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published in(发表于) 2016/3/25 9:20:06 Edit(编辑)
Charm blue Note3 hit 2016 price cell phones how to define? ,

Charm blue Note3 hit 2016 price cell phones how to define? ,(魅蓝Note3来袭,2016年性价比手机该如何定义?,)



Charm blue Note3 hit 2016 price cell phones how to define? Charm-blue Note3, red rice Note3, Huang Zhang, MTK-IT information

2015 of phone industry actually is has points: Chinese cool joint of disintegration, to more focused on user experience and phone quality of domestic Internet phone manufacturers to confidence and market, in how joy several worries of environment Xia, many of originally small all, and stubborn of phone manufacturers are with this unit wave achieved has himself of "life target", and with price of abroad phone phase compared, China of phone manufacturers, and phone type currently really can be described as is blossom, Excellent industrial design and human interactions even attracted foreigners even applauded repeatedly for evaluation. Also in 2015, many mobile phone manufacturers have achieved a "going out" goal, whether it′s in India, led by emerging markets or in the United States, led by developed countries has a good record, a sense is to let the world feel the "made in China" cheap really means.

Whether or not Samsung and Apple′s total of 99% profits from mobile phone manufacturers around the world, and if we grasp the core technology is irrelevant. In fact, benefit from the advantages of the factory of the world, and make excellent domestic Internet companies able to Flex it good enough to prove the success of mobile phone manufacturers in China . During this period, price/performance advantage of the rise of a number of niche manufacturers, and consumers will get the benefits.

Changes from the end of 2015.

On the Meizu 2015 annual media communication, Meizu Li Nan told the media that in 2016, Meizu will not focus too much on cost; another "fever" cost-effective mobile phone brand of millet in their latest flagship millet 5 it also played "sketchy", 1999 prices and we have no means to buy up to the phone.

Seems to be the second generation of cost-effective mobile phone become Android handset makers in China in front of "Tiger"?

But IT information users big can slightly Ann not mania, objective for, currently in China market Shang, price Ann Zhuo phone still many, red meters Note3 Gao Tongxiao Dragon 652 version is very good of example, from millet phone currently all of models view, millet 4 times we can see red meters, and millet phone price unison red, but millet 5 standard version in many people eye in looks seems to not to high configuration of typical, does millet really of gave up has focused configuration of enthusiasts?

And Red meters relative of is charm family of charm blue series phone, not know members users also whether remember charm family charm Blue Note 1 generation above of mediatek MT6752, this paragraph processor essentially performance very to force, but charm family in went on sale several months zhihou will launched has charm blue Note2, seems to used has MT6753 processor to above MT6752, but discerning can see have out, from parameter Shang MT6753 can be described as is finished defeated, this does is a cases?

In fact, IT information Editor, this is totally normal iterative updates without essentially depends on two things: first, the user′s eyes become more selective and, secondly, manufacturers have become more sophisticated .

Discerning users with smart manufacturers

Your life at any moment is the first Smartphone purchase? Believes in 2010 before and after purchase intelligent phone of user are no longer minority, in that era, many of phone user still stand with was helpless of Caton, and software and function of missing, even in Apple iPhone4 used Retina display of when also in using big fruit grain, this acid cool since without more said, in phone configuration lack of when, configuration of upgrade on can for phone manufacturers brings great of stunt, relies on configuration sold a high completely not problem.

But domestic phone of change occurred in 2011, Lei released millet 1 generation let many of user delight, also let many of phone manufacturers lost, they see not understand this step chess what how, relies on operators channel earned have basin full bowl full completely not care market of changes, operators needs what, phone manufacturers on production what, last of results everyone also see has, in years zhihou relies on operators channel of phone manufacturers most are no longer scenery, on like now of Japan phone manufacturers as mediocrity, No reason, just in the fierce competition to be marginalized .

Configuration of the fighting occurred mainly in the Android camp, is limited by the openness of Android, to match user expectations, and software vendors exploiting the Android handset makers can only run and doesn′t make money don′t have to table, but sales and mobile Internet pie is bigger, users also get a real interest. But in fact mobile and desktop processors generally have a bottle, software for rapid iteration with hardware resource requirements were met, so we saw thousands or even hundred of experience can meet the everyday phenomena, so users from other thrills. Workmanship, additional features, industrial design, these points have in the past does not have to satisfy user concerns, the configuration becomes less important.

If the user is becoming more critical, for manufacturers is to become more savvy, price/performance and configuration is essentially thankless world war strategies, a great option to kill 1000 800 risk if switching to satisfy most configurations, but in terms of appearance, function, and design of these "feelings" with what is the effect? Actually many mobile phone users are also seen. Millet is not the extreme cost of sales is also good, magic Blue Note series processor performance than the previous generation, fame is also very loud old phone to say too much. Chinese mobile phone manufacturers gradually began to play the feelings economy, brand reputation and fans, extreme point, phone ring for early man, the fans work for us now. Eco-ecological competition for corporate profits a tacit but known secret.

So we see the MIUI more and more advertisements and software recommended above, native system, CM or more from the mobile phone manufacturers, both large and small companies, not ecological, doomed not to have an impact, because you did not keep a user.

Said so many views, following the said desire blue Note3. If we say that we will not see in charming blue Note3 above configuration please no need to be surprised now rumored Meizu charm blue Note3 above may use mediatek P10, MT6755 eight Cortex-A53 the core clock speed up to 2GHz, and supports up to 21 million pixel camera and 1080p display screen. Mediatek will for the first time in this processor supports LTE Cat.6, while supporting SRLTE also means that baseband supports full CNC. Mediatek also said MT6755 of GPU performance can reached MT6752 of 120% around, CPU aspects has message said,MT6755 of eight nuclear A53 is not are can reached 2GHz of high frequency, but only two star can reached, so multithreaded performance also not outstanding , charm Blue Note is in 2014 late launched of thousand Yuan Ann Zhuo phone, in a years of time within Diego generation products SoC performance upgrade so limited, if charm family really to provides this configuration, Do not say that Meizu is not smart.

2016 phone price how to define?

But consumers can assured of is, although in thousand Yuan, and 2000 Yuan of price seems to price became not so general, but this also not necessary too had worries, phone of experience not only decided Yu processor, hardware configuration, manufacturers for system of optimization degree, and system update frequency, aspects also effect with phone price, build a paragraph no short Board of bucket phone this is defined a price phone price of ultimate King , actually from currently view, regardless of in what price, Users have access to their favorite mobile phone, is the reason for this is not the best phone for them is a good mobile phone , we no longer go to configure, it is the supply and demand market shows maturity, maybe you love in your hands the next one when considering the configuration of the machine is not a determining factor, the appearance and experiences will influence your final decision. The beholder, if in today′s market most mobile phone manufacturers are still in competition configuration is precisely the sorrow of our group of mobile users .

魅蓝Note3来袭,2016年性价比手机该如何定义? - 魅蓝Note3,红米Note3,黄章,联发科 - IT资讯







与红米相对的是魅族的魅蓝系列手机,不知道各位网友还是否记得魅族魅蓝Note 1代上面的联发科MT6752,这款处理器本质上性能非常给力,但是魅族在开卖几个月之后便推出了魅蓝Note2,似乎采用了MT6753处理器要高于MT6752,但是明眼人可以看得出来,从参数上MT6753可谓是完败,这莫非又是一个个例?








说了这么多的观点,下面该说说魅蓝Note3了。如果说我们不会在魅蓝Note3上面看到极致的配置请你大可不必惊讶,目前有传言称魅族魅蓝Note3上面有可能会采用联发科P10处理器,MT6755内置八个Cortex-A53核心,主频最高2GHz,同时最高支持2100万像素摄像头以及1080p显示屏。在这款处理器上联发科将首次支持LTE Cat.6,同时支持SRLTE也意味着基带支持全网通。联发科也表示MT6755的GPU性能可以达到MT6752的120%左右,CPU方面有消息称,MT6755的八核A53并非都能达到2GHz的高频,而是只有两颗能达到,所以多线程性能也不出众,魅蓝Note是在2014年末推出的千元安卓手机,在一年多的时间之内迭代产品SoC性能提升如此有限,如果魅族真要提供此配置,不可谓说魅族不精明。



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