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published in(发表于) 2016/4/8 9:25:07 Edit(编辑)
Study: more people more narcissistic self-love,

Study: more people more narcissistic self-love,(研究发现:越爱自拍的人越自恋,)



Study: more people more narcissistic self-love-self portrait, narcissism-IT information

Today, the camera has become the social media trend. According to the United Kingdom, the daily mail reported on April 7, about 93 million copies worldwide a day camera, online self up to 880 billion a year. Korea, Korea University, recently conducted a study on "crazy self" survey found that narcissistic people through the study of other people's pictures, as a means to improve their camera skills and they also care more about how your photos will be evaluated.

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Studies have shown that posted photos of themselves on the Internet is a unique way of self expression, which allows users to show in a very precise way "self" and the user's physical characteristics and personality traits can also be reflected in the photo. In order to understand the psychology of users when you publish photos, Korea University research team recruited 315 volunteers ranging in age in 19-39 to attend a one-week study.

Research main take online survey way, first part including 13 items survey, main for detection a a people of narcissism level, problem concentrated in a a people for self-timer of attitude, and on others on himself photos comments of care degree, and and on research others of self-timer of degree, for example: "I like see mirror in of himself" and "I hope get due of respect",, test finished zhihou will participants into 7 a grade, 7 level for most narcissism.

Next researchers will conduct another survey, detection from the who evaluation of levels of care for others, during which participants using only select "important" or "not interested"; the final phase of the investigation is a separate question, asked respondents "would work better to upgrade their camera skills" and "still regularly publishing pictures".

Research shows, the more narcissistic people pay more attention to other people for their photo comments, see the comments of others as a self improvement strategies, and more eager to publish photographs; in addition, the better I like studying pictures of others more like the photo judging others.

研究发现:越爱自拍的人越自恋 - 自拍,自恋 - IT资讯







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