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published in(发表于) 2016/3/29 11:01:24 Edit(编辑)
Amazing big data: what is the “normal“ sex life? ,

Amazing big data: what is the “normal“ sex life? ,(大数据惊人:什么才是“正常”的性生活?,)



Amazing big data: what is the "normal" sex life? -Sex, big data-IT information

Beijing time on March 29, according to foreign media reports, human sexuality is very complex. People′s preference for sex may and the food tastes the same type. And like food tastes and preferences of each country is different, everyone′s tastes are different, even the preference of each day will be different.

For this reason, it is difficult to say what is a "normal" sex life. Scope of our choice in this matter is too big, alone at last count is impossible to summarize the feelings of the majority. Therefore, the BBC to study the statistics from our sexual desire, different methods of our sheets, trying to sum up a complete set of "sex" spectrum.

Needless to say, this project will certainly encounter some serious problems. In some places, talking about sex that love is still a taboo, respondents may not freely; or, conversely, respondents can use flowery language to answer for myself hyperchromic, this would result in investigations of sexual confidence is very low. Therefore, we should not see these statistics as evidence of the fact, but should be generally view them, use them to learn about 21st century human sexuality have different choices.

How much we desire to have sex? Not every sexual desire. 0.4% to 3% of people have no desire for sex.

It is difficult to use data to measure people′s sexual orientation. Homosexual persons may number from 1% to 15%, depending on whom you are asking who is using the inquiry methods, and what you ask is the attraction, personal behavior or identity. Despite such problems, but recent surveys from around the world have shown, some people that there is no desire (but this does not mean that they have never established relationships with others). Just like any other sexual orientations, such persons as a proportion of the not yet clear (most researchers believe is 1%). But in this part of sex without the crowd, there are an increasing number of people are proud of this, and a series of promotion campaigns.

We will have sex with who? 53% chose partners for a long time, 24% people will choose a partner, 12% chose friends, 9% chose strangers, there are 2% people choose to prostitutes.

People often have a misconception that only sex with a stranger, is the casual sex. But, in fact, that casual sex is also divided into many forms. 2009 in the United States carried out a survey of someone new, "one night stand" is actually a relatively rare (although teens and at the age of more than 20 data slightly higher, but from age 20 to 60 years old, each age difference between not-so-obvious). In other words, nearly half of Americans, the sex is "a complicated thing".

We long for intercourse? 18% who never once last year, 8% people once a year, 28% of the 1 to 2 times a month, 40% of the 1 to 3 times a week, people 6.5% more than 4 times a week.

These data come from the United States of "global love investigation", surveyed more than more than 50,000 adults over the age of 18. Though frequency increases with age and their sex lives decreased, but does not drop as low as you might think. A recent for the elderly (mean age 70 years) survey showed that at least half of the respondents have sex two or more times every month, 11% people have sex a week and enjoy.

What are the way we have sexual intercourse? In the population aged 18 to 59 years of age, during the last sexual intercourse, 86% women and 80% men had vaginal intercourse, 67% women and 80% men through oral sex, there are 3.5% women and 9% men anal sex.

Data from one of the above items in the United States conducting anonymous surveys, respondents almost 2000 people, ranging in age from 18 to 59 years old, they were asked what they were using at last sex lovemaking.

Each fair lasts how long? Lesbian 30-45 minutes at a time, straight and gay 15-30 minutes at a time.

Though women reported having sex more often than gay and heterosexual lower, but as far as Canada and the United States, a survey showed, their number, though small time is longer than the average person.

How many of our people who pretend to have orgasm? 50% women and 25% men pretending to have an orgasm.

People often think that only women will fake orgasms. But United States according to a recent survey, there are more men at a fake orgasms when sex. Reason may be the same as you think: they may not have had sex, but does not want to let their partners too. However, even though they would do, but only 20% of men think their partner will fake orgasms.

大数据惊人:什么才是“正常”的性生活? - 性生活,大数据 - IT资讯
















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