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published in(发表于) 2016/3/28 6:26:54 Edit(编辑)
Letv really on a level with the BAT have? ,

Letv really on a level with the BAT have? ,(乐视真的要与BAT平起平坐了?,)



Letv really on a level with the BAT have? -IT Leadership Summit, MA, Li, Jia Yue Ting, music video-IT news

"IT ? smart ? share" as the theme of the 2016 IT Leadership Summit opens in Shenzhen yesterday. The meeting apart from the absence of Ma, Li, and Ma, Yang yuanqing and other once again a leader in scientific and technological circles gathered in Shenzhen, on IT the latest Internet trends, covering the shared economic, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, Internet banking, O2O field.

Is different from the last, Le Jia Yue Ting and Li, MA equivalent AC, was blocked by the media. Depending on the table appears to show the capacity of parity with the BAT, become the biggest winner of this Summit. However, can you make a "new titles", letv will have to withstand the test of public opinion and the performance.

Meanwhile, the "man-machine war" the heat has not yet gone, artificial intelligence is still widely watched. Li, MA, Kai-Fu Lee expressed expectation for artificial intelligence. The future, artificial intelligence will take part, but it also brings greater opportunity. Seminar on artificial intelligence so the more regular, the changes brought about by artificial intelligence will affect everyone in greater depth.

Depending on an equal footing with the BAT?

Or, rather, Jia Yue Jia Yue Ting Ting, became the biggest winners at this Summit.

The day before the opening of the session, Jia Yue Ting was surrounded by the media. From the hotel lobby to defend the heavily guarded room, along the way, Jia Yueting surrounded by camera smiling, enjoying as barons of the Internet privileges.

As highlights of the IT Leadership Summit, Summit dialog between BAT has been cause for concern. Ma, Li, Yang is this years Summit is the most important guest. Unlike in the past, this year, Jia Yue Ting also sat on the peak guests seats of the dialogue to achieve parity with the BAT. Didn′t even resist poking fun at host Wu Ying, "music video is a startup, sorry, is a relatively small company......"

Jia Yue Ting′s rise, not just now able to dialogue with the BAT. In reply to host Wu Ying on "challenged BAT" topic, Jia Yue Ting even dared to ridicule, "BAT are three mountains, so many startups dark", and sitting on the sidelines, Robin is denial: "three big mountains is the bonsai, we should not be afraid."

Jia Yue Ting probably don′t just want to laugh at BAT. At the operational level, Jia Yue Ting shared his ambition, does not intend to compete with bat in the same dimension, and eco-partners, traditional companies rose as the Internet eco-system. Jia Yue Ting Wu Eagle, this stance was also "reveal": this idea is "reduction attack" people like three dimensional world as easy as stepping on ants in a two-dimensional world, BAT was dangerous.

High profile compared to the stage, Jia Yue Ting in the audience are very pushy. One day before the opening of the meeting behind closed doors is not yet at the end of Jia Yue Ting attended the music in another venue depending on strategic cooperation signing ceremony and the Shenzhen Municipal Government. After the ceremony, has not stepped down from the podium, Jia Yue Ting, was surrounded by reporters. A participant represents privately asked a reporter, who is around you? Said Jia Yue Ting, representative asked Jia Yue Ting who.

In the dialogue session, Jia Yue Ting is also worth pondering. Including Ma, Li, four guests dress up, while Jia Yue Ting, a black hooded sweatshirt, jobs, like once, also reminiscent of Zuckerberg. "Ecology" and "against", and frequently these words from the mouth of Jia Yue Ting, "forced to do the ads", sitting next to Sina science and technology so that other peers in the media.

Artificial intelligence must not be left

Since Google′s artificial intelligence program AlphaGo beat Korea player after Li Shishi, scientific and technological circles of people, meet to talk about artificial intelligence seems to appear very low. A week ago at the China economic development forum, MA and Zuckerberg has talked about artificial intelligence, coupled with the Ma and Li, talk about the artificial intelligence seems to have become the standard for leaders meeting.

Machines in the field of chess victory over humans seems to be shocking to everyone. Robin Li in IT Leadership Summit, also said that artificial intelligence is "dressed in Wolf skin sheep".

Will artificial intelligence replace the people, Li also gave their own answers. He said artificial intelligence may replace some simple mental work, such as translation, but will also create new opportunities. Baidu from 2012 onwards, began with areas such as machine learning, unmanned. Baidu currently unmanned car road tests, in 35 years to commercialize drone. The future, Baidu will also share intelligence data and technology.

Earlier, repeatedly talked about artificial intelligence, Lee reiterated his views on artificial intelligence, but he also said that in the next ten years, there may be major breakthroughs in the field of artificial intelligence, but two years is not good.

In fact, as a breakthrough new technology advances and discussion about artificial intelligence will continue to persist. AI technologies, applications and ethical dimension of controversy, was "the man-machine war" pushed to the peak. Even low-key Ma also genuinely said, "science is coming in the spring."

乐视真的要与BAT平起平坐了? - IT领袖峰会,马化腾,李彦宏,贾跃亭,乐视 - IT资讯

以“IT·智能·共享”为主题的2016 IT领袖峰会昨日在深圳开幕。这次会议除马云缺席之外,李彦宏、马化腾、杨元庆等一众科技圈的领军人物再次齐聚深圳,探讨IT互联网领域发展的最新趋势,内容涉及共享经济、人工智能、虚拟现实、互联网金融、O2O等领域。














人工智能究竟会不会取代人,李彦宏也给出了自己的答案。他表示,人工智能可能会取代一些简单脑力劳动,比如翻译等,但是也会创造出新机会。百度 从2012年开始,就已经开始发力机器学习、无人驾驶等领域。目前百度的无人驾驶车已经路测,要在三五年时间将无人驾驶商业化。未来,百度也会分享人工智能的相关数据和技术。



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