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published in(发表于) 2016/4/8 9:23:42 Edit(编辑)
On the Bao and P2P capital e rent crash: flaunt the female behind,

On the Bao and P2P capital e rent crash: flaunt the female behind,(论e租宝和中晋系P2P之崩盘:背后都有炫富女,)



On the Bao and P2P capital e rent crash: behind flaunting female rent-e treasure, P2P, financial scams-IT information

Red Cross Society of China not only can be, "Guo" upside down, in the financial industry has always been big on the Internet, there are more "Guo Mei Mei", is the P2P industry upside down.

Shanghai Public Security Bureau economic investigation Corps tweeting broke news a few days ago, Guo Tai holdings (Holdings) Ltd, Jin equity investment in fund management (Shanghai) company limited "Jin" associated company "suspected of illegal absorbing public deposits and illegal fund-raising fraud."

Jin in actual control of Hsu, who prepared intercepted by the police officers at the airport exit, the rest more than more than 20 core members of the Organization on April 5 were all captured.

5 billion Fund of tens of thousands of investors even this incident only investors up to 20,000 people over the age of 60. Reportedly, this beautiful State expressed again, because wealth is concerned, opened this "Jin" 30 billion yuan fund-raising scams shady "the killing machine".

This main character is a young woman named Cheng Jin in beauty. Cheng often friends naked displays of wealth, so it has caused concern.

Cheng exposure was exaggerated to live out, in the circle of friends has long been "winner in life"-Audi Q5 as a birthday gift to his father, also sent a 120-square-meter house, and buy millions of products for yourself.

Cheng Ming in your circle of friends also broke, own three cars, Ferrari and Maserati, mini, respectively, is also prepared to buy the fourth one McLaren P1. Cheng self reviews said: "man is the Princess, she's the Queen. ”

Another source said apart from Cheng, and as Jin in shareholder equity investment fund management, Guo Tai Holdings officials have a number of young women, including Chairman Chen Jiajing was 29 years old, and Assistant to President Jiang Lin Lin is only 31 years old.

In fact, Cheng and Jin P2P crash story in e rent replica of the treasure. On January 14, 2016, watched e rent treasure platform 21 people involved by the Beijing Procuratorate approved the arrest. E rent Po executives lavish lifestyle then exposure.

Police initially identified "e rent treasure" actual control of the platform Ding Ning is given away in cash, real estate, cars, luxury goods worth more than 1 billion yuan.

E only rental Bao Zhang, President of a people, Ding Ning in addition to donated 130 million Yuan worth of Singapore Villa, worth 12 million pink diamond rings, gifts such as luxury cars, watches, also has "rewarded" her 550 million Yuan.

According to Zhang min account group holding millions of executives earning up to 80 people or so, only in November 2015, Yu-Cheng group needs 800 million Yuan wages to employees.

Zhang said in an interview with CCTV, e rent treasure the most exaggerated when is LV, Hermes stores across the country are empty.

▲ E rent treasure chief operating officer Yin Fei

Zhang Bao e rent many "beauty executives" a member, Yu-Cheng Group Assistant operating officer rent Bao Yin Fei, Chief Operating Officer, e is a great beauty, Yin Fei is also a star, also worked for e rent a PO sang the anthem of the e treasure light dreams.

More drama is, for the destruction of evidence, the suspects put more than 1200 volumes of evidence material in more than more than 80 bags, buried somewhere in the outskirts of Hefei city, 6 meters deep underground, the Panel spent two excavators, which lasted more than 20 hours to be dug up.

Regardless of whether the rent is e treasure is Jin, criminal suspects to pay interest as bait, a fictional leasing project, new or old, self-security, including a large number of illegal pooling of public funds, many of the victims are those who are dancing and aunties.

论e租宝和中晋系P2P之崩盘:背后都有炫富女 - e租宝,P2P,金融诈骗 - IT资讯


















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