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published in(发表于) 2016/4/10 8:07:50 Edit(编辑)
Install GPS on the men in the new car, fight back and then sell the sell,

Install GPS on the men in the new car, fight back and then sell the sell,(男子在新车上安装GPS,卖出去后抢回再卖,)



Install GPS on the men in the new car, fight back and then sell the sell-car, GPS-IT information

Today Dangyang County Police, 3 suspected Shandong province purchase new car body shelter after installing GPS, sold to dealers for sale, when a new owner from the dealers buy the cars for sale, 3 suspects in a sparsely populated section of the car taken away, and sell the vehicles to the field sales dealership, recurrent profit.

According to police introduced, before the Chinese new year, Liu returned to dangyang County, home of the migrant, 68000 spent in the local car dealers for sale to buy a second-hand car. On February 3, Mr Liu and his wife drive via ban Yue Zhen as branch sections, dangyang, suddenly dashed out from the fork of a white car parked in front. Then, immediately off his white sedan 3 young men armed with sticks, using violent means to Liu's car away.

After the incident, when used by the suspects, police vehicle and track information such as in the dangyang, identifying criminal suspects of Shandong man Zhou, Chen, Shao Mou (pseudonym), and 3 after the attack in Shandong dezhou activities. Dangyang police arrest team immediately went to Texas, on March 13, at 8 o'clock in the evening with the assistance of local police, Zhou and Chen captured the suspects, Shao Mou absconded foreign Cyber pursuit.

Zhou, Chen explained to the police, two people in partnership with Shaw a mortgage to buy a new car, GPS Locator installed on the car, then drove to the dangyang sold to local dealers. Dealers sold the car after Liu, three of them through GPS location tracking vehicles, intercepted the car robbery. After 3 people drive away from Yichang, and sold the car to car dealers in the field again, intent by repeatedly committing the crime for profit in this way.

On April 3, the suspects arrested Shao Mouqian back to Texas. Upon examination, the 3 people confessed the crime of robbery.

At present, the suspect Zhou, Chen, Shao Mou has been when the police arrest, the case still further dig in.

男子在新车上安装GPS,卖出去后抢回再卖 - 汽车,GPS - IT资讯







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