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published in(发表于) 2016/3/31 6:19:23 Edit(编辑)
2015 phone market revenue in the fourth quarter statistics: Apple, Samsung smile Pack,

2015 phone market revenue in the fourth quarter statistics: Apple, Samsung smile Pack,(2015年第四季度手机市场收入统计:苹果、三星笑傲群雄,)



2015 phone market revenue in the fourth quarter statistics: Apple, Samsung smile Pack-iPhone, Samsung mobile phones-IT news

Market research agency Strategy Analytics statistics showed global fourth quarter mobile phone plant (including smartphones) total revenue from the previous quarters of contraction of 1%, for the first time in 2.5 years.

While Smartphone revenue quarter annual growth 12%, but this growth momentum is still weak, is not sufficient to fully offset the slump in the feature phone, and once again highlight the smart-phone market is saturated.

Apple and Korea Electronics giant Samsung phone revenues are the world′s top two, both share a total of 66%,Strategy Analytics like Apple, Samsung 2016 practice leader in the mobile phone industry′s position will not change. But other small factories might not be so good luck, its revenue could be carved up.

In another report by Strategy Analytics, said 4G LTE phones 13% revenue growth in the fourth quarter of last year, ranking first of all phones categories, the number of Apple iPhone sell well, Samsung is the second.

2015年第四季度手机市场收入统计:苹果三星笑傲群雄 - iPhone,三星手机 - IT资讯

市调机构Strategy Analytics统计数据显示,全球第四季手机厂(含智能手机)合计营收较前季萎缩1个百分点,为两年半来首见。


苹果以及韩国电子大厂三星手机营收分均全球前两名,两者份额合计达66%,Strategy Analytics看好苹果三星2016年在手机业执翘楚的地位将不会有所改变。但其他小厂可能没这么好运气,其营收可能被瓜分。

Strategy Analytics在另一份报告上指出,具备4G LTE功能手机去年第四季营收成长13%,居所有手机类别之首,当中又以苹果iPhone卖得最好,三星则是次之。

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