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published in(发表于) 2016/4/2 8:33:55 Edit(编辑)
Network red woman: a monthly salary of 3,000 rose to 50,000 within 2 years,

Network red woman: a monthly salary of 3,000 rose to 50,000 within 2 years,(网红女主播:2年内月薪3千涨到5万,)



Network red woman: 2 year monthly salary of 3,000 rose to 50,000 Red-IT-network information

The afternoon of March 31, a civil aviation a male pilot in a live video broadcast platform release before their flight, has fueled the crowd. Yesterday morning, airline officials confirmed that the man was involved company co-pilot, their actions are not conducive to flight safety, has suspended its flight missions.

Live online free virtual gifts

Live video shots of the male pilots involved shows that behind the cockpit, epaulets appears as a co-pilot. Many users through video barrage like the handsome and giving virtual gifts, some netizens questioned live distracting in the cockpit and take off serious threats to security.

Many netizens pointed out that the man′s Twitter name "90000 Andy" worked for an airline flight on March 31 was to fly to Rome, after it has been exposed, the airline has sent someone to take over their work. It repeatedly published flight pictures, and was broadcast live on the platform, there are more than 60,000 fans.

Home page for all of the Parties shows that he attended University of China Civil Aviation flying College, after graduating in 2012 to become a pilot. Most of the photos on their home page is the self portrait of himself wearing a pilot′s uniform. A photo show, he was released after the plane landed in the cockpit instrument panel photo.

Airlines to order the employees involved to reflect on

The morning of April 1, the airline said in a statement, found this, once verified, confirmed net exposure to the parties soon recruits the Copilot. Taking into account the large number of users of attention can cause mood swings, is not conducive to flight safety, the company has suspended its next voyage tasks, ordered to make deep introspection, and has been flying troops expand the reform in education.

Airline officials say involved, due to the absence of preparation before concentrating on air, in violation of company policy, affecting flight safety, will be punished for any relaxing security would never accommodate.


Anchorwoman earning 50,000 four-letter magnets

In a highly competitive and driven by the interests, live Web platform "world′s best" picture more and more, but that there is no lack of sex and violence, vulgar live.

Main income by virtual currency and items

Shed a microphone, a camera, anchor living/working here, earning tens of thousands, attracted people from all walks.

Some network anchors "Miss Angela" (not his real name) has been in broadcast platform for two years, at first its revenue at around 3000 Yuan, now has a hundred thousand of fans, her monthly income of up to 50,000, up to over 100,000, after which are divided into income.

Miss Angela told reporters that during the University period mainly live some life, one broker after it is in the "Pink Lady", after the broadcast time at 3 o′clock in the morning. In charge of his agent can view live content on a regular basis and make recommendations.

In the major platforms, signed a number of anchor structure of one organization, or association, or family. Association, family size, mainly maintaining its host artists in the field, fan interaction and development management.

Miss Angela′s major source of income is the virtual currency and prop (value ranges from a few to hundreds of Yuan). Produce income and platforms, anchors, Association of three parties with different percentage, normal anchor can reap the benefits of 30% to 40%. Miss Angela revenues constitute the most common users and Web visitors, occasionally "King" high level user tips. Miss Angela, many fans likely, late-night broadcast eased and a company, money gift is not surprising.

Miss Angela know anchor, college students, white-collar workers, technology, games, network anchors the threshold is very low, only need to carry out simple online registration, binding the bank card, upload ID card can be opened immediately, and there is no age limit. "In the past and face values, and now ugly flower fun is also very popular. ”

Platform remaining regulatory gaps

A webcast platform leader Liu introduced Beijing recruiting anchors are profit-making the first step. Operations staff through a friend good-looking young men and women, a monthly live long out of a fixed salary, platform directly signed to anchor. With the growing ranks of anchors, more platforms will anchor recruitment and management outsource some artists package brokerage firms in order to improve the competitiveness of host specialization and.

Liu said that although each platform as host agreed to broadcast standards, but to attract fans, anchors in recent years an increasingly large, causing live problems continue.

According to the provisions of administrative measures on Internet information: If the victims broadcast platform in question signed, its behavior should be a duty, live platform should assume management responsibility. If the host is only registered members, broadcast indecent videos without knowledge of the platform, their personal liability, but if the platform know but let it, the platform should also be responsible for their administration.

Ms LAU today, live platform started out to establish special audit department, to monitor the live room. "Once found inappropriate content on close, but too many Studio, Word room system can automatically block pornography and violence, but they get around, and there are many slip through. ”

"The technicians monitor a sudden surge of traffic and picture monitoring, you can quickly shut down problem video, but huge amounts of videos also give the team great difficulties. "Liu said.

Measures regulation "yellow storm-related implications"

Communications law researcher at the Center, said Zhu Wei, an associate professor of CUPL, similar to the "betta live made man", there is no doubt that is the distribution of pornographic video; "before the air live" involving civil aviation laws. In addition, the live platform involving public order and good customs, "such as some live a bridesmaid, that would violate good bottom line. ”

Yellow storm-related implications that who manages the network platform? Yesterday, reporters call the Internet Department of the Ministry of information and communication authority, staff, management network is responsible for the content. Broadcast platforms such as Web sites, you need to in the Department′s records, if the app store APP, is managed through the app store. NET letter 12377 hotline staff, transfer this APP if you have any questions by its law enforcement authorities, including the Ministry of public security organs, the net ban three departments. If it is a crime, and dealt with by the public security organs, if it is pornographic, violent terrorism, is handled by the network.

In March this year, light-related in a recent Webcast platform "yellow", and "vulgar" and national "anti-pornography" Office organize relevant departments to crack down against the production of spreading pornographic information network broadcasting platform.

Zhu Wei suggested that broadcast content must be 24-hour supervision. Building inspections, on-duty, reporting mechanisms, "received online reporting mechanism, required by law to call ′ notifications removed responsibility ′".


Beijing news journalists combing found that in recent years, the network broadcast content in broadcast platform involved yellow, violence, abuses, live platform has apologized to the public, network management authority shall order rectification, but less vulgar content without supervision.

"Candid camera"

The evening of March 29, 2016, betta female anchor "Fox stupid stupid stupid" released a video of 1 minute 37 seconds, with male companions to find the women′s dormitory, Chongqing University, then lied about the bathroom carrying a camera into the women′s dormitory, and the girls ′ dorm was broadcast live. In this regard, the Chongqing University said in a statement, anchor an excuse to go to the toilet into the girls live a violation of student privacy, and users of bad behavior caused serious psychological harm to the great teachers and students. Subsequently, the woman involved apologized twice by Twitter and live platform, fighting fish TV official Twitter forward and apologize for its content.

"Made man"

January 10, 2016, betta online live TV one anchor made indecent videos of naked men and women. Users see report to the relevant government departments, police intervention. That night, fighting fish TV issued a statement saying the platform all the anchors are real-name authentication, the administrator has for the first time will broadcast closure, and to report to the police, the identity of the victim in question has been broadcasting information to the police.

The next day, network related officials interviewed in Wuhan Wuhan fighting fish heads, called for an immediate air column, the Web site for a comprehensive cleanup and rectification. Fighting fish head on the "live event" caused by the adverse effects of a profound reflection, actively cooperate with the work of public security organs, serious corrective action. Fighting fish TV on their website Home prominently made the live Convention on self-discipline, which article is the "cannot play in any form and propaganda with pornographic, violent, negative reaction and walking program that is suspected of. ”

"Drag racing"

On December 31, 2015 at 2 o′clock in the morning, fish TV and well-known Panda TV host crash when opening the car live racing, many cars were smashed, pictures show that accident also involved a taxi, car damage is serious, 5 people were injured in the accident. Afterwards, Panda TV official said in a statement, confirming its anchor did not participate in the drive, did not violate any laws or regulations. Police said the perpetrators and the two passengers in the vehicle respectively live platform host, the perpetrator was controlled by the police, one of whom was detained.

网红女主播:2年内月薪3千涨到5万 - 网红 - IT资讯














国内某网络主播“Miss Angela”(化名)已经在该直播平台工作两年,起初其收入在3000元左右,如今拥有十几万粉丝的她月入可达5万,最多曾超过10万,而这还是分成之后的收入。

Miss Angela告诉记者,在大学兼职期间主要直播一些生活片段,之后某经纪公司将其定位在“粉色谋女郎”,直播时间在凌晨3点之后。分管自己的经纪人会定期查看直播内容并提出建议。


Miss Angela的主要收入是虚拟币和道具(价值从几元到几百元不等)。产生的收益与平台、主播、公会三方按照不同比例分成,一般的主播可获得收益的30%至40%。Miss Angela收入构成中大部分为普通的用户和网络游客,偶尔会收到“国王”级别用户的高额打赏。在Miss Angela看来,很多粉丝工作压力大,深夜看看直播有所缓解,也是一种陪伴,花钱送礼物也不足为奇。

Miss Angela认识的主播中,有大学生、白领、技术宅、游戏玩家等,网络主播的门槛极低,只需要在网上进行简单的注册、绑定银行卡、上传身份证便能立即开通,且没有年龄限制。“以前还要颜值,现在丑的奇葩搞笑的也很有人气。”





















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