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published in(发表于) 2016/4/2 8:33:06 Edit(编辑)
Ju mei privatization a critical period: two CFO to leave

Ju mei privatization a critical period: two CFO to leave(聚美优品私有化关键时期:两位CFO竟同时离职,)



Ju mei privatization a critical period: two CFO to leave high-poly-us-IT information

Ju mei privatization controversy hasn′t stopped, significant adjustments in the management of the company. Ju mei today announced co-CFO Gao Meng, Zheng Yunsheng and separation. Some analysts pointed out that, Ju mei 2015 annual report of may during childbirth.

February 2016, Ju mei Vice President Dai Yusen announced received from CEO announcements over, product, and Sequoia buyers submit each United States depository shares (ADS) apply privatization price of US $ 7.

The price than poly-us proposed privatization on February 16 before closing $ 5.83, compared to premium of about 20%. However, getting beauty best privatization has been a voice of opposition.

Ju mei encountered resistance there are a few reasons:

1, Ju mei privatization is well below their initial offering price. 2, Ju mei excellent goods listed in nearly 2 years, most of the time shares at $ 7 or more. In accordance with the practice of privatizations, higher average premium 3 month 15% to 30%, poly-America′s best 3-month closing price is $ 7.85. 3, Ju mei announcements over privatization the cost is not high.

Investors will get beauty products company apart, said poly-us "No." Chen Europe, investors will also "I speak for themselves" advertising into new Europe "I speak for the shameless."

Although many small investors on the price expressed great dissatisfaction, collection and organization activist, on both sides (the United States and the Cayman Islands) sued Ju mei, however, Ju mei not only did not respond, also accelerated its privatization process.

Poly America has set up a Special Committee to assess the proposed privatization, and appointment of Zhao Jutao to gather the beauty of the new directors, is responsible for evaluating Ju mei with the Shao Xiaoheng privatization matters.

Among them, Zhao Jutao have worked in ninetowns Internet, Secretary of the CSC, papaya, served as CFO, Secretary of the Board, such as jobs, serving independent directors of art long, long a member of the Special Committee on privatization, for art.

Privatization process unit, after the privatization of companies receive a non-binding offer, need to form a Special Committee and hired an independent consultant to evaluate buyout offer by the Special Committee.

Poly high beauty and the lack of a clear growth path

Tencent technology get a sell rating report, Blue Lotus research analysts, poly high beauty and the lack of a clear growth path, its business transformation to be verified in terms of both sales growth and margins

Among them, the cross-border e-commerce can bring to Ju mei short-term earnings growth, longer term, owing to the United States in the field of cross-border e-commerce is no advantage, cross-border e-commerce is not a poly-us resort.

Industry, policy changes such as hanging head sword. Cross-border e-commerce policy will be guided by the tax, and now cosmetics and mother of cross-border e-commerce taxes essentially few strong policy changes expected.

From a company perspective, Ju mei face 1) weaker bargaining power with international brand; 2) homogenization of competition, in particular price war; 3) category cross-sell ability, range expansion is limited.

Maternal and child services for poly-us is not a good choice. This is because 1) drainage of milk powder, diapers, gross margin is low; 2) maternal and child 25% a year or so subscribers, requires sustained input 3) high permeability, Beijing East, cat B2C market share 70%. Entering the time, newcomers to not get the bonuses on the rise of the market.

Wen Tianli think Blue Lotus founder, Ju mei superior core problem is sourcing, distribution and category, without differentiation. Lost fake sources trying to cross-border e-commerce efforts to establish sources of differentiation is futile.

聚美优品私有化关键时期:两位CFO竟同时离职 - 聚美优品 - IT资讯


















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