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published in(发表于) 2016/4/25 8:39:45 Edit(编辑)
Lie to complement the findings of new energy vehicles will be released: industry reshuffling,

Lie to complement the findings of new energy vehicles will be released: industry reshuffling,(新能源车骗补调查结果将公布:行业面临大洗牌,)



Lie to complement the findings of new energy vehicles will be released: industry faces big shuffle-new energy vehicles-IT information

Cheat fill problem with new energy vehicles step by step clear, relevant State ministries will also close the net.

Recently, a new head of the energy companies told the business daily journalist, investigations have reached the final stage of the four ministries, verification is expected to be released at the end of April.

It is understood that since the end of last year, authorities opened the investigation of new energy cheat fill, the industry has been fermented.

Before the Executive meeting of the State Council also suggested that subsidies in the new energy vehicle fall back just at the same time, it would take "to fill" approach supports the battery industry, according to battery performance, sales and other indicators on the new ideas of enterprise award.

In recent days, the media has revealed a recommendation on 2016-2020 subsidies for new energy vehicles index adjustment. New energy buses of line high subsidies, may be slashed.

In response, some in the industry believe that cheating fill the deepening of the investigation, as well as subsidies decline, new-energy auto industry will face a new round of reshuffle, the entire industry will be heavily dependent on subsidies, competition led to the market direction.

Results released late April

According to daily economic news reporter understand, car enterprises cheat new energy subsidies of way main has two species: a is whole car Enterprise full funding or shares car rental company, through "produced from the" of way, got national and place on electric of subsidies; another a way, is is by a car rental operation company led, side procurement whole car enterprise of body, side and battery enterprise cooperation, through "more procurement body, less procurement battery" of way, from gets subsidies.

While lying to fill events this year were exposed, but relevant ministries started investigations as early as late last year. On January 21, the Ministry of finance, the Ministry of science and technology, Ministry of, development and Reform Commission jointly released the notice of application verification on new energy vehicles, new energy vehicles will be used to implement special verification and management of fiscal Fund.

On March 21, the Miao Weishou, Minister at the Ministry of sound, says it has found some new energy car cheat fill behavior.

On March 28, CCTV exposure the Suzhou GMC bus manufacturing company of cheating fill behavior. It is learnt that the GMC is through lots of false certificates after the licence, but no actual delivery of the acquiring State subsidies.

A new energy company official said that the current investigation has entered the "net" phase, only to announce final results, "according to the original plan, end of March all local business verification is complete, the verification team to write research reports in early April, results will come out in late April. ”

According to the business daily earlier reported that for the companies lied to fill, relevant departments will deal seriously and even suspended production qualification.

Forcing the industry reshuffle

Cheat up storm has not been settled, but the impact of its new energy industry should not be underestimated.

Recently, the media reported on 2016~ 2020 application for new energy vehicles was issued the notice on financial supporting policy adjustments. Previous industry subsidizing new energy buses for higher subsidies will be substantial adjustments. Average 31.8% or pure electric bus subsidy, among which 6~8 m and 8~10 m drop is 45.6% and 49.5% respectively.

Says one head of new energy vehicles, China's relevant departments to adjust the existing subsidy programs, adjustment of passenger cars and small buses parts do have substantial adjustment possible.

Meanwhile, lying to supplement investigations had not been completed, adjustment of national policies are in gestation period, many new energy subsidies have been a vacuum. This also causes the Terminal sales hit "Waterloo".

Data show that in 2015, 6~8 meters of pure electric passenger car output reached 66,000 vehicles, average 5,500 vehicles. But in January of this year, production rapidly down to 1684, and continued in February shrank to 773.

However, the above related principals of new energy vehicles, "said subsidies fall back just a trend, it will drive business and reduce costs. For passenger, according to our preliminary calculations, cost reduction was consistent speed and fall back just speed, pressure is not very big, but for bus companies, pressure will be relatively large. ”

A brokerage analyst told the business daily reporters, new energy passenger car market this year is undoubtedly still will maintain its high growth, but growth will slow sharply for commercial vehicles.

Therefore, as the lie to make up the final investigation results, adjustment policies and subsidies fall, or will force enterprises to carry out technological upgrading, promote survival of the fittest.

新能源车骗补调查结果将公布:行业面临大洗牌 - 新能源车 - IT资讯
















近日,有媒体披露了《关于2016~ 2020年新能源汽车推广应用财政支持政策的通知》的调整建议。此前被业界认为补贴较高的新能源客车补贴将大幅度调整。即纯电动客车补贴平均降幅或达31.8%,其中,6~8米和8~10米的降幅更是分别达到了45.6%和49.5%。







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