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published in(发表于) 2016/3/31 6:20:27 Edit(编辑)
Driver with a criminal record to the last drop? Official response: will return,

Driver with a criminal record to the last drop? Official response: will return,(滴滴司机有犯罪前科?官方回应:将清退,)



Driver with a criminal record to the last drop? Official response: return-drop trip, car-IT information

IT information news March 31 message previously Shenzhen City traffic Transport Committee 29th joint more sector interviews drops drops, and excellent step, and China, and easy to, and stars, 5 home network about car rental platform, informed has network about car platform management exists of five a problem , including driver enrollment recorded checks not strict, and illegal and accident more, and offsite brand car number more, and passengers complaints have not to timely effective processing,. Which, some networks about driver problems such as drug abuse, mental illness, irregularities, some cancelled driver′s license of the "drug driving" personnel, cancellation of driver′s license registered as a network of about cars. After preliminary investigation, found in Shenzhen nets about truck drivers with a drug record and 1425, troublemaking mental patient 1, a significant criminal record and 1661.

According to the message, officials said in a statement today to the last drop: drop driver background screening in cooperation with national authorities, began to return last month has a significant criminal record and drug abuse, mental illness is not cured by the driver. Drop platform also said that will continuously improve the comprehensive safeguards system, drivers and vehicles to implement strict access mechanism and ongoing management, spare no effort to establish a 100% payment responsibility system.

Drops that had previously repeatedly asked the relevant departments to voluntarily submit to the local applications registered in the platform driver information investigation, and investigation by public security departments found to have significant criminal records, drug use and a history of mental illness list. In addition, according to the regulations, as a platform for network about security incidents, as long as both sides have side in order service, platform should take part insurance does not cover liability claims.

滴滴司机有犯罪前科?官方回应:将清退 - 滴滴出行,专车 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 3月31日消息  此前深圳市交通运输委员会29日联合多部门约谈滴滴、优步、神州、易到、星星等5家网络约租车平台,通报了网约车平台管理存在的五个问题,包括驾驶员招录把关不严、违法和事故多、异地牌车数量多、乘客投诉得不到及时有效处理等。其中表明,部分网约车驾驶员存在吸毒、精神病、违法乱纪等问题,一些被注销驾驶证的“毒驾”人员,使用已注销的驾驶证注册成为网约车驾驶员。经初步排查,深圳市网约车驾驶员中发现有吸毒前科人员1425名、肇事肇祸精神病人1名、重大刑事犯罪前科人员1661名。



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