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published in(发表于) 2016/4/3 6:17:21 Edit(编辑)
Ma Guoli, founder of CCTV5 to join, said CCTV and non-competition

Ma Guoli, founder of CCTV5 to join, said CCTV and non-competition(CCTV5建立者马国力加盟乐视,称与央视非竞争,)



CCTV5 joined Le Ma Guoli, and CCTV-non-competition sports, CCTV sports, horse power-IT information

On April 2, music video sports Vice Chairman Ma Guoli yesterday formally joined sports served as Deputy Chairman. Ma Guoli at today′s event, said his last contact with sports and other Internet companies for a very long time.

"I have a very clear feeling that these two are not a system. I use the context is different, television stations said, the Internet is the Internet said. ”

Said Ma Guoli, the outside world think CCTV′s sports and music as the sport is competition, in fact, the two did not see each other competitors, this is out of view, they are not at the level of thinking and development.

Ma Guoli points out that television, mainly on account of content distribution, and depending on the sport, just a "halfway houses" are standing in the middle of a connected users. TV, content is the end user, at most link ad "halfway houses".

"At this stage of China′s sports industry, sports associations and various Internet companies, the possibility of cooperation will be even greater. "Ma Guoli said, it is recommended that television and the Internet to find symbiotic way.

Statistics show that Ma Guoli in sports circles, "the Godfather," said. Ma Guoli was the founder of CCTV′s sports channel worked, Chief Executive of Beijing Olympic Games broadcast. Ma Guoli was fought within the system, and grow together with China′s sports TV .

On April 1, 2016, invited by the music video sports founder and CEO Lei Zhenjian, former Ma Guoli, Chairman of infront China Sports Deputy Chairman, in charge of sports.

Following is a sports Vice Chairman Ma Guoli speeches:

Yesterday, I was just happy as sports entry, just to be here today to share with you about my "platform" cognition, is a great honour.

Just as speaker has said, the technology is the Foundation of all development, and platform is precisely based on technological development. From the perspective of sports media and sports industries, we have experienced different development stages of the television platform, the Internet platform.

First of all, we take a look at the TV platform. TV platform has a feature, is the platform is greater than man. Of course, when CCTV sports channel was gathered a large number of very good people that otherwise would not do this.

But at a certain stage platform must be greater than people, because it is the need for stability. This is a strength, weaknesses are usually platform than people, platform say much more than what people say, this platform will naturally lack of innovation.

This is so all over the world. But in developed countries, due to the characteristics of the entire market, television is in the midst of the market, so to keep the power of innovation in the market, to keep moving forward. Therefore, foreign TV than on domestic TV, innovation much longer.

In our country, as the policy and institutional reasons, many non-market factors, causes and user communication is not direct. You like our country to pay-television and why he always failed to grow, is the reason why some policies and mechanisms.

Direct impact is that television and so far more than 90% source of income is advertising, which determines your TV must be based on the ratings for the King, all changes must be based on the ratings, because the ratings on behalf of revenue.

I say pay TV window is very short, actually I personally think is not likely to have any charges on the TV platform. This sport, for the development of Chinese sports, and it was great.

Sports organizers is the biggest revenue broadcasting rights and broadcast rights, I give you so much money, as the TV stations want to buy I have to sell, and sell if there is only one source of income, its growth is very limited. Advertising, even as the World Cup could increase 10 times, it is also impossible to 100 times.

So, the organizers of sports events in China, you can′t count on TV very, very high price.

I remember 02/03, Micheal Pen when the International Olympic Committee, we have had a dialogue. He was complaining that your CCTV royalties out of the Olympic Games is too low. I told him, in fact, as a Director of sport center, CCTV, I am willing to pay. Because I had a high price, I the status of sports all over the world will be able to improve.

Like the United States NBC, why he can adjust the time in the Olympics, because he is out of money, but I do not have this power, CCTV has been done now. Should be said that the International Olympic Committee and FIFA on the China Central television will no longer have much to complain. But as other races, is still very influential in this regard.

We′ll talk about next, the Internet platform, Communication. This technology, Internet technology is bi-directional, bi-directional, became more in many cases, you and me, it′s you and me, he and I ... ... Multidirectional technologies allow exchanges on an equal footing. Caused by the equal exchange "platform", we now say that platform, in fact, I think the word platform is no longer sufficient to describe the Internet.

So there was a lot of such as scenario, the entire value chain, especially as TV plus ecology. Two years ago, I also feel that these words are unfamiliar. But you think about it, what do you use words to accurately describe the characteristics of the Internet? Is indeed difficult.

Eco, the scene may be relatively better. Ecology, the scenario is people-centred, the Internet all contact is one of the people, including users, creators, contributors, managers, he is here, he is open.

In the past few years, development in China, why the Internet is so fast, it is important that, just because he is open. Especially in the mobile Internet appears, this is only about 3 to 5 years of time.

IPhone is probably in 07 and 08, it appears as the iconic products of the Smartphone. Then in the last three or four years, the entire transmission speed, bandwidth, great changes have taken place. So, now in terms of mobile Internet in the sport, I′ve been saying, move the side gets the world. Because, of course, as I age, I need TV.

But watch TV, how long do you use? Four hours a day? This is a long, long time. Mobile phones, all of you, an average of half an hour you have to see it again. Mobile phone from the mobile terminal, into each individual into society, is very important portal and tools, so it became a very large space. The demand for content, platforms and television are not the same, it gives you a very, very large imagination, you can find anything, or provide any content.

So all over the world, mobile phones from the beginning you have to pay. Television, in our country, and now you are not accustomed to paying. Therefore, phone mobile, it provides the possibility of paying consumption is considerable, especially for young people, using a mobile phone has become the norm these days.

Of course is not the same for me, I also do not believe that debit card tied to the phone. However, the vast majority of people via cell phone consumer. Your Chinese new year party red envelopes, sent out and how many. Here, the consumer scenarios and possibilities in this.

In addition to the consumer, mobile the emergence of technical perfection of the whole, one of the very important purpose of exchanging. Because human beings are social, and quite a few inventions of mankind in order to Exchange flow in the exchange market has generated value. We say 30 years ago, paving the way to rich. Thinking about how to get rich in the countryside, it is connected with the road to people to communicate. But now technology has completely eliminates communication barriers.

Early 90, the United States proposed the information superhighway, but as the whole Development Community market very well, so in terms of sports, his use of the Internet and development as we state in the past few years so quickly. Why, because copyright is very important in sports. As in Europe, the United States Sports market, TV in order to guarantee its own development, signed a copyright for a very long time.

For example, NBC has Olympic sign in 2030. In this case, television in order to protect its own development, he limited the development of the new media in that country. Because, under the semantics of your development in my TV, and TV content available under.

In our country, precisely due to the development of the Internet in the past few years, because it is based on technology, less affected by the social system, so it is the most fast-developing. You can see, two years ago, the State Council, 46th place, if not the past two years, the development of the Internet, copyright and the territory occupied, so now the merrier? No, he didn′t.

This is the advent of the Internet, breaking developments inherent in the system as a whole. Because it is people-centred, because it is something that everyone can participate, because of its space is infinite, so it provides a foundation for the development of Chinese sports.

I turned from the station, I was very concerned about the development of television. But based on the unbalanced development of our country, is the most important sporting CCTV sports channel platform and their importance, I believe it will last for a long period of time. However, I′d like to conclude with a page to talk about TV and the relationship between these two platforms on the Internet.

For television, which is content distribution platform, content is the core objectives. While it is not just a platform, but communication tool. We look at the Internet, based on how fast the Smartphone? In five years, you can still find the original call that can only send text messages of non-smart phone? Almost nothing.

The past two years, the Internet television. The word OTT, I heard from one of my students four years ago, he gave me from the United States brought technology explained it to me. At that time, I didn′t quite understand.

Now, you see, I believe that if you want to replace it with a TV set, you have to buy the Internet TV, instead of buying conventional TV. Its development will soon, but probably not as fast as the phone. Cell phone as I said just now, is the one you need to take something at least 66 hours, which you probably only four or five hours a day.

In this case, when I music video, two months ago after the message is sent, and my friend said to me, why are you going there, so a new company?

Then I told them, well, you probably because my television background. In fact, for these people of the Internet, my TV plus, and other Internet contacts company over this period of time, I have a very clear feeling: this is not a system or two. I use the context is different, television stations said, the Internet is the Internet said.

Outside if CCTV′s sports and music as the sport is competition, both in itself and in fact did not feel that the other competitors, this is out of view. Things are not the same, they are not at the level of thinking and development.

In television, mainly on account of content distribution, and depending on the sport, just a "halfway houses" are standing in the middle of a connected users. TV, content is the end user, at most link ad "halfway houses". As the Internet, content is connected an entrance of the sports community, and the sport community on the Internet is always, may be five years, ten years, 20 years.

So here, especially at this stage of the development of sports industry in China, various sports associations and various Internet companies, but they would have a greater chance of cooperation. Because their objective, and finally to build a community, an Internet company did not think of themselves as a content distribution platform, and consider them as an industrial company, in sports is the sports industry company, in the company culture is the culture industry. In this case, I really suggest, television and the Internet to find symbiotic way.

CCTV5建立者马国力加盟乐视,称与央视非竞争 - 乐视体育,央视体育,马国力 - IT资讯



















我记得02/03年,Micheal Pen还在国际奥委会的时候,我们有过一个对话。他当时抱怨说你中央台奥运会版权费出的太低。我跟他讲,其实作为中央电视台体育中心的主任,我愿意出高价。因为我出了高价,我在全世界体育的地位才能够提高。
























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