that the follow-up plan is steadily advancing, in the "Thirteen-Five" about plans to launch 30 satellites in order to complete the "third step". Meanwhile, 2018 years ago about to launch 18 satellites, first "along the way" services.

北斗导航份额已达30%:国家将确立其法律地位 - 北斗导航,GPS - IT资讯












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