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published in(发表于) 2016/4/2 8:34:17 Edit(编辑)
Popsicle 25 price by 6 cents, the company leaders bow and apologize,

Popsicle 25 price by 6 cents, the company leaders bow and apologize,(棒冰25年涨价6毛钱,公司领导集体鞠躬道歉,)



Popsicle 25 price by 6 cents, the company leaders bow and apologize-apologize-popsicle price leadership IT information

It was reported that the Japan domestic prices are continuing to rise. In addition to the previously reported out of salt, even the very common ice lolly "ガリガリ King" from April 1 was up 10 yen (about 0.6 Yuan), which is the brand of popsicle at the price of 25 for the first time since. Akagi dairy, said: we insist on for 25 years, but hold on now, and company leaders a collective bow to apologize.

When Akagi dairy publishing of this 60-second video, enterprise leaders without the phrase, end collective bow to apologize.

"ガリガリ King" popsicle went public in 1981, 50 Yen at that time, in 1991, rose 10 yen to 60 trillion yen (about 3.5 trillion yuan), and then the price 25 years. The Popsicle is popular with consumers in China, many Japan travel guide, is that Japan "must eat" one of the characteristics of food.

In order to explain this price adjustment, Akagi′s dairy industry is also accompanied by a song, lyrics were originally "without considering their prices", then gradually changes tone, "now at least consider going up" and then a "rose has not yet", and finally turned into: "now."

棒冰25年涨价6毛钱,公司领导集体鞠躬道歉 - 棒冰涨价领导道歉 - IT资讯





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