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published in(发表于) 2016/4/8 9:20:41 Edit(编辑)
Bear kids play tour madness “cut“: Satin mother of four months of wages,

Bear kids play tour madness “cut“: Satin mother of four months of wages,(熊孩子玩手游疯狂“剁手”:刷光母亲四个月工资,)



Bear kids play tour madness "cut": Satin mother of four months wages-wages, bear children, hand-IT information

Until yesterday, reader Wang (surname) clarify wage card where on Earth was 6800 Yuan. On March 18, she went to the Bank to withdraw money, found in the payroll card balance is only 25 pieces.

6800 Yuan in the field to work Han Wang 4 months ' salary. "The Bank staff told me that the money was from March 7 through micro-payments, March 17th. "Wang's mind, they didn't use a few micro-payments.

In micro-payment of bills, reporters saw only on March 8 at 6 o'clock in the afternoon to 7 points in an hour, Wang paid the money, spending 6, 2838.6 Yuan.

"It must be fraudulent. "Wang Zhuo DAO Quan came to the police station, after a thorough police investigation found that money flows to the most purchased game dianquan. "You have people playing the game? "Wang recalls, baby (not her real name) sometimes use their mobile phones to play games, but the child is only 10 years old, am I going to know these things?

Wang returned home and asked his son, but the answer is still no money to play the game. However, Ms Wang has reminded those unfamiliar with the game on the network, this phenomenon may occur in children. Take a skeptical attitude, she was on the basis of a promise not to scold, asked money gone, obviously this would concede that he spends all his money to a new mobile game called the glory of the King.

Yesterday morning, in order to find out how money from their mobile phone spending, Wang asked clearly demonstrate. Skilled hands in the operation on the phone screen, buy diamonds, micro-payments, enter the payment password, transaction was successful. Wang said, I don't remember password of micro-payment is how much.

"Now I can only hope game companies return part of the money to me, after all, is a minor child, not very discerning. "They immediately called Tencent customer service, customer service staff about problems with the game, need to contact the game service, but games customer service contact only online, reporters immediately reflected to the Tencent public relations message this issue.

熊孩子玩手游疯狂“剁手”:刷光母亲四个月工资 - 工资,熊孩子,手游 - IT资讯








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