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published in(发表于) 2016/4/25 8:40:42 Edit(编辑)
Students see female NET friend into MLM Cup: beaten every day to eat rotten cabbage,

Students see female NET friend into MLM Cup: beaten every day to eat rotten cabbage,(大学生见女网友陷传销黑窝:每天挨打吃烂白菜,)



Students see female NET friend into MLM Cup: beaten every day to eat rotten cabbage-MLM-IT information

On April 25, Guangzhou police 25th disclosure, a college student in Guangzhou Xiao gang (a pseudonym) in Guangdong vision of female friends, into MLM Cup, beating every day being scolded, eat rotten cabbage, gruel , Police rescued him.

On March 16, Panyu, Guangzhou received a public warning by the police, said their son, just walk out of a University in Guangzhou has not been back to school, and out of touch. Police investigate case police students learned from childhood, the morning of March 3, Xiao gang announced itself to clear vision users, respectively, on the same day in Guangdong Province at 9 o'clock, 11 o'clock bus station, yingde Ying Zhou Qingyuan Pearl Plaza, to dormitory students sent to the location map. In the days that followed, they and Xiaogang has a intermittent connection, but from the chat status, small speed of response and tone a bit abnormal. Until March 14, they gave just called again, reminding him that he came back to take a make-up exam, Xiao gang said to abandon make-up and said a couple of days to go back to school.

Xiao gang's father told police, March 15, at 9 o'clock, Xiao gang gave him a call, said his accident, is a hospital in Kunming, operating on needed 58,000 yuan. He immediately in Anhui 50,000 yuan and Xiao gang's bank card, but Xiao gang continued to asked him for balance of 8,000 yuan, after failing, phone suddenly shutdown could not be contacted. Subsequently, Xiao gang's father called the hospital in Kunming to verify, not found in hospital, then suspect Xiao gang controlled by the pyramid.

The police investigation found that small just a female friend is very suspicious of QQ chat, the female NET friend Zhou (21 years, Guangxi), major suspect of the crime. In addition to Zhou, a Gou (male, 23 years old, a Guizhou), Wu (male, 21 years old, a Guizhou), Yao Mou (female, 30 years old, from Guangxi) and 3 major suspects of the crime.

The afternoon of March 31, Qingyuan, Guangzhou police in Germany have arrested suspects Yao Mou, Yao a small explanation on false imprisonment location. Police control, GOU and others, including a the week and rescued Xiao gang succeeded in pyramid sales dens.

By police trial, the 4 name crime suspects for a playing with "MLM" guise implementation robbery of groups, they using network dating software to make men and women friends for by or through color lure way, will victim lured to German Hou, on victim for illegal imprisoned, and through various violence or speech threat means, forced victim "membership" purchase does not exists real of products, to reached robbery victim money of purpose.

At present, more than 4 suspects had been detained by Guangzhou Panyu police, the case is under further review.

大学生见女网友陷传销黑窝:每天挨打吃烂白菜 - 传销 - IT资讯

4月25日电 广州警方25日披露,广州一名大学生小刚(化名)赴广东清远见女网友,却陷入了传销黑窝,每天挨打挨骂,吃的是烂白菜、稀粥,警方日前将他解救了出来。







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