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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/5 8:35:25 Edit(编辑)
“Video“ from home movie camera to the evolution of the Smartphone,

“Video“ from home movie camera to the evolution of the Smartphone,

"Video" from home movie camera to the evolution of the Smartphone-smart phones, camcorder-IT news "Video" from home movie camera to the evolution of the smart phone

We often discuss some of the most cutting-edge technology, few people talk about the past, sometimes in order to understand how far we have come, we have to step back and look at the past, especially for the technology.

Did you notice, physical media is almost gone; did you noticed, has changed the way we record and share memories; did you notice, 4 billion people have a collective wisdom in our pockets. This is the first time in history, it is becoming increasingly clear is that a device is transforming the social--smart phones.

Do you remember previous home video camera, says it will bring to mind bulky and big, square box, and you need to put it on the shoulder, not to mention its picture quality, but even so, when to have them, and he was very lucky, because this stuff is also in the 80 's about to spend several thousands of dollars. And now, a small Smartphone has done it, and do it better, sometimes I felt incredible to think, let us take a look at from home camera system to Smartphone evolutionary history.

(IT News Mobile client users who cannot view the video, please click here to view )

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