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published in(发表于) 2016/4/8 9:24:12 Edit(编辑)
Penalty worse: unscrupulous derivative drug selling fake beauty and provide vaccination services,

Penalty worse: unscrupulous derivative drug selling fake beauty and provide vaccination services,(罚惨:无良微商卖假美容药,并提供注射服务,)



Penalty worse: unscrupulous derivative drug selling fake beauty and provide vaccination services-derivative, micro, beauty, scams-IT information

Today, yinzhou district, Ningbo city, Zhejiang Province people's Court was informed that, recently, yinzhou District Court with micro-vendors selling beauty cases of counterfeit drugs. One derivative of the Hubei woman, in the case of no relevant qualifications, beauty of counterfeit Botox sales through a circle of friends, and providing vaccination services, a profit of 20,000 yuan. After trial, the Court found that defendant knowingly counterfeits, sold its behavior had constituted the crime of selling counterfeit drugs. Case the defendant can truthfully their crimes, may be given a lighter punishment according to law, and sentenced to one year and a fine of 30,000 yuan.

It is understood that the woman Xiaoling (not his real name) a few years ago along with fellow to work in Ningbo after rushing tide of derivative in your circle of friends also began selling masks, cosmetics business. 2015 first half of, Xiao ling in a beauty shop do beauty, the shop boss Zhang bin (pseudonym) added has she micro-letter, zhihou two people in micro-letter Shang more chat more speculation, Zhang bin on with Xiao Ling said up now injection glass uric acid, and meat toxins is fire of, learn up convenient money also easy, beauty drug can from he there purchase, and he also often held related of injection courses training, Xiao Ling listening to Hou is heart.

Zhihou, Zhang bin jiangxiaoling into a micro-groups of the two hundred or three hundred people, the groups are engaged in micro-surgery industry, He Xiaoling also just contact an industry newcomer, Xiaoling seriously learn from people in the group.

After a period of time, Zhang bin told Xiao ling, he'll hold a workshop on micro-plastic injection, asked Xiao Ling to join. Xiaoling agreed, and made thousands of training, participated in this so-called micro plastic injections of course.

Training time for 4 days, first day of learning theory, is behind the practice course. After return, Xiaoling starts from 400 Yuan to 500 Yuan Zhang bin there with each bought a number of cosmetic medicine, botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid and other products, these products are not shown the registration number nor the Chinese identity.

Since then, Xiaoling started advertising in micro-circle of friends sold botulinum toxin, hyaluronic acid and other beauty products, and to provide on-site vaccination services, charges for every 1000 to 1500 Yuan. Advertisement is issued, and more people come to see Xiaoling beauty shot, Xiaoling provide door-to-door service, according to the technical training classes to customers for injection. When laixiaoling after Zhang bin is out of stock, and also from the other people in the Group had purchased a few cosmetic injections of drugs.

In December 2015, civilian police in Xiaoling accommodation will be captured, caught nearly 100 suspected counterfeit cartridges. Identified, seized the drug botulinum toxin type a in 4 kinds of products not shown imported drug registration certificate number, shall be punishable by counterfeit drugs; hyaluronic acid 7 kinds of products as class III medical devices without registration.

According to Xiao Ling injection cosmetic drug customers, Xiaoling gave them before the injection has not conducted any tests such as allergic reactions, but direct rubbing of the iodine is injected. And there were no obvious cosmetic effect after injection, but does not produce serious side effects. One customers, its face injected where there were strong hard dissolved, then remove drug Xiaoling, found to be caused by drugs not dissolved.

Xiaoling case soon after, Zhang bin was also arrested.

March 2016, prosecutors committed to Xiaoling, yinzhou district, Ningbo city, to the Court to prosecute the crime of selling counterfeit drugs.

Yinzhou District Court in accordance with law, public hearing. During the hearing, Xiao-Ling pleaded guilty in court, and the violations of their regrets, says it will not do it again.

罚惨:无良微商卖假美容药,并提供注射服务 - 微商,微信,美容,诈骗 - IT资讯












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