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published in(发表于) 2016/4/9 7:22:32 Edit(编辑)
Talk about money too! Open source software can only be moral? ,

Talk about money too! Open source software can only be moral? ,(谈钱太俗!难道开源软件只能讲道义?,)



Talk about money too! Open source software can only be moral? -Open source-IT information

Since ancient times, scholars mostly poor themselves, Tao buweiwudoumizheyao the eternal story, but is money as opposed to scholarly, coin the term reference in the Han Shu Cui Lie Zhuan Cui Lie and his son Cui Jun's dialogue.

Today, the market economy has become economic entities, people's understanding of money is more clear, so both "a baffled hero" says, "money makes the world go around, no ghost money and not open the door," the proverb.

Money is like a double edged sword, and people want it, but was afraid of losing his strength of character ... ...

"Money maker"?

In the open source world as well. In short, open source, also known as open source (Open Sourse), meaning their source code published on the Web, free for others to use;

In the open source community, open source software anyone can use, and if your software is perfect, but also updates to the network, forming a feedback. All of this behavior is voluntary, voluntary actions.

It can be said that in the open source world, seek contribution should be mutually reinforcing.

Open source

If traced, the open source movement originates from the late 60 's, were originally called to the free software (Free Software), by the legendary hacker, fighter, idealist Richard Stallman of free software (Richard Stallman) flourish, and on September 27, 1983, founded the influence the GNU scheme so far.

? Richard Stallman

Open source prevailed in a patent system of the United States social roots and resist pressure from software giants such as Microsoft, step by step slog. Is different from now, in the age of proprietary software, open source software is described as a "cancer", is not popular. For companies such as Microsoft, Free Software is more like the Arabian nights, Free Software supporters with only one cavity blood, bucking.

The growth of open source software has changed the name of the road, because the initial meaning of Free Software is not only free, but also free; Free Software in order to avoid people mistaking it for free, cheap, and low-level software, Free Software in 1998, officially changed its name to Open Source, and still in use.

There is no doubt that open source has become the mainstream of today's technology. Open source software (Open Source Software) be able to dramatically increase user adoption model, but many open source products like Linux, its development, and open source the beginner's mind, just a programmer-specific enthusiasm, is a means of programmers to get a sense of accomplishment, is an embodiment of the values.

As Linus (Linus) was asked about Linux has a potential of billions of dollars of his own fortune, but when not directly profit; Linus says: "if I have no shared Linux, I think that I will not get any money, so I mean, it (open source) is a win-win situation. "

? Open source

I ask you: open source software is only a moral message?

Morality is a concept broad words, can be simply understood as morality and justice, is praised the values of our society. Open source software if only moral, lest software world will be less bright colours.

? Red Hat (Red Hat)

Red Hat (Red Hat), for example, Red Hat's reputation in the field of open source has been very high. It was founded in 1993, when Chinese technology still remain in the DOS into stages, as a provider of open source solutions, Red-cap valuations have now reached 14 billion dollars. Of course, this figure is Microsoft valuations still falls far short of the billions of dollars, but Red Hat out of a moment of open source software development road of enterprise.

If you want to be an open source entrepreneur, the business do you want to set up the first day, there is a clear business model, to get thousands of free software downloads, bringing a sustainable source of income.

Some people may question the author: open source software is free to download all upgrades also have community programmers volunteer to fully accomplish, that company where profit?

First of all, we have to recognize an error: open source doesn't mean free.

Secondly, we consider a variety of ways to profit from open source. I only talk about how open source corporate profits (personal profit from open source software aside), the first is a simple and crude, the second is the traditional guarantees.

? Distinguish between normal users and business users

Rough type : building an enterprise-class performance, security, stability, ease of management, open source software products sold to enterprise-level customers. Red Hat is in the business of the group first established, intended for its business model had done. Free Fedora Linux products are divided into user communities and more complex Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) product. After all, businesses pay more attention to the stability and safety of the products, they are willing to spend money to buy a capable of supporting enterprise-class products for Linux applications.

Traditional guarantees : in traditional software sales, the most important thing is to get users to buy their products, but for open source software, usually at the beginning of use is free, so a lot of open source software businesses to look anxious in the provision of payment services. But users accustomed to the product features, the users of this service lost purchase necessary. Also in 2008 by Sun to buy MySQL for $ 1 billion, are all open source software business profits success stories.

? To establish a benign cycle of active communities

Open source has became today world of mainstream, but many open source software for its initially is free of, so total was as a completely for moral of behavior, this behavior seems to cannot brings economic interests, only brings achievements sense, and reality is not so; certainly, if you also wants to through open source software to profit, so you first to spent lot of time and money in a began established a active benign cycle of community.

The author believes that a gentleman makes money, in a proper way. Open source is not only a healthy community interaction, or you can establish a universal moral standard of for-profit businesses.

谈钱太俗!难道开源软件只能讲道义? - 开源 - IT资讯





在开源的世界也是如此。简言之,开源,也称作开放源代码(Open Sourse),意为将自己的源代码公布在网络上,可以免费供其他人使用;




如果追根溯源,开源运动自上世纪60年代开始发源,最初被称为自由软件(Free Software),由传奇黑客,自由软件斗士、理想主义者理查德·斯托曼(Richard Stallman)发扬光大,并于1983年9月27日,创立了影响至今的GNU计划。


开源在一个专利制度盛行的美国社会生根,抵挡着微软等软件巨头的压力,一步步艰难前行。与现在不同的是,在专有软件盛行的年代,开源软件被形容成“毒瘤”,并不受欢迎。对于微软等公司来说,Free Software更像是天方夜谭,Free Software的支持者也只能怀着一腔热血,逆流而行。

开源软件的成长之路上也曾变更过姓名,因为最初的Free Software不仅是自由的的含义,同时也是免费的;为了避免人们将Free Software误以为是免费、廉价、低级的软件,Free Software在1998年正式更名为Open Source,并沿用至今。

毋庸置疑,开源已经成为当今的主流技术。开源软件(Open Source Software)成为一种能够极大提升用户采用率模型,但类似于Linux等诸多开源产品,其研发和开源的初心,仅仅是一种程序员特有的热忱,是一种程序员获得成就感的手段,是一种价值观的体现。





▲红帽(Red Hat)

以红帽(Red Hat)为例,红帽在开源领域的声誉一直很高。它成立于1993年,彼时的中国的技术还停留在DOS变成阶段,作为一家开源解决方案的提供商,红帽目前估值已达到140亿美元。当然,这个数字比微软千亿美元的估值还相差甚远,但是,红帽走出了一条时刻开源软件的企业发展之路。






简单粗暴型:打造一款满足企业级性能、安全、稳定、易管理的开源软件产品卖给企业级客户。红帽集团就在企业建立之初,就为自己的商业模式做足了打算。将Linux产品分为自由Fedora用户社区和更加复杂的Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL)产品。毕竟,企业更注重产品的稳定性和安全性,他们乐于花钱来购买一个能够支撑Linux应用的企业级产品。





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