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published in(发表于) 2016/3/31 6:21:26 Edit(编辑)
Lenovo, Hill, mountain,

Lenovo, Hill, mountain,(联想,下山,上山,)



Lenovo, mountain, mountain-Lenovo, Lenovo, Yang-IT information

In February, the Association released its 2015-2016 earnings, despite market share in the PC market with a 21.6% top for 11 consecutive quarters, but under the influence of global PC sales decline, Lenovo′s PC shipments fell by 4.5%; and the mobile sector is even more difficult, reorganization and cleanup has 923 million mobile inventory because of one-time costs, leading to Lenovo quarterly loss for the first time in 6 years, a net loss of $ 714 million.

"Our net profit margins in the PC 5%, 1.75 billion in net profit, if not invest in new businesses, capital market earnings performance will be better. "IT leader Summit interview with reporters, said Yang yuanqing, Lenovo is now" hill climbing "process," given time and tolerance we want the outside world to realize the ideal. ”

Talking about innovation

Lenovo′s positioning as an intelligent Terminal company

Nunn: many people think that a big company′s innovative power, what do you think?

Yang yuanqing: associate research and development investment of 10 billion yuan last year. Why do you think big business innovations are no longer available, because its survival. Cultivation of innovation takes time, in the face of the most sophisticated technologies, such as AR/VR, could not immediately put it in the basket sales, technology, marketing and content are not mature.

We now have a two-tier system. A headquarters division sections of the research and development team, is a Research Institute, specializes in 3-5 years after the technology. Techworld projector phone launched last year is the part of the Institute for research and development. But we found that the it market is still immature. Sometimes cost more than a quantitative concept, because you′ll need to open the mold, ready to produce, not to lose more sales, this is the confusion of a large company.

South: Lenovo did plan to hatch innovation project?

Yang yuanqing: we have a three-legged mechanisms, business, as well as incubators. Incubator hopes for Lenovo′s strategy to invest in advance something, going mainstream into some of the technical and business ventures, with Association funds go out of business, last year we had two, including the eggplant. This year points out of ten companies.

South: hatch focuses on which projects?

Yang yuanqing: Lenovo′s position is intelligent Terminal Company, mainly around this technology and business innovations, including smart development and sharing model, invest in content items are rarely.

Discuss the reorganization of

Mobile domestic market on which to counterattack

Nunn: we see moving the group into "dual executive" mode, Xudong Chen is in charge of domestic operations, why the changes?

Yang yuanqing: first of all, Lenovo′s mobile business is complex, with Lenovo′s own, there are mergers and acquisitions of MOTO, and in global markets, emerging markets and China′s market strategy is different. Emerging markets requires scale and efficiency, as well as the protection of intellectual property, while in mature markets need to be very innovative products, has a good design and an acceptable high-premium brands. Brand promotion in June of this year we will be in a mature market.

Mix market is China, a city very ripe, medium and small cities are emerging markets. This aspect has been doing a good, first done by operators, with the decreasing subsidies and turn to the open market and the online market, so it needs a revitalization plan. Because it is very complicated, a person of its management capacity and span, it′s hard to face three very different forms, and mission and purpose are different.

So this challenge to Xudong′s ability to stay in China, he has a wealth of experience in marketing and management and product quality, while retaining a Chinese research and development team. We do not expect quick successes, hoping to play the counterattack.

South: Lenovo′s overall poor performance last year, how do you see the outside dispute?

Yang yuanqing: tell our colleagues, we have climbed a mountain peak in PC area, but does not stop there, but continued to climb to new heights, this does not refer to a specific business, but as a company to new heights.

But there are no shortcuts, fly past or ladder in the past, need to be steadfast to the mountain ready to climb again. Why do downhill because you cultivate new business impossible it has started to make money, but a lot, can consume your core business to make. Lenovo PC 1.75 billion profit last year, but released not so much because we get to invest, this is down. Lenovo today do not do phone or server, profit will be better than the market.

So, Lenovo is an ambitious company, I hope you understand the environment in which we, give a certain tolerance and time.

联想,下山,上山 - 联想,联想电脑,杨元庆 - IT资讯






















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