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published in(发表于) 2016/3/28 6:26:14 Edit(编辑)
Google AlphaGo to the challenge of the StarCraft 2: esports deity are in contention,

Google AlphaGo to the challenge of the StarCraft 2: esports deity are in contention,(谷歌AlphaGo欲挑战《星际2》:电竞大神纷纷请战,)



Google AlphaGo to the challenge of the StarCraft 2: esports God contention-AlphaGo, StarCraft 2, StarCraft 2-IT information

Conquered the chess practitioners, the Alpha Dog's next goal is to compete. Game makers in StarCraft 2, Blizzard producer WCS China final recognition, communicate with Google on the project of the man-machine war of StarCraft 2, Alpha Dog will continue to play. Although "Li Shishi" candidates has not been determined, Alpha Dog in go on the old chess project after the victory over humans, can continue in modern esports project "hung and beat" human topic to heat up rapidly. The industry believes that Li Shishi failure will not thwart human esports masters with confidence.

In go human-machine during the war, there have been rumours that Alpha Dog will challenge the next Star Trek 2, Li Shishi, after losing, the StarCraft 2 top players in contention desire stronger. Used to be called "Star Trek first" Korea Player Flash in public that he can beat the AI. Other StarCraft professionals "storm Zerg" Yellow also issued pronouncements on social networks, let him, he will show our victory.

In man-machine before the start of the war, once offered the 5:0 sweep, Li Shishi, was also confident. While in alpha dog show it by professional chess players generally undervalued after the force, "Li Shishi" Declaration of victory, seems to be a question mark.

The StarCraft 2 is a real-time strategy game, players need to collect resources, build a base, upgrade the development war machine and the eventual aim to detect and destroy enemy targets. And the game, playing Starcraft 2 needs to tell the layout, well versed in policy, which requires players to quickly and accurately controlled by keyboard and mouse on a computer screen the unit's hand-eye coordination, or simply to be Deft. Pro APM (number operations per minute) can be reached under 250-300.

Previously online for some of the StarCraft 2 player made 100 "dog" biting 20 tanks under the video. The so-called "dog" in the game "Zerg" lower-level classes, under normal circumstances, 20 tanks can kill almost 100 "small dog". However, in the video "the dogs" magically avoiding the tank shelling, rush into the tank at a minimal cost and win.

This is not cheating with a computer program so that "dog" automatically avoid shelling, but with up to 8000 + APM for every "little dog" for micro-manipulation to achieve. Video was a lament: Alpha dogs achieve such inverse control is too easy, people no hope of winning.

Blizzard and Google has not yet announced the specific contest rules, professional players to guess, to achieve fair competition, will limit the APM of the Alpha Dog, and human players are basically the same. Without physical limitations, it may not be hopeless.

Flash said, players of the time, they can see all their set up and seek countermeasures, but Star Trek, beginning to see only their own units, can not understand the layout of the opponent. In other words, if artificial intelligence and human players over the disk information peer, only through their own exploration, guess the judgment of the situation or experience, to lead their own action to determine how defensive and offensive. This "guessing in the dark", is not available through the Alpha Dog when you go under by exhaustion and judge return algorithm to solve.

The other hand, although some of the StarCraft 2 layouts and strategy, limited map also amounted to a Board, but the situation is constantly changing, never "moves". Therefore, Alpha Dog WINS, not like a computer, you should think like a real judge, it is more difficult for artificial intelligence, and more gold content of the test.

谷歌AlphaGo欲挑战《星际2》:电竞大神纷纷请战 - AlphaGo,星际争霸2,星际2 - IT资讯










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