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Network anchors “blacklist“ released next month: blocked

Network anchors “blacklist“ released next month: blocked(网络主播“黑名单”,下月公布:一律封杀,)



Network anchors "blacklist" released next month: ban-network anchors, network anchorwoman, betta TV-IT information

On April 18, Sina, Sohu, yoqoo, Baidu, and 20 network live webcast platform jointly issued the Beijing self-discipline Convention (hereinafter referred to as the Convention), the Convention includes anchor, require real-name authentication, network live videos save not less than 15 days, not provided for under 18 anchor registered channels, and so on.

Recently, the reporter interviewed the Beijing cultural law enforcement Corps network team leader Shen Rui. Shen Rui said, the Beijing cultural law enforcement Corps with the Convention was drafted by the Beijing Institute of network cultures together, in the process of drafting two seeking the views of all webcast platform in Beijing, eventually forming the Covenant.

Shen Rui said at present Beijing cultural law enforcement Corps has begun in accordance with the Convention to monitor related Webcast platform, and will be announced in May the first anchor blacklist. Anchor of those on the blacklist will not be webcast platform hire .

-About hotspot

All live models will be bound

Shen Rui introduction, now part of the network live broadcast platform on the business model to implement a live model. Universal live is broadcast any registered user of the site, without identity audit, can achieve live.

National broadcast business model what are the problems? Shen Rui said that the way people live is very dangerous, once live in the drug-related, and yellow, storm-related situation, anchors broadcast live on accumulated a certain amount of popularity and suddenly went out, a great impact on society, and there is no way back. In addition, enterprises, business risk is very high, if there is a negative social impact, companies may face was completely shut down by the Government, or were ordered to stop.

This reporter has learned, first in the Convention is required to authenticate the host identity. Shen Rui said at present the Beijing cultural law enforcement Corps has asked network live broadcast platform on the mode.

Stars live or more

Talked about female star Liu Tao standing reflected guest live, and 2 hours on harvest has 70duowanming audience and more than 200,000 yuan of playing tours a thing, Shen Rui said, on this class website of commercial mode law enforcement Corps not do evaluation, but star to live platform Shang, description live has began on traditional of video industry caused impact, has many of Star, gradually put attention from newspaper, and journals, and TV transfer to network Shang, especially live platform Shang. This phenomenon in the future will be more and more, and even some Web sites for a specific star opened a particular Studio. Meanwhile, it is also a commercial mode of operation.

According to Shen Rui introduction, several Webcast currently has more than 30 enterprises in Beijing, if running a live section of the website, there are 40 or so. According to statistics from relevant ministries, national network broadcast business in the 200 or so. Although few in number, but there are a lot of Internet companies are ready to invest webcast. Recently, almost every week, there are one or two firms into the industry.

-On the issues

Live mixed pulp content

Shen Rui said that since last year, network live platform several times "live person" obscene vulgar content. Shen Rui said, on the content issue, the main problem is some videos contain pornographic and vulgar content. Reasons for this are threefold, anchors itself on the one hand the reasons Internet companies on the one hand the lack of regulatory responsibilities; yet another reason is, some enterprises for investment demand, to promote fermentation in such events.

Shen Rui said live on the network in the field, the mainstream is still good, there is still a lot of positive energy. Meanwhile, webcast is to give people a platform to express ourselves, or even a star-making platform. Bad impression for the public live, with a handful of companies trying to attract attention by vulgar, pornographic content, in order to get traffic, harvest investments or financing is associated. By way of this hype will magnify in the webcast.

"As the host, is seeking network red impulse, also have the urge to profit. "Shen Rui said, some anchors on" off "to get eyeballs, but it needs to be said is, from statistical point of view, the broadcast of pornographic or vulgar class performances, this anchor groups rarely profit. From here you can also see that audiences are less willing to pay to watch the class live. Live content can really make profits, is the art class show, "this broadcast to let the audience get positive energy that audiences are willing to pay for content."

Vulgar content platforms need to take responsibility

If pornographic content appeared in the broadcast, anchors the liability or responsibility of the network platform? Shen Rui said that at present, there is no clear distinction between liability regulations. In the course of law enforcement, Beijing cultural law enforcement Corps had three criteria. The first time to watch pornographic videos, erotic live video lasting more than 3 minutes, belonging to the ineffective supervision of the platform. Second, if obscene content of short duration, but appeared for several days in a row, responsibility of the platform not found is the platform. Third, if you want to live issues advance notice, or after the hype, and platform did not do, and timely processing, auditing, responsibility for this platform.

Such as betta TV "live person" event is in front of the live Twitter notice.

In addition, Shen Rui said in specific events in the Beijing cultural law enforcement Corps, with the concrete situations, to distinguish which party liability, but focusing on webcasting platform. As long as problems with live content, networking platforms are hard to get rid of the responsibility.

Shen Rui said, at present, the network platform with a warning against violations, fines and other penalties, serious enterprise business for rectification, revoking the relevant permission, enterprises involving the dissemination of pornographic, in serious cases to close the website and website offering administrative and criminal accountability.

-On the regulatory

Platform shall not employ "black" anchor

According to Shen Rui introduced on April 18 after the implementation of the Convention, Beijing cultural law enforcement Corps already live on the monitoring network of Beijing enterprise, checked whether these companies fulfilled the stipulated in the Convention. A month later, Beijing cultural law enforcement Corps in collaboration with the Beijing Institute of network cultures, announce the first batch of anchors blacklist. For those on the blacklist host, all live in Beijing enterprises were not allowed to continue to employ, nor on the blacklist host provide broadcast space.

Shen Rui said, at present, work is in progress, a month after the first blacklist. If signed the Convention Webcast enterprise has failed to implement the Convention, Beijing cultural law enforcement Corps of these enterprises will be incorporated into the key regulatory areas, in the event of illegal acts will be dealt with severely according to law.

Small weak self-regulation

Shen Rui said that Beijing, many live the institutional mechanism of the enterprise is not perfect, "many live enterprise scale is small, some live streaming platform only dozens of staff members." Shen Rui concluded that because of platforms is small, not huge amounts of money, not enough technology to invest in content regulation, this is causing some live streaming platform is an important cause of all kinds of problems.

Shen Rui said Webcast Enterprise core supervision is done by a human, these cannot be done by machine, human resources can't keep up with it will cause a lack of supervision.

Reporters learned that the two items involved in regulation of the Convention, a is required to store all live video, one is to require all the live video along with the Logo watermark.

Shen Rui said both measures for enterprises, is self-regulation, and it's good to protect themselves, "If there is a problem of the live platform, you can quickly determine the video in question is the live platform comes".

There is lack of legal constraints

Shen Rui said, it now appears, each live broadcast platform is more or less problems, "anchor appeared on the live issues and not surprisingly, strange is why anchors quickly become red." That is, a small number of enterprises, for the purpose of attracting investment in the hype.

"Through the hype, video downloads, a surge in the number of active users in the short term. "Shen Rui said that investors choose to invest, mainly number of platform how many users watch the live broadcast, monthly active users and how many daily active users," investors actually considered the content platform through the dissemination of pornographic content, such as live video, most likely to achieve these goals. "

Shen Rui points out, the current situation is countries there is no legislation to govern such issues. Webcast of industry development, has managed not only by a single Department, and constraints, "the question now is, some administrative units are able to Webcast corporate management, but can not control all."

Shen Rui concluded that network broadcast enterprise, is in the middle ground of the various government departments, this is now the core issues on the management.

≫> news playback

Fish TV "live person"

On January 10 this year, fighting fish outdoor live channel TV anchor "uninhibited 123" named "Live dolls" room of broadcast indecency, the broadcast attention quickly broke the thousand. That night, fighting fish TV announcement, bettas live for all real-name authentication, Huang indecent video, related to the anchor events, platform administrator has for the first time will broadcast closure, and provided police with victim-related personally identifiable information of sowing, their behavior has violated state law, fighting fish TV reserves the right to start the proceedings.

The Ministry of culture has announced, live fish, Tiger, YY, Panda TV, flag live TV and Dragon, six rooms, 9158 Webcast platform on suspicion of providing air obscene content such as violence, AIDS and abets crime of Internet cultural products, are included in the investigation list.

网络主播“黑名单” 下月公布:一律封杀 - 网络主播,网络女主播,斗鱼TV - IT资讯








































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