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published in(发表于) 2016/7/9 8:03:37 Edit(编辑)
Consider: the prototype of the statue of liberty might be a man,

Consider: the prototype of the statue of liberty might be a man,(细思极恐:自由女神像原型可能是个汉子,)



Consider: the statue of liberty-statue of liberty-the prototype may be the man IT information

As the United States, the statue of liberty is gossip. Recently, the United States writers, journalists yilishabai·miqieer in exploring the family channel aired by "United States top attractions quest" in the first phase of the program, different from General views, the statue of liberty's face did not originate from the Bartholdi's mother, but his mentally ill brother, rang·chaersi·batuoerdi. Prior to that, also had the news that the statue of liberty is the archetype of an Arab woman.

Prototype is the Arab peasant women, a statement from the United States National Park Service, noted in its investigations, built the statue of liberty in France sculptor Frederix Ke·aogusite·batuoerdi from 1855 to 1856 visited Egypt recently inspired his interest in building large statues. In 1869, the Egypt Government plans to build a lighthouse in the Suez Canal, Bartholdi had designed a statue wearing a robe, the giant woman with the torch statue, named "Egypt brings to Asia." Bartholdi statue also draws a number of designs, including from the Arab woman evolved out of the statue.

However, yilishabai·miqieer's assertion is clearly quite different from Park Service investigation, Mitchell--the sculpture for baertuodi mothers from common view, faces further pointed out that the statue of liberty and the baertuodi mother is not, but is closer to baertuodi brother rang·chaersi·batuoerdi, since the latter brow bending, a flat nose and thin lips. Mitchell told the New York Post revealed themselves for new materials, I came across this detail. Mitchell said rang·chaersi·batuoerdi in his later years gone mad, Bartholdi went to visit him every week, "sometimes for hours staring at the silent brother". Mitchell thinks, that Bartholdi have a lot of time to observe their faces. If this statement is true, subvert the public view has always been, obviously, but it also means, a symbol of freedom and democracy in the prototype of the statue of liberty in New York is no longer the woman.

细思极恐:自由女神像原型可能是个汉子 - 自由女神 - IT资讯




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